ClevelandState Community College
Inpreparingdepartmentalbudgets, pleasekeep inmindthatabudgetshouldprovideafinancial planwitha reasonableestimateof revenuesand expenditures,giventheinformationavailable at thetime ofpreparation.
Thefollowinginstructionsdescribethesteps tofollowin preparing budgetpackets.Theseinstructions assume that youhavethe followinginformationfrom your budgetmanager or Budget Officer:
- A list of cost centers (org numbers)youwillbebudgeting.
- Budgetspreadsheetswithpre-filled salaried employeeinformationandpre-filledhourlyemployee information as well as the previous year’s actual expense and a 4 year average expense.
- If therearequestionsconcerningthebudgetprocess, thebudgetspreadsheets, or the budget packet, please contactthe Budget Officer:
Alisha Fox
Thefollowingtipswill be important whencompleting theelectronicbudgetpacket:
- Cells highlightedin grayare forthe usertomakeentries.
- Saveas:ExcelWorkbook
- Namefile:“FY2016-17Budget-Last Name”
Example:“FY2016-17 Budget-Fox”
- Pleaserevieweach budget packetcostcenter (org number)to makesure itis valid (i.e. still a current org)
The followingitemsare includedinthebudgetpacket:
- Budget Instructions
- Budget Manual
- The Budget Sheet
- Example of a completed Budget Sheet
- Budget Narrative Form
- Example of the Budget Narrative Form
DetailedInstructions(intheorderofrecommended completion)
- Complete the following for each of your cost centers (orgs)
- The Budget Sheet
This sheet is for financials only to be entered. The Budget Office will provide budget managers with the previous year’s budget and actual numbers as well as 4 year average numbers. Only enter information in the highlighted column. Please do not alter the spreadsheet in any other way.
*Suggestion: Use past history to determine recurring annual costs (such as: office supplies, phone allocation, etc.) and take the time to plan ahead for the year by thinking about:
- Processes the department would like to implement that might require equipment or personnel
- Programs/Events the department plan to host that might require marketing materials (flyers, business cards, etc.)
- Conferences the department employees would like to attend
- Renovations that may be requested in your area
- Resources the department might need to contract out
Other details:
- Strategic investment field should be used for special projects (renovations), new equipment, new furniture, painting offices, new vehicles, etc.
- TAF investment field should only be entered if you have already submitted a TAF request to Chris Mowery. Any amount entered in this tab should equal the amount requested via the TAF request committee form.
- Budget Narrative
This sheet is used to provide background information and additional detail for the reasoning behind the financials provided on the Budget Sheet.
- Meet with your area Vice President to review and receive feedback
- Submit an electronic copy of all materials to the Budget Officer
Prior tosubmittingyour budgetpacket, pleasedo thefollowing:
- Check - That you have completed all documents for all of your cost centers (org numbers).
- Save -Savethebudget packet,accordingto theformat below:
Namefile:“FY2016-17Budget-Last Name”
Example:“FY2016-17 Budget-Fox”
*NOTE:The BudgetPacket MUSTbesaved asExcelWorkbook
- Print– Printa copyofthebudgetif desiredfor departmentalrecords(departmentsarenot required tosubmit paper copiesof their budgets).
- Submit– Your electronic copy should be emailed to o later than February 5, 2016.
- Present your budget to the committee
- Please bring an electronic copy (via jump drive or your personal laptop) to the Budget Hearing
- Your presentation should be brief and present your Budget Sheet for the committee and discuss key points from your Budget Narrative.
Additional Budgeting Tools
- Argos is accessed via CougarNet, Work Life tab, Banner Resources (mid-page), Evisions @ OIR-Argos
- Log in should be the same as CougarNet
- Click the Argos icon
- Choose the Budget folder
- Choose Budget Summary 5 Yr – User Input Org
- Run Dashboard
- Enter Cost Center (Org) in top line / Current fiscal year is “16”
- Hit execute icon
- When you click in each box (Orgn, Account Type Summary, Account Summary, Transactions), it will populate additional data in the box below
- To export data to Excel, right click in area to export and choose save results, launch, name file and save
- The document should open in Excel, file save as and change “save as type” to Excel Workbook
B.SSB / Self Service Banner
- Click the ssb link on the home page of CougarNet:
- Select the Finance Link to take you to the next screen
- Select Budget Queries
- This is a drop down feature, select budget quick query and click create query.
- The Fiscal year will default to the current year and Chart of Accounts will default to “L” (Cleveland State), you can then enter as much of the info as you would like (I suggest “org” only) and submit query.
- This is how your budget query should appear: