The Andy Gunn Foundation - “Train, Gain, Sustain”

Grant Application and Guidelines for Completion

1.  Objectives of the Foundation

The Andy Gunn Foundation was formed in 2014. The Foundation provides grants to individuals and other organisations, principally within the county of Devon with the aim of supporting those who work or wish to work within the Hospitality industry.

Our grants generally fall into the following areas:


a) Equipment - provision of knives, whites, books, and similar equipment to assist those experiencing hardship and unable to purchase such

b) Financial assistance - towards the cost of training courses

c) Other short terms costs related to the take up and continuance of formal hospitality based training such as travel vouchers

d) Partnership project grants – whereby the Foundation is assisting with hospitality based training projects with organisations, other charities, or individuals

e) Assistance in terms of equipment or services to allow those with a disability to partake in training

f) To any other project that supports training for the Hospitality industry


a) Equipment and Clothing - provision of clothing and where applicable, equipment to assist those trying to gain employment within Hospitality who are experiencing hardship and unable to purchase such items themselves

b) Financial assistance - towards the cost of seeking employment such as postage, printing and other employability related costs

c) Other short terms costs related to the take up and continuance of formal hospitality employment such as travel costs for interviews

d) Partnership project grants – whereby the Foundation is assisting with hospitality based employment projects with organisations, other charities, or individuals

e) Assistance in terms of equipment or services to allow those with a disability to gain viable employment within Hospitality; such as assistance with DDE adaptations

f) To any other project that supports gaining employment within the Hospitality industry


a) Equipment and Clothing - provision of clothing and where applicable, equipment to assist those trying to sustain employment within Hospitality who are experiencing hardship and unable to purchase such items themselves

b) Financial assistance – such as continued professional development and training costs,, short term accommodation costs, travel costs, and other related living costs that may threaten the sustainability of the individual’s Hospitality based role

c) Other short terms costs related to continuance of formal hospitality employment such as childcare, training, and crises grants

d) Partnership project grants – whereby the Foundation is assisting with hospitality based employment projects with organisations, other charities, or individuals

e) Assistance in terms of equipment or services to allow those with a disability to sustain viable employment within Hospitality such as assistance with DDE adaptations

f) To any other project that supports continued employment within the Hospitality industry

The Foundation’s income is derived almost entirely from public donations and we receive many more applications than we can fund. As our funds are limited we have to prioritise. Not all applications for grants will be successful and some may be met only in part

2 Who can Apply

Any individual that resides in the county of Devon, United Kingdom and has done so for at least 12 months. There are no age limits to making an application. You can make repeat applications should you not be successful in the first instance.

However you must fulfil the following criteria:

·  Over the age of 16

·  Are working or intend to work within the hospitality* industry (the Foundation will only consider funding Hospitality based work aims)

·  Have exhausted other statutory forms of support

*Hospitality is defined as the hotel/motel, bar, pubs, catering, restaurant, cafe, food, nightclub, and accommodation industry. As well as those industries that directly support hospitality such as catering supplies, dreymen etc.

We will not however, make grants to the following:

a)  To the individual , we will only pay organisations, suppliers, or other charities on behalf of the individual

b)  Funds that would replace statutory funding;

c)  Which would pay for work that has already commenced or equipment already purchased, deposits paid or goods on order

d)  Towards the operating costs of other charities except in connection with setting up new services, or as an agreed partnership project signed off by the Chairman of the Foundation

e)  For projects which promote a particular religion or faith;

f)  To individuals, organisations and projects outside of the Hospitality industry

g)  To Local Authorities;

h)  To umbrella or grant-making organisations except where they provide specific services not readily available from our own resources;

i)  For costs associated with political or publicity campaigns.

j)  To support property maintenance costs, legal costs, or medical treatment costs

We welcome applications for grants from all sections of the community and decisions on prioritisation are made having regard to funding levels and never on grounds of gender, age or race.

3 Grant Size

There is no lower limit for a grant, or indeed an upper limit, however it is unlikely we will grant funds in excess of £400 for capital grants to the individual. There are of course exceptional circumstances where the Foundation may consider funding above this amount; you should detail these in your application if applicable.

4 When can I apply

You can apply for a grant at any time. Trustees meet regularly but you do not need to time your application to coincide with these meetings. Procedures exist to give approvals between meeting dates, where necessary. We do not publish the dates of Trustees’ meetings

4 What happens to your application

We will send you an acknowledgement letter within one week of receiving your

application. If your proposal is either in an unacceptable form, or ineligible, or a

low priority, we will tell you in this letter.

We will assess all acceptable applications and we may contact you for further

information and/or make a personal visit. In the case of charitable bodies we may

also ask for a presentation.

We aim to make decisions on grants within one month of receiving your application. Decisions on grants of a high value (determined by current funds) may take up to three months.

If the application is for an emergency you may request a faster tlmescale and we will do our best to assist

4 Application by Individuals

The application form can be found at Appendix 1 and is easily detached for posting to us. You are advised to keep a copy for your own records.

Please note we cannot process your application unless you ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS

Please type your answers or write clearly in capital letters using a blue or black ballpoint pen. The information you give is required to help us to decide if a grant can be given. Once you have completed your application form post it to us at the address provided on the form. We really hope we are able to help.

4 Applications from organisations or charities

Organisations and Charities do not have to complete the application form unless the request is on behalf of an Individual. Application has to be made by way of

letter on the organisation’s headed paper and should:

Give a brief description of your organisation including any statutory or voluntary registration.

Provide a summary of the work you plan to undertake with the grant, together with a cost breakdown, plans and/or specification if available and a summary of the key milestones for the project

Provide information on why you need the Foundation’s help to do this work and what would happen if you were unable to do it.

Give details of any other UK-based support received or pledged for your project.

Specify what you expect the results of the work to be and the number of beneficiaries helped.

Tell us how you plan to evaluate whether the work achieved its goals.

Tell us if the work will require capital and/or ongoing operational funding and if so how you plan to meet these costs.

In addition you need to attach the following financial information to the letter:

·  A cash flow projection of income and expenditure budget for the work.

·  Details of any income already raised for the work and income outstanding and where you plan to raise it from.

·  Your latest annual report and accounts

5 Terms & Conditions

If you are offered and accept a grant from The Andy Gunn Foundation it will be on the understanding that you have agreed the following general terms and conditions:

1) Receipt of the grant will be acknowledged by you and confirmation made by letter thatthe money has or will be spent on the purpose approved by The Andy Gunn Foundation.

2) No material changes to the project will be made without the written agreement of The Andy Gunn Foundation.

3) The Andy Gunn Foundation will be informed, in writing, of any proposed changes relating to grant expenditure as soon as it happens.

4) You will keep a financial record of the spending of the grant and retain a copy of any appropriate invoices and receipts, and submit these to The Andy Gunn Foundation if requested.

5) The Andy Gunn Foundation may wish to visit to see the work funded by the grant.

6) Any part of the grant that is not required for the purpose approved or not spent within the agreed timescale will be refunded to The Andy Gunn Foundation.

7) The Andy Gunn Foundation reserves the right to withhold a grant or require repayment if it finds that any form of deliberately false or misleading information was provided to The Andy Gunn Foundation.

8) The Andy Gunn Foundation reserves the right to withhold a grant or require repayment if the applicant becomes insolvent or goes into administration, receivership or liquidation, and if the grant has not already been spent on its intended purpose.

9) Any assets of value purchased with the aid of a grant should be retained and used for the agreed purpose. If used for another purpose or disposed of, this must be reported to The Andy Gunn Foundation who reserve the right to require repayment of the value of the asset or the transfer of it to another beneficiary.

10) In accepting the grant you acknowledge and accept that those supported by the grant are not regarded as being employed by us and that we accept no responsibility as employer.

11) You will indemnify us or procure an indemnity against any liability arising from any claim made against us in connection with or arising from our grant.

12) You agree that we may publicise the grant and use any of your own material in doing so.

The Andy Gunn Foundation - “Train, Gain, Sustain”

Grant Application Form

1.  Applicant Details

2.  How much money are you requesting and what is the grant to be used for?

Please note: Please provide as much information as you can in order to assist the Foundation to make a decision, lack of detail could affect the success of your application.

3.  Income and Savings

4.  How much can you contribute? £

5.  Please provide details of other organisations you have approached for this funding request? What level of support or funding have they offered?

6.  If you have applied to the Foundation for support before, please give details below

7.  Signature

Confirms that the beneficiary is normally resident in the county of Devon

Confirms that the information provided in this application is complete and accurate,

and that there is no other information relevant to this application, which has not

been disclosed.

Gives consent to The Andy Gunn Foundation holding the information on the applicant contained in or with this application and gives consent for The Andy Gunn Foundation to share this information with other organisations for the purpose of seeking joint funding of the application, and/or to check the financial social information provided by the applicant.

Acknowledges that where any equipment or services are requested, the The Andy Gunn Foundation itself can accept no liability as a supplier for the quality or fitness for purpose of equipment or services delivered to the applicant or their agent, and any liability arising in respect of such equipment or services shall be a liability of the manufacturer or supplier providing or delivering the equipment or services in question.

Acknowledges and accepts the Grants Terms and Conditions as set out in Section 5 of the Guidelines

If you require any help regarding this application please contact us on 07585 603357

When you have completed and signed this form please return it to:

The Andy Gunn Foundation

Grant Applications

C/O The Post Office

50 Fore Street



TQ14 9QZ