Dear parents
Following the huge success of the introductory assembly on Tuesday 13th September, Sly Moves are proud to announce that our Street Dance classes will now be held at Goudhurst & KilndownPrimary School from Thursday 6thOctober.
The Sly Moves Dance Academy has been fully established since 2012. Currently we are teaching in 14 different primary schools across Kent, with each teacher providing over 10 years’ experience in dance and fitness. We teach children of all levels and abilities. We offer different props to help develop the children's coordination and rhythm, as well as teaching fun and innovative dance routines. Additionally we hold a big annual theatre production which all the children are encouraged to attend as this is extremely beneficial for building their confidence and highlights the importance of teamwork.
Commencing on Thursday 6thOctober, from 3.30-4.15pm for children in KS1 and from 4.15-5pm for children in KS2, we are very happy to inform you that our unique and exciting dance classes will be open to all pupilsfrom reception through to year 6.Running on a half- termly basis, the classes will finish for the half termbreak on Thursday 20th October. Spaces are limited to 20 pupils per class, so please contact medirectly to secure your child's place.Each child will need a drink and a suitable pair of shoes to change into, such as trainers or plimsolls. A change of clothes is advisable, but not essential.
Payment for the first half-term is £12 per child, which covers 3 weeks of dance tuition. Regrettably, we cannot accept cheques. To pay cash: please put all monies in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child's name and the amount paid, along with the completed slip. Payments are to be given in to the school office prior to the first class. Regrettably, we cannot offer a refund for any classes unattended. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me, using the details below.We look forward to seeing you there!
Kind regards
Sally Rhodes
Sly Moves Dance Academy
Childs name: Class: Tel:
I wish for my child to take part in Sly Moves Street Dance classes every Thursday, after school.
Signed: Date: