Ministryof Foreign Affairs

and International Cooperation





those who are interested in purchasing the above mentioned propertyto submit their offers as per ANNEX A in a closed envelope bearing the following header: “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PROPERTY OWNED BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT LOCATED IN DAR ES SALAAM (TANZANIA), PLOT 467, HAILE SELASSIE ROAD, MSASANI PENINSULA” within 1.00 pm of 21st August 2017.

The documents have to be delivered by priority post or by hand to the Administration Office of the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam, Lugalo Road, Block 30, P.O.Box 2106 and must be received in a closed envelope, signed on the closing flaps and showing the full name and address of the sender.

The envelope should also contain a copy of a valid ID document.

The Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam will not be responsible for the late submission of the documents or for any delay due to the postal service (reference will be made to the date and the hour written on the envelope by the person in charge of the Procedure at the Embassy of Italy).

1. Recipients

The survey is addressed to individuals, companies, societies, professional boards, public entities, foundations or banks who are interested in purchasing the property as per above.

2. How to submit the expression of interest

The individuals/entities wishing to express their interest in the purchase of the property must declare:

  • name, surname, date and place of birth, ID card number, TIN number, residence. In case of Legal Entity, indicate also the Company’s name and details, the Legal Representative’s nameand all the Representative Administrators’ names;
  • the expression of interest in the purchase of the said property (the declaration shall not represent an obligation nor for the applicants nor for the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam);
  • the economic offer related to his/her expression of interest for purchasing the said property (the amount indicated shall not represent a commitment nor for the applicants nor for the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam);
  • his/her ability to contract with Public Entities.

3. Information and Documentation

All the informative documentation for drafting the expressions of interest is available on the website where it will be possible to access all the information and the documents concerning the property, within the deadline set out above.

A brief descriptionof the property andits current conditions, some photos, cadastral data and quantitative parameters canbe found in ANNEX B.

The value of the property has been assessed at USD 2.200.000,00 (USA dollars two million and two hundred thousand).

4. Purpose

The present notice is solely aimed at verifying the interest by third parties in purchasing the propertyowned by the Italian Government and located in Dar es Salaam, Plot 467, Haile Selassie Road, Msasani Peninsulain order toget some useful data for the subsequent steps to be taken by Ministry and the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam and their respective modalities and conditions to achieve the goals indicated.

The present noticeand theacquired expressions of interest shall not constitute a constraint to the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam towards the participants and the participants will not accrue any advantage position, nor any right of pre-emption or any other privilegein respect of the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam.

The expression of interest shall not constitute for the participants a constraint or an obligation to purchase the property.

The Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam, at its sole discretion, reserves, in a manner that will be subsequently indicated, to initiate confidential negotiations for the sale of the property with one or more of those who have presented the expression of interest.

5. Site visit

In order to facilitate the participants with the drafting of the expressions of interest, it will be possible to visit the said property, in the presence of the person in-charge of the Procedure, delegated by the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam. Visits must be requested and agreed with the person in charge of the Procedure or one of his delegates. The deadline for the submission of the applications is set at 1:00 pm of 21st August 2017. After that date no applications will be considered.

Interested parties who intend to conduct a site visit shall book it by e-mail at .

Those who will conduct the site visit shall fill in the disclaimer form (ANNEX C) to access the site.

6. Information on the processing of personal data (in compliance with Art.13 Italian Decree n. 196/2003)

In compliance with Art.13 of Italian Decree 30.06.2003 n. 196, “Code for the protection of personal data”, we wish to inform that:

a)the collected data will be used only for institutional purposes, in order to finalize the acquisition of the expressions of interest.

b)the data will be processed in compliance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, pursuant to the terms of the said Law, in the full protection of the rights of competitors and their confidentiality.

c)in relation to the above data, the person concerned shall avail of the rights set forth in art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003;

d)the active data collector is the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam.

7. Clarifications

Any request of clarification can be addressed to the following e-mail address: within 14th August 2017.

This Procedure is ruled by the current Italian Laws.The deed of sale shall be governed by the laws of Tanzania. The person in charge for the Procedure is Mr.ConcettoCocuzza.

Dar es Salaam, 21st July 2017

The Ambassador of Italy

Roberto Mengoni
