Watershed Management Authorities of Iowa
Draft Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2017
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Zoom Meeting

or dial 1-669-900-6833; Meeting ID: 250 839 412

Attendance: Don Shonka, Jim Erb, Melissa Miller, Hanna Bates, Vern Willey, Steve Main, Adam Rodenberg, Jennifer Fencl, Darren Fife, Mary Beth Stevenson, Cara Morgan, Bob Rice, John Rathbun

  1. Miller called the meeting to order at 10 a.m.
  2. Introductions were made.
  3. Review/Update of WMAs of Iowa formation and membership: Miller gave an update on the non-profit filing status and legal review of the bylaws and articles of incorporation. The ad hoc committee charged with contacting the Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center was unable to meet due to illness. The organization can simultaneously move forward with an action plan at the same time trying to achieve nonprofit status.
    Miller reported she’d had contact with English River WMA, who opted to join with Jody Bailey and Ben Curtis as their representative. South Central Iowa Cedar Creek was considering joining at their previous meeting; Linda Shumate expressed interest in serving on the WMAs of Iowa board of directors if approved by her board. Miller will follow up.
    Willey commented that this is his first meeting, representing Four Mile Creek and Mud, Camp, and Spring Creek. Miller responded with a review of the last meeting’s activities.
    Stevenson commented that the Maquoketa WMA has recently filed their 28E agreement and has expressed interest in WMAs of Iowa. Miller will follow up with Lori Scovel. Stevenson also mentioned that the Middle and South River WMA has formed; Miller will follow up with Todd Ashby. Miller asked if the DNR gets a systematic notification of new WMAs; Stevenson responded that they are generally aware of new WMAs through requests for assistance and information. Miller commented that a sub or ad hoc committee focused on recruiting new members may be of benefit to WMAs of Iowa.
  4. Appointment of officers (President, President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary): Miller called for volunteers to serve as the inaugural slate of officers. Erb commented that as his retirement approaches, he will have more time to serve, but thinks those very active in WMAs should serve as officers. Bob Rice joined the call at this time and expressed interest in serving. Fencl moved to nominate a slate of officers:Erb as president, Judkins as president-elect, Fencl as secretary, Rice as treasurer. Main seconded. Miller opened the floor for discussion, commenting first that the bylaws encourage geographic representation. Fencl amended the motion to nominate Erb as president, Judkins as president-elect, Morgan as secretary, Rice as treasurer.Main seconded. Fencl asked if there was any representation from the city of Des Moines; Miller responded that Jonathan Gano had volunteered Skip Moore, but was unsure of his participation as his term on city council was ending. No other discussion. Miller called for the vote. Motion carried.
  5. Action Plan: Prior to the meeting, Miller sent out a document of the Draft Strategic Framework in Support of WMA Collaboration prepared by Pat Boddy and Susan Judkins after meetings in December 2016 and February 2017.
  1. Annual Meeting: Miller opened discussion with information of preparation for an annual meeting. Stevenson gave an overview of the history of the statewide WMA annual meeting: DNR has historically planned the meeting, which has increased in scope and attendance. Approximately 100 people attended two years ago. The DNR would like to open the meeting to WMAs of Iowa, as DNR originally took it on just to fill the gap and meet the need. They wanted to see how they can create an open, collaborative approach to the WMA meeting, and encouraged WMAs of Iowa to take it on with the support DNR. Stevenson requested volunteers to serve on the planning committee. Miller commented this would also serve dual purpose as WMAs of Iowa could conduct its annual business meeting. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for mid to late February at Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge, though all logistics are flexible. Rice, Judkins, Erb, Fencl, and Shonka volunteered for the subcommittee. The next planning meeting is scheduled for January 3. Miller will send out invitations to those on the subcommittee.

Bates requested Stevenson to provide an overview of previously discussed ideas for the meeting. Stevenson provided an overview of potential subjects provided by Pat Sauer, Ray Archuleta will be available during that time as well, Iowa watershed approach would like to present as well, update from a coordinator who works with a WMA in both urban and rural areas. Bob Rice statedthe need to concentrate on monitoring and testing; how both urban and rural sewer systems are dealing with water and checking with systems; how cities and counties are working with each other.Stevenson asked if we anyone can identify a speaker to speak to such a topic. One thought would be to invite a coordinator who works with this and to address what barriers they face and how they do what they do. Perhaps there is a county person who could speak to this. Erb asked if there is any need for discussion on funding for various authorities or grants for best practices – a review of what is going on around the state. Fencl responded that a best practices document would be good, a WMA best practices or lessons learned would be helpful for newly formed WMAs. Stevenson expressed support for this idea. Main statedsuggested using IWQIS and working with and improving that data. Morgan suggested the GIS work that Andy Asell at Iowa DNR is doing. Miller commented that there may be Iowa Watershed Approach activities that are ready to “scale-up” and be applied to non-HUD funded WMAs.

  1. Website/WMA-to-WMA communications: Miller referred back to the conversation about identifying WMA best practices and suggested this could be housed on a website for the group. Fencl stated that there is information that would be helpful to get to all the WMAS, i.e. a list of potentialfunding opportunities to capture what has been done so it can help us to get ideas, the different services that offered by differentpartners around the state and how to get a hold of them that kind of thing. It would take a lot of work but would be great to stay connected form one WMA to another. Millercommented that would be a great first step for this groupand a website makes the most sense. Miller reported that Ben Curtis from English River WMAs had begun work on a website but had put it on hold while WMAs of Iowa organized; it would be best for a subcommittee to work with Curtis to continue this work. Judkins suggested a communications subcommittee that does both internal and external communications. Miller requested volunteers; Judkins, Rathbun, and Main volunteered, with Bates assisting. Erb suggested reaching out to the other WMAs to capture talent among the entire membership. Miller will provide a list to Judkins to organize a subcommittee meeting that will report back to the board. Stevenson volunteered to serve as a liaison for the DNR site and WMAs of Iowa site at the beginning of the process.
  2. Legislative/education priorities:Erb stated that the IowaHouse and Senate separately approved a bill for water quality, but they were not reconciled and they died the last session. He stated that the GOP is working towards a quick bill at the beginning of the next session. There is a potential problem that the Senate bill does not contain language for a watershed approach. Erb recommended someone on the board should monitor the situation. Miller asked if there is an immediate need to activate an educational campaign. Judkins agreed and suggested talking points that through cities, counties, SWCDS, there is a real effort to focus and work with urban and rural components. Shonkaremarkedthat the WMAs need to speak with one voice to avoid confusion. Rice commented that any messaging should be prevalent on the website. Morgan expressed concern that by advocating instead of educating, we may appear partisan. Judkins and Fencl agreed that the message should be educational. Discussion about the type of messaging ensued. Judkins offered to send the text of the proposed bills to the group. Miller stated that any messaging to the legislature should come from the board, and not the Iowa Water Center. Erb proposed the idea of a subcommittee that is a clearinghouse for information on legislative activities and volunteered to chair this group. Fencl suggested reaching out to the full membership for participation. Stevenson commented that there may be external groups who can also participate in this endeavor, like Iowa Environmental Council, who already sends out legislative updates. Morgan commented that the National Watershed Consortium also has legislative priorities and messaging. Erb requested Morgan participate in the clearinghouse subcommittee; Morgan agreed from the aspect of providing educational materials. Shonka also volunteered to serve on this group.
    Miller and Bates reviewed the activities discussed under the action plan and commented that there was much work to be done. Erb suggested that the subcommittees work on what has been identified and the plan be revisited at the February business meeting.
  1. Board Meeting Schedule: Miller suggested a January meeting. It was requested for Miller to initiate a Doodle poll. Miller will send out a poll for the week January 22nd, 2018.
  1. Other: Miller asks for other topics for discussion. Hearing none, Miller brought forth the addition of the approval for minutes from the October 18, 2017 meeting. Main moved to approve the minutes as written; Rathbun seconded. Miller called for a vote. Motion carried.
  2. With all business conducted, Miller adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.

Prepared by:

Melissa Miller & Hanna Bates, Iowa Water Center
