LEA Application

Section 1003 (g) of the

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

USDOE FY 2015 – FY 2016

Alabama Department of Education

Office of Student Learning | Department of Instructional Services

3323 Gordon Persons Building

Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101

For technical assistance, contact:

Dr. Karen AndersonMrs. Christine Spear

Telephone: (334) 242-8173 Telephone: (334) 353-5320

E-mail: mail:

School Improvement Grant (SIG) LEA Application Cover Sheet

School Improvement Grants are grants to states used to make competitive subgrants to school districts that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to use the funds to provide adequate resources in order to raise substantially the achievement of students in their lowest-performing schools. Please complete the application in its entirety.


Completed applications should be scanned and uploaded to the ALSDE SIG web site. (If there are questions, contact either Karen Anderson or Christine Spear at this address: )

Application Review

A team of ALSDE reviewers will rate each application according to the rubric. Only those applications with s rubric score of at least 80% will be invited to interview with a panel of evaluators. The panel will assess LEA capacity during the interview to ensure that the LEA application accurately captures the district’s commitment to comprehensive and sustainable school improvement.

Section 1: Summary of Schools to be Served

An LEA must identify each priority and focus school, as applicable, the LEA commits to serve and identify the SIG intervention model that the LEA will use in each priority and focus school, as applicable. The models the LEA may include are: (1) turnaround; (2) restart; (3) closure; (4) transformation; (5) evidence-based whole school reform model; and (6) early learning model.

Fill in the chart below (replace examples with proposed list of schools to be served).

(if applicable) / INTERVENTION
Priority School ES #1 / xxxxx / X / turnaround
Priority School HS #1 / xxxxx / X / evidence-based
whole-school reform
Priority School MS #1 / xxxxx / X / transformation
Priority School ES #2 / xxxxx / X / turnaround

Section 2: School Cover Sheet for SIG Application

Complete this form in entirety for each school listed in the chart above applying for SIG funds.

Name of School:
Intervention Model: / Mailing Address:
SIG School Contact
E-mail address:
Superintendent (Printed Name): / Telephone:
Signature of the Superintendent
X______/ Date:
Principal (Printed Name): / Telephone:
Signature of the Principal
X______/ Date:
The LEA, through its authorized representative, agrees to comply with all requirements applicable to the School Improvement Grants program, including the assurances contained herein and the conditions that apply to any waivers that the State receives through this application.
ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATION: By signing this cover sheet, the applicant certifies that it will agree to perform all actions and support all intentions stated in the Assurances and Certifications in Attachment H, and will comply with all state and federal regulations and requirements pertaining to this program. The applicant certifies further that the information submitted on this application is true and correct.

Section 3: Application

NOTE: Narratives should follow the sequence of the grant application.

  1. Analysis of Need

When preparing responses, the school should complete a Needs Assessment and consider evidence of need by focusing on improvement status; all core content achievement results, as measured by the state and local assessments, poverty level, graduation data, extended learning opportunities, special populations, etc. Consider how subgroups within the school are performing and possible areas to target for improvement. The narrative should include, at a minimum:

  1. Results of needs assessment (include needs assessment as Attachment A)
  2. A list of data source(s) consulted to determine needs
  3. Evidence that data was used in the decision-making process
  4. Evidence of stakeholders’ (staff, parents, community, etc.) input
  1. Design and Implementation – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Evidence of school’s capacity (staff, resources, etc.) of implementing specific interventions and improvement activities
  3. Attach a comprehensive five-year timeline for implementing the selected intervention (Attachment B). Identify who is responsible for each implementation activity
  4. Description of pre-implementation activities (if 2016-2017 serves as a planning year)
  5. Description of staffing and activities needs to support the intervention model
  1. Intervention Model – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Identify the appropriate interventions for the selected reform model using (Attachment C) and explain how the strategies align with school needs and priorities
  3. Describe how the school, to the extent practicable, will implement one or more evidence-based strategies in accordance with the selected SIG reform model
  4. Describe how the implementation of the SIG interventions will be evaluated for effectiveness
  5. Determine the school’s student academic achievement goals in the core content areas for each of the next five years as determined by local and state (ACT, Aspire) assessments and complete Attachment D. At a minimum, mathematics and reading goals must be included. For example, if the present proficiency rate in mathematics is 18%, what will it be at the end of years one through five? If desired, the Goal Action Plan (Attachment E) can be submitted to propose how goals will be operationalized.
  1. External Service Provider Selection – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Explain how the individuals, team, or committee responsible for vetting and selecting external provider was determined
  3. Describe the selection process, and explain how the external provider was identified based on school’s needs
  4. Document the process used to research the provider and review evidence of effectiveness to assure quality
  5. Explain how the external provider will monitor, record, and report progress to the school, district and ALSDE
  1. Resource Alignment – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Describe how the district will leverage state and federal funds to implement the selected intervention model. As you develop your response, consider how SIG funds will be used to supplement and support other funding resources such as general funds, Title I, Part A, Title II, Part A, IDEA Special Education funds, and At-Risk funding.
  3. Describe how the district will coordinate resources to implement the selected intervention model.
  4. Describe the sources of data that will be used to identify content of professional learning and how the school will deliver professional development throughout the year. Provide a draft professional development calendar for Year One of the grant (Attachment F)
  5. Describe how the district will support implementation of the selected intervention model
  1. Oversight and Support – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Evidence of plan to monitor and ensure full implementation of the interventions by the school administration, faculty and staff (minimum one day per week in the first year) with the selected service provider(s))
  3. Explain the process for embedding interventions and school improvement plans into long-term plans to sustain student achievement gains
  4. Explain how the accountability process will be established and implemented so that effective oversight of the interventions, school improvement activities, financial management, and school operations will be provided
  5. Identify challenges that may halt or slow the school improvement process and assess, design, and implement a policy modification protocol that includes input from state and local education agency administrators, board members and/or personnel
  1. Family and Community Engagement – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Describe how the results of the needs assessment impact/affect the families and community of the school
  3. Describe how the school and district will meaningfully engage families and the community in the implementation of the reform model on an ongoing basis
  4. Describe the infrastructure in place that facilitates stakeholder involvement
  1. Sustaining Reforms – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Describe how the reforms from the selected intervention will be sustained in this school after the funding period ends
  3. Describe how capacity will be increased as a result of receiving the grant
  4. Describe what commitment(s) will be made to sustain reforms after the grant period ends
  1. Additional Sections – provide narrative on the following as needed:
  2. Title VI Rural Schools Element Modification
  3. If the LEA receives rural school funding Title VI, it is allowed to modify one element of the transformation or turnaround model. Indicate which element the school will modify, and describe how it will meet the intent and purpose of the original element.
  4. NOTE: this modification does not apply to the other models. If the LEA does not receive Title VI rural school funding, mark section 3a as “N/A.”
  5. Model options – If the LEA has not selected either of the options listed below, mark section 3b as “N/A.”
  6. Evidence-based whole-school reform Model – Describe how the LEA will:
  7. Implement a model with evidence of effectiveness that includes a sample population or setting similar to that of the school that will be served
  8. Partner with a whole school reform model developer, as defined in the SIG requirements.
  9. Restart Model – Describe the rigorous review process which was conducted or which will be conducted for the charter school operator, CMO, or EMO that has been selected or will be selected to operate or manage the school or schools.
  1. Budget Narrative and Preliminary Budget – provide narrative on the following:
  2. Describe appropriate staffing and activities to support the intervention model at the school level for the full years of grant funding. Appropriate FTEs by enrollment must be documented for SIG funded positions.
  3. Indicate which option the school is selecting from those detailed below.
  4. Explain how the school’s yearly budgets and activities will differ over the years of the grant. Indicate at the beginning of the narrative whether the school will use Option 1 or Option 2 detailed below.
  5. Option 1: One Year of pre-implementation/planning not to exceed $200,000, two years of full implementation not to exceed $500,000 annually, and one year of sustaining reforms not to exceed $300,000.

How will the Year One pre-implementation and planning activities differ from what will be budgeted for full implementation sustaining reforms?

NOTE: schools selecting this option may not use the pre-implementation/planning year to research and select the intervention model. The intervention model must have been selected prior to the start of the grant.

Schools choosing this option are required to submit a “Plan for Full Implementation” to the ALSDE by November 1, 2016. Funding for years 2-4 are dependent on ALSDE approval of the Plan for Full Implementation. More information will be provided at a later date.

  1. Option 2: three years of full implementation not to exceed $500,000 annually.

How will reforms be sustained after three years of fully funded implementation activities?

  1. Complete the preliminary building level budgets for all years of the grant. (Attachment G)

Section 4: Attachments

Attachment A: Needs Assessment

Attachment B: SIG Timeline

Attachment C: Intervention Model

Attachment D: Annual Goals

Attachment E: Goal Action Plan Template

Attachment F: Professional Development Calendar

Attachment G: School Level Budgets

Attachment H: Assurances and Certifications

Attachment A: Needs Assessment

Insert the data used to assess school improvement needs here.

Attachment B: SIG Timeline

Insert the SIG timeline here. The timeline should describe how intervention activities will be implemented.

Attachment C: Intervention Model

Insert the list of interventions associated with the chosen model.

Attachment D: Annual Goals

Insert annual goals here. A template is provided for your reference.

At a minimum, mathematics and reading goals must be included. For example, if the present proficiency rate in mathematics is 18%, what will it be at the end of years one through five?

Option 1 – Planning Year in 2016-2017

Current Proficiency Rate
2015-2016 / Goal for
Planning / Goal for
Year 1
Implementation / Goal for
Year 2
Implementation / Goal for
Year 3
Implementation / Goal for

Option 2 – Implementation Year in 2016-2017

Current Proficiency Rate
2015-2016 / Goal for
Year 1
Implementation / Goal for
Year 2
Implementation / Goal for
Year 3
Implementation / Goal for
Sustainability / Goal for

If desired, the Goal Action Plan (Attachment E) can be submitted to propose how goals will be operationalized.

Attachment E: Goal Action Plan


Action Team Facilitator:
Action Team Members:
Student Goal:
Practice Goal:
Strategies & Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evidence of Implementation
Progress Monitoring
Date: / Date: / Data Source
Progress Notes
This section will be used for progress monitoring of the plan each quarter. Notes should include both student achievement and teacher practice data. / Progress Notes
Outcome Summary
This section will be used as an end-of-year summary of implementation and progress. / Data Source
Goal Met

Attachment F: Professional Development Calendar

Insert the proposed professional development calendar here.

1 | Alabama SIG LEA Application

Attachment G: Preliminary School Level Budget

NOTE: Preliminary budgets are for planning and review purposes only. Initial approval of the grant application does not grant explicit approval to all preliminary budget items. Final approval of SIG budget items occurs in eGap and is subject to Title I rules of supplement vs. supplant, tests of allowability, and reasonable and necessary expenditures to support the approved reform model. Inclusion of an item in the preliminary budget does not guarantee it will be approved as a line item submitted in eGap.

A separate budget and budget detail narrative is required for each building. Please use duplicate pages as necessary. The budget must cover three years of implementation, with each year separate and distinct from the preceding year. Budgets that do not distinguish between the three years of the grant will be considered incomplete and will receive reduced scores accordingly.

There are two options allowed for the grant period. These are detailed below:

Option 1:

  • Year One: Pre-implementation and planning not to exceed $100,000. These activities comprise the budget for year 1.
  • Years Two-Four: Full implementation not to exceed $500,000 annually. Each year of implementation requires a separate budget. It is recommended that sustainable activities comprise the Year Four budget.

Option 2:

  • No implementation year proposed. Full implementation begins during the 2016-2017 school year.
  • Years One-Three: Full implementation not to exceed $500,000 annually. Each year of implementation requires a separate budget.

The following general guidelines must be adhered to in creating the school budget:

  • External service provider expenditures should not exceed 30% of the total annual building award.
  • Personnel expenditures should not exceed 30% of the total annual building award.
  • Technology expenditures should not exceed 20% of the total annual building award.
  • Professional development expenditures should not exceed 20% of the total annual building award.

Use the supplied templates on the following page to complete the school level budget.

A budget template for each three-year option is supplied; use the correct form as appropriate.

1 | Alabama SIG LEA Application


INSTRUCTIONS: The Budget Summary and the Budget Detail must be prepared by or with the cooperation of the Business Office. Please complete a School Improvement Grant Preliminary Budget for EACH building. Annual budgets are submitted in eGap for final review and approval.

NOTE: Approval of the preliminary budget in the review process does not guarantee all preliminary budget items will be approved in the final budget in eGap.

Enter district name here
Enter school name here
Year 1: Planning (may not exceed $200,000) or Full Implementation (may not exceed $500,000)
(010-099) / BENEFITS
(400-499) / CAPITAL OUTLAY
1100 / Instruction
2110 / Attendance Services
2120 / Guidance & Counseling
2140 / Health Services
2150 / Social Services
2180 / Speech Pathology Services
2190 / Other Student Support
2210 / Instructional Improvement & Curriculum Development
2215 / Instructional Staff Development
2290 / Other Instructional Staff Services
2300-2399 / School Administrative
4100-4199 / Student Transportation
6000-6999 / General Administrative
9130 / Extended Day/
Dependent Care
9140 / PreSchool
Indirect Costs ______% Restricted Rate
Year 2: Full Implementation (may not exceed $500,000)
(010-099) / BENEFITS
(400-499) / CAPITAL OUTLAY
1100 / Instruction
2110 / Attendance Services
2120 / Guidance & Counseling
2140 / Health Services
2150 / Social Services
2180 / Speech Pathology Services
2190 / Other Student Support
2210 / Instructional Improvement & Curriculum Development
2215 / Instructional Staff Development
2290 / Other Instructional Staff Services
2300-2399 / School Administrative
4100-4199 / Student Transportation
6000-6999 / General Administrative
9130 / Extended Day/
Dependent Care
9140 / PreSchool
Indirect Costs ______% Restricted Rate
Year 3: Full Implementation (may not exceed $500,000)
(010-099) / BENEFITS
(400-499) / CAPITAL OUTLAY
1100 / Instruction
2110 / Attendance Services
2120 / Guidance & Counseling
2140 / Health Services
2150 / Social Services
2180 / Speech Pathology Services
2190 / Other Student Support
2210 / Instructional Improvement & Curriculum Development
2215 / Instructional Staff Development
2290 / Other Instructional Staff Services
2300-2399 / School Administrative
4100-4199 / Student Transportation
6000-6999 / General Administrative
9130 / Extended Day/
Dependent Care
9140 / PreSchool
Indirect Costs ______% Restricted Rate
Year 4: Sustaining Reform (may not exceed $300,000 - ONLY if Planning in Year 1)
(010-099) / BENEFITS
(400-499) / CAPITAL OUTLAY
1100 / Instruction
2110 / Attendance Services
2120 / Guidance & Counseling
2140 / Health Services
2150 / Social Services
2180 / Speech Pathology Services
2190 / Other Student Support
2210 / Instructional Improvement & Curriculum Development
2215 / Instructional Staff Development
2290 / Other Instructional Staff Services
2300-2399 / School Administrative
4100-4199 / Student Transportation
6000-6999 / General Administrative
9130 / Extended Day/
Dependent Care
9140 / PreSchool
Indirect Costs ______% Restricted Rate

1 | Alabama SIG LEA Application