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Submitter: David Weaver / Job Name: ctmldnrs
Date: 11/26/2008 11:13:00 AM
What is the EM mem name?
Job Description (For identification purposes)
The ctmldnrs utility creates and loads the Manual Conditions file. This file contains
prerequisite conditions that are required by jobs in the Active Jobs file but will not be
added to the Conditions/Resources table without manual intervention. These
conditions fall into two categories:
_ Conditions that are never added automatically by scheduled jobs because manual
confirmation is always desired.
_ Conditions that are normally added automatically by scheduled jobs but the jobs
that add them are not scheduled for the day.
Prerequisite conditions in the Manual Conditions file can be made available to the
system using the load option of ctmldnrs (see below), using the ctmcontb utility
(described on page 105), using the Prerequisite Conditions window (see Chapter 13,
“Managing Resources and Conditions”, in the CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager User
Guide), or using the WHY option in the job menu (see Chapter 12, “Getting and
Updating Details”, in the CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager User Guide).
The ctmldnrs utility identifies conditions that should be in the Manual Conditions file
by searching for all prerequisite conditions required for submission of jobs on the
particular day. The search for prerequisite conditions is performed by checking the In
Conditions parameters of the job processing definitions for all jobs in the Active Jobs
Then, the utility eliminates any “non-manual” conditions that satisfy either of the
following criteria:
_ The prerequisite condition already exists in the Conditions/Resources table.
_ The prerequisite condition is added to the Conditions/Resources table by an Out
Conditions or DO COND job processing parameter in a job scheduled to run that
Prerequisite conditions that do not meet the above criteria are assumed to be manual
conditions and are placed in the Manual Conditions file.
In what scheduling table(s) is the job located?
List ONLY the parameters and options for this job that AS may need to change; or optionally list all the parameters for the job, but mark in the comments field the ones that AS may need to change.
Not applicable
Parameter / Valid Values and/or Example of Control Options / Description / Comments
%%PARAM1= / Yes/No / YES – When the new Manual Conditions file is created,
conditions from the previous file are retained in the new file.
NO – The Manual Conditions file is recreated and all previous
conditions are deleted. Default.
%%PARAM2= / Output file to be created. If this parameter is not specified, the
default file is <controlm_user_dir>/ctmldnrs.dat / Output file to be created. If this parameter is not specified, the
default file is <controlm_user_dir>/ctmldnrs.dat.
%%PARAM3= / IGNOREIN / All conditions that satisfy the specified condition name are ignored when the file is created.
%%PARAM4= / IGNOREOUT / References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that is
specified in OUT COND job processing parameters are ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.
%%PARAM5= / IGNORECODES / References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that is
specified in DO COND job processing parameters are ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.
%%PARAM6= / The condition name can include the mask character * to represent
any number of characters (including no characters).
In this instance, the condition name must be enclosed in quotation
Example :
“LVL *”
Specify “*” by itself to include all existing conditions.
When using both open and closed square brackets ([ and ]), the
condition name must be enclosed in quotation marks.
“RATE[A1]” / Name of the prerequisite condition.
What are the run considerations and job dependencies (if any) for this job?
Enter run considerations & job dependencies
*What provisions have been made if this job fails?
Note: ISS must make notification provisions for any job that fails and needs attention on a non-working day or after hours.
Job can be rerun?
Yes No (if no is marked, indicate job action below under ISS notes)
Job can wait until the next working day if it fails?
Yes No (if no is marked, indicate job action below under ISS notes)
If job fails, job will page:
Administrative Support ISS Client NCT’s No One
If job fails, job will e-mail:
Administrative Support ISS Client NCT’s No One
If job succeeds, job will e-mail:
Administrative Support ISS Client NCT’s No One
*Use the ISS Notes area below to enter any information that will help someone who may be contacted to rerun/recover this job.
If not PROD what instance is this job using? (Check one.)
Other: Enter other instance
Does this job use FTP
Yes No
If yes, to which server? (external, ADMAIX04, etc.)
ISS Notes:
Enter ISS notes
Enter the document name