English ______
6th grade
Mr. Kowalick ______
California Language Arts Standard/Writing 1.1: Organization and Focus. Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose. CCSS.ELA-Literacy RI6.7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic.
An autobiography is a story a person tells about his or her own life. Here is a fun and creative way to introduce yourself to the class by combining writing, photography, and graphic design.
Design an autobiographical poster according to the following guidelines:Divide a 9 x 12 piece of construction paper (horizontal) into six “cells” similar to the diagram below. Each cell should tell about a specific category regarding your life. Decorate your project with a colorful border and any artwork you like that will make it unique, just like you!
- About Me:Tell about yourself and your family.
- My Future: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- My Hobbies: What do you like to do in your free time?
- My Favorites: What things do you like: foods, movies, sports, celebrities, etc?
- The Person I Most Admire: Who do you admire and why?
- My Special Memory: Describe a special memory in your life.
Use this diagram as a guide while designing your poster. You can arrange your cells in any order you choose. Be sure to include a border of approximately one-half inch.
Category 1Fill each “cell” with writing, photographs, drawings, etc.…about the category. / Category 2 / Category 3
Category 4 / Category 5 / Category 6
Autobiographical Poster Checklist
Following Directions
- Is the paper horizontal? _____
- Is every cell the same exact size? _____
- Does your posterhave a border? _____
- Is the border measured evenly all the way around? _____
- Do all six cells include at least one paragraph? _____
- Do all six cells have a visual (photo or drawing)? _____
- Is your border decorated? _____
- Is your work creative, neat, and/or well-organized? _____
- Is your work typed?Is writing neat and legible? _____
10. What is the average number of sentences in your paragraphs? _____