Father and Son Missionary Skit
Setting: Two missionaries out knocking doors. Have two boys pretend to be knocking on doors but not having any luck.
Missionary #1: This is so boring, and we aren’t having any luck. Why do we even try?
Missionary #2: Hey, I’ve got an idea to make this a little more interesting. How about we try to use one of the Twelve Apostle’s names in our door approaches?
Missionary #1: What do you mean?
Missionary #2: Watch this! (Missionary pretends to ring doorbell (make doorbell sound). A man opens the door)
Doorman #1: Hey, why did you ring my doorbell? I was sleeping!!!
Missionary #2: “Ey-ring” (pronounced “I ring”) your doorbell because I wanted to share a message with you about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Doorman #1: I’m sorry, I’m really tired. Why don’t’ you try again later (closes the door).
Missionary #1: (Looking at his companion questioningly) Eyring the doorbell? Oh, I get it, Elder Eyring; Okay let me try. (Missionary pretends to knock on a door (make knocking sound). A man opens the door)
Doorman #2: What do you want?
Missionary #1: Sir, have you ever wondered who created the “Oaks” in the forest behind your house? We’re out sharing a message about the great creator.
Doorman #2: Oaks? What are you talking about? I’m not interested (closes the door)
Missionary #2: Nice try. Let me try again. (Missionary pretends to knock on a door (make knocking sound) A man opens the door)
Doorman #3: Can I help you?
Missionary #2: Hi, we were just wondering if you’ve ever been to “Holland” or to “Scott”land? I hear they have great “Cooks” in Holland and that it “Hales” in Scotland.
Doorman #3: What are you talking about? You two are crazy! (Slams the door)
Missionary #2: Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. I guess we should stop.
Missionary #1: Wait. I’ve got a really good one for this next door. Let me use it and then we’ll stop.
Missionary #2: Okay, but this is the last one.
Missionary #1: (Pretends to knock on a door (make knocking sound) A man opens the door)
Doorman #4: Hello.
Missionary #1: Hi, today my companion and I are out sharing a message about Christ. We were wondering if you “And-er-sen” (Pronounced “And your son”) would be interested in hearing it?
Doorman #4: How did you know I have a son?
Missionary #1: If you have a minute, we’d like to tell you.
Doorman #4: Come on in. (The missionaries follow the man)
End of skit.
Someone read the following quote from Elder Faust’s talk “By What Power…Have Ye Done This?”:
You young holders of the priesthood have access to the greatest power source in the world. It is the priesthood of God. In complete contrast to other power sources, the holy priesthood, through its proper exercise, continues to build spiritual and physical strength which endures through the eternities. It is ”inseparably connected with the powers of heaven” and can be “handled only upon the principles of righteousness.” Regarding the priesthood, the Prophet Joseph Smith stated: “[It] is the channel through which all knowledge, doctrine, the plan of salvation, and every important matter is revealed from heaven. … It is the channel through which the Almighty … has continued to reveal Himself to the children of men to the present time, and through which He will make known His purposes to the end of time.”