South Dakota Teachers as Advisors Lesson Plan
Decision in Your Future
Grade Level
/ All levelsGoal/Objective
/ Students will recognize the role decisions play in their lives.Minimum Time Required
/ 30 minutesMaterials/Resources / First Job Quiz; Student Career Survey; Advisor Career Survey
Step by Step Instructions:
Since this is the first session for the school year, ask students to tell what they think the purpose of the Advisor to Advisee program is. (answers will vary—steer them in the direction of building relationships and teamwork, addressing problems/issues of concern for students, etc.)
- Introductory activity:
Have students stand in a space large enough to move around.
Give them these instructions: “Over the next few minutes, you’ll be given several options. Choose the option you like best and follow the directions that correspond with that option. For example, you might hear something like, “If you like the color blue, take 3 steps to the right. If you like the color red, take 1 step to the left. Spread out in the room and get ready for some serious decision making! And, take note of where your starting point is!”
- Read the following statements:
If you like Fords, 2 steps forward; Chevy, 3 steps backward
If you like reading, 4 steps left; math, 3 steps right
If you put your left leg in your pants first 1 step left; right leg, 1 step right
If you brush you teeth first in the morning, take 3 steps forward; if you get dressed first , 4 steps right
If you prefer using pens, take 1 step back; if you prefer pencils, take 3 steps left
If you like the Vikings, take 3 steps left; if you like any other pro football team, take 3 steps right
If you drink Mt. Dew, take 2 steps backwards; if you drink Pepsi, take 2 steps forward
If you’d choose McDonalds, take 3 steps right; if you’d choose Burger
King, take 2 steps left
If you’d prefer watching the Olympics, take 1 step forward; if you’d prefer
watching the US Open, take 2 steps back\
- “Stop! These are all decisions you make easily, but what are some harder decisions you’ll be making in the next few years?” (Possible answers: career, college, who my friends are, what activities to participate in, etc.) “Where did you end up in the room in comparison to where you started?”
What does that tell us about making decisions? (direct answers to the decisions you make determine where you end up)
Who is responsible for the decisions you make?
What impact do those decisions have on the people around us?
- In A2A this year, we’re going to be looking at some of the big decisions
you have to make, and giving you ideas on how to make good decisions.”
2.Review your group’s name; change, modify or keep the name from last year.
3. Introduce Career Clusters as a focus for this year’s A2A:
- Hand out the First Jobs quiz. Let students “guess” and then give the right answers. Point out that everyone starts somewhere!
- Hand out the A2A Career Surveys (there is a survey for advisors and a survey for students). Have students and advisor complete the survey.
Advisors: After your students complete their survey, compile the results and turn the results and your survey back to the A2A committee.
/ Personal and Social DevelopmentAcademic Standards
Language Arts
/ SpeakingIndicator 1: Students are able to use appropriate structure and sequence to express ideas and convey information.
Employability/SCANS Skills / Basic Skills, Interpersonal Skills
Assessment Rubric / Class Participation
Credits for sources: / “Leadership Challenge” cards, Volume 1