Board of Education Regular Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

6:00 P.M.


1.  Call to order- Board President Linda Backos called the meeting to order at 6:00.

2.  Roll call- Amy Jimenez, Mark Gualandri, Jason Hermann, Dan Wisneski, John Jones, and Linda Backos

3.  Approval and signing of minutes- John Jones made a motion to approve the signing of minutes. Amy Jimenez seconded it. The motion passed unanimously

4.  Visitors- Kayleigh Green (departs at 6:05), Crystal Green (departs at 6:05), Jim Peters, (departs 6:15), Erica VanDuzer, Megan Maynard, Brittany Edgcomb, and Dan Macias

5.  Student of the Quarter:- Kayleigh Green was presented as Student of the Quarter.

6.  Law changes- Jim Peters passed out information about new laws proposed by the state in regards to schools.

7.  Treasurer’s report- Amy Jimenez made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Jason Hermann seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.

8.  Payment of bills- John Jones made a motion for payment of bills. Mark Gualandri seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.

9.  Correspondence- Thank you from note from Mike Matteson and Matt Winchester. A donation of $200 from Alex Muir’s relatives was received.

8. Destroy closed session verbatim record from Sept. 2015 meeting and prior meetings.

9. Administrative reports


A.  Budget updates- The state owes Rutland $62,360. CPPRT is up 29.3% compared to last April. Expenditures are down 13% from last April.

B.  Tax Extension- We have not received this year’s tax extension.

C.  Graduation- Graduation is May 31. Everyone is invited to attend.

D.  Other- Rutland will need to set a special meeting to swear in the new members. Recommended for Mon. April 24 at 6:00.


A.  PARCC- PARCC testing has taken place this past month.

B.  Scholastic Bowl- The scholastic bowl team earned fourth place at the FVC tournament.

C.  Excellence in Education dinner is on May 6th.

10. Old business

A.  Other

11. New business

A.  Approve law mowing proposal- DanWisneski made a motion to accept the bid from mowing the lawn. Mark Gualandri seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.

B.  Special Meeting- John Jones made a motion to set a special meeting for Mon., April 24 at 6:00.

13. Executive session: Discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) -none

14. Adjourn- Mark Gualndri made a motion to adjourn at 6:50. Dan Wisneski seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.


Linda Backos, President Amy Jimenez, Secretary

Rutland Board of Education Rutland Board of Education