Social Procurement involves using procurement processes and purchasing power to generate positive social outcomes in addition to the delivery of efficient goods, services and works. For the public sector, social procurement builds on initiatives already undertaken by the sector in enhancing sustainable and strategic procurement practice, enabling procurement to effectively contribute to building stronger communities and meeting social objectives.
SPAG is a unique collaboration of representatives from the Australian, State and Local Governments that have come together to promote and grow social procurement in the NSW public sector.
Membership of the group currently consists of representatives from seven local governments, two state government departments, Australian government Local Employment Coordinators from South-West Sydney, Western Sydney, Central Coast and Illawarra Priority Employment Areas, Regional Development Australia – Sydney, Central Coast and Illawarra Regions and Social Enterprises Sydney.
Through its promotion of social procurement practice in NSW,SPAG aims to increase the use of procurement processes and purchasing power to generate social impact. It is seeking to see increased incorporation of social objectives into purchasing and procurement decisions for improved social benefit outcomes.
SPAG initiated, managed the development and is leading the implementation of ‘Social Procurement in NSW- A Guide to Achieving Social Value through Public Sector Procurement.’ See This comprehensive publication provides practical ‘how to ‘go about socialprocurement information, case studies and clarifies the legal environment for social procurement in NSW.
This group is currently focused on supporting the establishment of a national social procurement body and in partnership with the national body, development and management of a ‘Social Procurement Forum’ to be conducted later in 2013.
All SPAG member organisations have made a financial contribution to the delivery of SPAG activities, set directions, participate in project development tasks, and jointly oversee their delivery through regular meetings and sub committees.
Other NSW public sector organisations (local, State and Federal representatives) are welcome to join the SPAG, on the same terms as existing members. An equitable financial contribution for new members is $2000 (ex GST). Please see attached membership application. This membership also entitles the organisation for membership of the new National Body – Social Procurement Australasia
For more information, please contact Therese O’Dwyer, RDA Sydney P: 0413 834 098
David Puckeridge
Chairperson, NSW Social Procurement Action Group.
Membership Application
NSW Social Procurement Action Group. (SPAG)
Name of Representative:
Mobile Phone:
What is your organisation‘s interest in Social Procurement?
What is your organisation seeking from SPAG membership?
By submitting this membership application you are agreeing to a new member contribution fee of $2000. (ex GST).
Signature of authorised person
Please return this completed form to Therese will then be in contact regarding invoicing and will ensure your representative is invited to the next SPAG meeting.