Case Sources from United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and South Africa
Published regularly - Atypical frequency; Updates multiple times per week based upon receipt from vendor.

ACT Supreme Court Unreported, ACTUNR

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions, AATDEC
Administrative Law Decisions (Australia), AALD
Alberta Reports, ALTAR
All Chancery Revenue List cases (since 1980)
All Court of Appeal (Civil Division) cases (since 1980)
All England Law Reports, The (All ER) (since 1936)
All England Reports (European Cases) ALL ER) (EC)
All House of Lords cases (since 1980)
All Privy Council cases (since 1980)
All Queen's Bench Div(Crown Office List) cases from January 1983
Annotated Tax Cases (ATC)
Australia - Intellectual Property Reports, AIPR
Australia Decisions of the Family Court, FAMDEC
Australia Decisions of the Federal and Industrial Relations Courts, FEDDEC
Australia Decisions of the High Court, HIGHCT
Australian Capital Territory Reports, ACTR
Australian Company Law Reports, ACLR
Australian Corporations and Securities Reports, ACSR
Australian Federal Court Unreported Judgments, FCUNR
Australian High Court Unreported Judgments, HCUNR
Australian Law Reports, AULR
British Columbia Appeal Cases, BCAC (since 1991)
British Columbia Trial Cases, BCTC
British Company Cases (BCC)
Building Law Reports* (Build LR)
Butterworths' Company Law Cases (BCLC)
Butterworths' Medico Legal Reports (BMLR)
Butterworths' Trading Law Cases (BTLC)
Butterworths' Workmen's Compensation Cases (BWCC)
Canada Federal Court Reports, CANFCR
Canada Weekly Summaries of Civil Cases, ACWS
Canadian Criminal Cases, CCRIM
Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries/Digests of Awards, CLAS
Canadian Labour Relations Boards Reports, Second Series, CLRBR
Canadian Patent Reporter, CPR
Canadian Rights Reporter, Second Series, CRR
Construction Law Reports (Con LR)
Consumer Credit Law Reports (CCLR)
Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) (Cr App R (S))
De-Rating Appeals (DRA)
Dominion Law Reports, DLR (since 1912)
Entertainment and Media Law Reports (EMLR)
Estates Gazette (EG)
Estates Gazette Digest (EGD)
Estates Gazette Law Reports (EGLR)
Exchequer Court Reports, EXCR
Family Court Reports (FCR)
Family Law Reports (Australia), AFAMLR
Federal Trial Reports, FTREP
Hong Kong Cases, HKCAS
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, HKPLR
Hong Kong Unreported Cases (initial coverage 1986 to date)
Immigration Reviews Tribunal Decisions, IRTDEC
Industrial Cases Reports (ICR)
Industrial Relations Law Reports (IRLR)
Industrial Tribunal Reports (ITR)
Insurance Law Reports (ILR)
Irish Reported and Unreported Cases, CASES
Justice of the Peace Reports* (JP)
Knight's Industrial Reports (KIR)
Labour Arbitration Cases, LAC
Land Tribunal cases to December 1993
Law Journal Reports (LJR)
Law Reports Restrictive Practices Cases (LRRP)
Law Times Reports (LT)
Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers Lloyd's Law Reports
Lloyd’s Reports
Malayan Law Journal, MALLJ
Manitoba Reports 2d, MANREP
Motor Vehicle Reports (Australia), AMVR
National Reporter, NATREP
New Brunswick Reports 2nd, NBREP
New South Wales Unreported Judgments, NSWUNR
Newfoundland & Prince Edward Island Reports, N&PEIR
New Zealand Law Reports
Northern Ireland Reported and Unreported Cases, NIRCAS
Northern Territories Reports, NTR
Nova Scotia Reports 2nd, NSREP
Official Law Reports (Appeal Cases, Queen's Bench, Chancery,
Ontario Appeal Cases, ONTAC
Ontario Court of Appeals Cases - Commonwealth Materials, ONTCA
Ontario Trial Cases, ONTTC
Planning Law Reports* (PLR)
Probate and Family) (AC, QB or KB, Ch, P, Fam)
Rating and Income Tax Reports (R&IT)
Rating and Valuation Reporter (RVR)
Rating Appeals (RA)
Reinsurance Law Reports (RLR)
Ryde's Rating Cases (RRC)
Saskatchewan Reports, SASKR
Selected Queen's Bench Admiralty Court cases (since 1980)
Selected Queen's Bench Commercial Court cases (since 1980)
Selected Revised Employment Appeal Tribunal cases (since 1980)
Selected VAT Tribunal cases (Since 1980)
Simon's Tax Cases (STC)
Singapore Law Reports, SINGLR
STC (Special Commissioners' Decisions) (STC) (STD)
Tasmania Unreported Judgments, TASUNR
Tax Cases (Tax Cas)
Tax Court of Canada, CANTCT
Trade and Tariff Reports, CNTT
Trading Law Reports* (Tr L)
Value Added Tax Tribunal Reports/ VAT and Duties Reports (as
Victorian Reports, VR
Victorian Unreported Judgments, VICUNR
Weekly Criminal Bulletin, WCB
Weekly Law Reports (WLR)
Weekly Notes (WN)

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