Center for Modern Jewish Studies

Steinhardt Social Research Institute

Fisher Bernstein Institute


Melissa Barnett / Research Associate / (remote) / mbarnett
Fern Chertok / Senior Research Associate / Lown 106 / 62079 / Fchertok
Christie Cohen / Assistant Director / Lown 314C / 63946 / Chcohen
Sylvia Barack Fishman / Prof. NEJS Contemporary Jewish Life; Co-Director Hadassah-Brandeis Institute; Faculty Affiliate CMJS / Lown 309 / 62065 / Fishman
Deborah Grant / Managing Editor / Lown 314B / 63956 / Dgrant1
Shahar Hecht / Research Associate / Lown 314C / 63948 / Shecht
MeLena Hessel / Research Analyst / Lown 11 / 63821 / Mena
Charles Kadushin / CMJS Distinguished Scholar
Research Prof. of Sociology / NYC / 212-865-4369 / Kadushin
Annette Koren / Research Scientist / Lown 105 / 65250 / Akoren
Patrick Lee / Research Analyst / Lown 7 / 63953 / Pslee
Masha Lokshin / Research Analyst / Lown 8 / 62314 / Lokshin
Rachel Maimin / Research Analyst / Lown 11 / 68478 / Rmaimin
Ben Phillips / Associate Research Scientist / Lown 314B / 63855 / Bphillips
Nina Robinson / Research Specialist / Lown 105 / 68471 / Ninar
Mark Rosen / Research Scientist / Lown 9 / 62132 / Markirosen
Amy Sales / Sr. Research Scientist/Director FBI / Lown 314A / 62066 / Sales
Nicole Samuel / Research Associate / Lown 8 / 63951 / Nsamuel
Ted Sasson / Sr. Research Scientist / Lown 7 / 63947 / Sassont
Len Saxe / Director, CMJS / Lown 320 / 63952 / Saxe
Dana Selinger- Abutbul / Research Analyst / Lown 106 / 62880 / selinger
Gloria Tessler / Department Administrator / Lown 314 / 62060 / Tessler
Liz Tighe / Research Scientist / Lown 10 / 63824 / Tighe
Graham Wright / Sr. Research Analyst / Lown 314B / 62134 / Gwwri

Where we are located:

CMJS, SSRI and FBI staff are located in the Lown building. Consultants are also located in NYC and various locations.


1 - Please contact Christie Cohen () re: any payroll issues. Christie is responsible for processing payroll forms and time sheets.

2 – Those students paid hourly will need to fill out a work authorization form, a W-4 and an I-9 form. The forms can be downloaded at Christie will need to complete the work authorization form for you. Please send to her at MS #014 or deliver to Lown 314B and she will finish processing. You can go directly to Student Employment to fill out the W-4 and I-9 forms. Please note that you will need to provide a copy of your passport photo along with the filled out I-9 form.

3 – Those paid as consultants, and not hourly, will need to fill out a W-9 form. A form can be downloaded on-line. Email Christie with questions.

4 – Each student will have a folder on Gloria Tessler’s desk (in the main CMJS suite). Christie will put time sheets in your folders every Monday. Time sheets must be completely filled out and signed then put in to Christie’s box each Friday. Please note that “Brandeis” hours are considered 9-5, with an (unpaid) hour for lunch – making a work-week 35 hours. No one is permitted to work over 40 hours as no one is eligible for over time (comp time can be given). Late time sheets will be paid out the following week. Please make every effort to get the time sheets in on time as it creates extra work for two departments if they are late. If time sheets are late more than three times, Christie will meet with you.

5 – Remote students should email hours on an electronic time sheet to Christie every Friday.

Schedule/Work Location:

1 - Schedules should be coordinated with the project supervisor. The project supervisor will manage your time/tasks.

2 - If you will not be in, please be sure to let your project supervisor know. Please also send an email to Gloria and Christie.


1 - Typically, you will be assigned to one project supervisor. However, if another project supervisor has an “emergency,” it is possible you will be asked to assist.

2 - If you have “down time” with your project and want to stay at work, check the student bins located in the basement and on Gloria’s desk for work.

3 - If you need to use a phone or copy code for your project, your supervisor can provide an access number.

Additional Notes:

1 - If you have any questions or concerns re: your supervisor, environment, work-load please contact Christie. Christie is available 24/7 on email and available to meet to discuss any concerns you might have.

2 – Due to security reasons, the CMJS suite remains locked when no one is in the suite. If you will be working hours when regular staff might not be in, please make arrangements with your project supervisor. If you will be leaving for lunch/etc and returning later in the day, please let someone know so the office is not locked when you return. Additionally, keys must be signed out and returned the same day unless other arrangements have been made.