Algebra 1

Course Syllabus


Instructor:Darren Sbraga

Classroom: Building 4, Room 204, Leesburg High School

Textbook:Algebra 1published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Algebra 1 Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in middle grade. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Relationships between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations
  • Linear and Exponential Relationships
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Expressions and Equations
  • Quadratic Functions and Modeling

Grading Policy:Assignments/Bell Ringers/Exits20%

Math Journal/Notes10%



Classwork/Homework/Bell Ringer:Assignments will be turned in once completed. All work must be shown to receive credit. The Bell Ringer problems will be displayed at the beginning of class each day. The first few minutes will be used to do these problems quietly while the roll is taken.These will be collected at the end of the week for a grade.

Journals/Scales: Math Journals are very important! Students will keep syllabus, policies, data chat form, learning goal scales, Bell Ringers, assignments, vocabulary, notes, and quizzes organized in a binder. Journal grades will be earned twice each 9 weeks. Students will record grades on their data chat forms after unit quizzes and tests.

Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes will be given frequently. Tests will cover material from class and the textbook. It is the student’s responsibility to read every section in each chapter covered. Tests may not be retaken except in extreme circumstances. Missed assessments must be made up within five days of returning to school.

Mandatory Assignments: In order to be successful, students must complete all homework and classwork assignments. If a student does not complete two assignments (not including missing assignments from absences) in one week, he or she will be assigned a homework detention to be served during power hour for thirty minutes. During that detention, the student will work on missing assignments for half credit.

Semester Grading Policy: Semester grades will be determined by averaging two grading period grades and counting that grade as 75% and the exam as 25%.

Extra Help: Extra assistance will be available during power hour for 30 minutes. For this class tutoring will be held for the first 30 minutes.


Students may view the teacher website at Educator Access Plus (EA+) is the online gradebook for Lake County Schools and can be accessed at

I will be using remind to communicate with students/parents. Here is a video on how to sign up: Your class code for Algebra 1 is @682g.

Report Cards/Progress Reports Calendar:

9/12Progress Reports Issued

10/141st Grading Period Ends

10/26Report Cards Issued

11/16Progress Reports Issued

12/212nd Grading Period Ends

1/19Report Cards Issued

2/6Progress Reports Issue

3/103rd Grading Period Ends

3/29Report Cards Issued

4/21Progress Reports Issued

5/244th Grading Period Ends

6/16Final Report Cards Mailed

Follow the LHS SOPs (posted in the classroom):

Tardy SOP: Students must be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings unless they have passes. Tardy students must go the nearest office to get a PLASCO pass and return to class within three minutes of the time recorded on the PLASCO pass.

Dress Code SOP: Students must abide by the dress code listed in the Lake County School Code of Conduct. Students entering class wearing inappropriate clothes will be sent directly to the Attendance Office.

Restroom SOP: Students may not go to the restroom during the first or last ten minutes of class, during direct instruction, or during an assessment. Students will have 4 chances to use the restroom per grading period. If the student uses all of their chances or loses their bathroom pass, they may not go. Only exception is with a medical note. Students must leave phone with teacher, sign out, and take a pass.

Cell Phone SOP: Students must keep their phones off and out of sight. Students may not use phones unless instructed to do so for an academic purpose by their teachers. Teachers will turn in students’ phones not in compliance to the grade level offices.

Parent/Teacher Communication:By calling 352-787-5047 ext. 7142, parents may reach me in my classroom or leave a message on the answering machine. Parents may also e-mail me at:


Student SignatureDateParent Signature