Quarterly Chapter CME Conference Call Minutes
March 12, 2015
1:00 PM Pacific; 3:00 PM Central; 4:00 PM Eastern
Participants: Shannon Finucane, IL; Tanya Pearson, MA; Pauline Proulx, WA; Kelley Shively, OH
Staff: Dina Gonzales and Amy Wynn.
1. ACCME Annual Report
2. CME System Enhancements/Replacement
3. Expansion of Direct Sponsorship of CME activities
4. Evidence of Disqualification Due to Non-Disclosure vs. Resolving Conflicts of Interests
5. Disclosures to Learners – Required/Accepted formats
6. Question & Answer Session
- ACCME Annual Report
Ms. Gonzales will email individuals with outstanding ACCME report information on Monday, March 16th with a submission deadline of next Friday, March 20th, 2015. Critical information needed to complete the report includes the Participants List, Reconciled Income and Expense Statement and completion of the corresponding ACCME report fields.
In preparation for our upcoming ACCME reaccreditation, CME staff will continue to follow up on outstanding file documentation for activities accredited beginning November 1, 2010.
- CME System Enhancements/Replacement
ACEP will be replacing the current CME system with a new hosted system which will include a “master” disclosure system. Our agreement includes three webinar training sessions for CME customers. System launch is targeted for June 2015. The current system will be slowly “faded out” as activity approvals expire.
- Expansion of Direct Sponsorship of CME activities
Ms. Gonzales conducted a conference call with Chapters that accredit 3rd Party activities through ACEP to discuss expansion of ACEP’s direct sponsorship program. Guidelines are being drafted that will protect existing and future Chapter collaborations. The fee structure for this service will be substantially higher than those charged to Chapters. First right of refusal will be given to the Chapter representing the state in which the entity does business followed by the Chapter representing the state in which the activity will be taking place. The service will launch in conjunction with the new CME system.
- Evidence of Disqualification Due to Non-Disclosure vs. Resolving Conflicts of Interests
The purpose of the Evidence of Disqualification Due to Non-Disclosure form is to report whether or not there was Planners/Staff/Coordinators/Faculty disqualified due to Non-Disclosure (refusal to complete a disclosure form). A document template is available via our CME webpage.
The purpose of the Resolving Conflicts of Interests form is to document resolution of real or perceived conflicts of interest reflected on disclosure forms submitted by individuals in control of content. If not applicable, you will need to upload a document stating such in place of the completed form(s).
- Disclosures to Learners – Required/Accepted formats
Evidence of Disclosure (Financial and Commercial Support) to Learners is required for all CME activities and must be disseminated prior to participants prior to introduction/exposure to the educational content.
This can be documented in several ways to include uploading of relevant on-site program page(s), dissemination via documentation included in registration packets, reference on individual presentation cover slides, etc. A template is available via our CME webpage.
- Questions & Answer session
Ms. Proulx from the Washington Chapter suggested a “CME Update” item be added to the ACEP15 Chapter Execs Forum agenda to allow Ms. Gonzales to provide an update on and answer questions about the new system.
Mark your Calendars:
Quarterly 2015 conference call schedule:
· June 11, 2015 – 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Time
· September 10, 2015 – 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Time
· December 10, 2015 - 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Time