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Agenda for PPL

10:00 – 10:15 Welcoming Comments

10:15 – 11:15 Session 1

  • TDS PPL Overview
  • Overview of PPL

11:15 – 11:30 Break

11:30 – 12:30 Session 2

  • Importing into PPL

12:30 – 1:30: Lunch

  • Logging into Citrix/ Staging Site

1:30 – 2:30 Session 3:

  • Monthly Process

2:30 – 2:45 Break

2:45 – 3:45 Session 4

  • Overflow
  • Contacts
  • How to Teach PPL

3:45 – 4:00 Additional questions/ Wrap-up

I.Overview of PPL

A.TDS overview of PPL

1.The PPL answers three fundamental questions:

a)How much is committed in cash and pledges toward this year’s budget?
b)How much more needs to be raised?
c)Does the total TARGET HIGH amount equal to or exceed by one-and-a-half time the amount needed to be raised, and does the total TARGET LOW amount at least equal to the budget? The answers to these questions will give the committee the confidence that comes from knowing precisely where the area stands financially. If more money needs to be raised and sources have been identified but not asked, the PPL will tell them who, andshow how the money can be raised. The PPL doesn’t raise money. However, it can be a confidence builder and a great road map for area health if it’s kept current.

2.The Online PPL vs Excel PPL

a)The online PPL is far superieor to the Excel Based PPL b/c it integrates 20+ years of data held at the SC into a tool for areas to use.
b)Some Specific examples
(1)Automatic Gift Mapping (posting)
(2)Donor History
(3)Exists in a an online environment
(4)Integrates Contacts Database

II.Overview of PPL

A.Basic Features

1.Four Main Screens

a)Priority Prospect List – default list of prospects which includes anyonehas given in the last 5 yrs and anyone who has given more than a total of $1k in the last 20 yrs.
b)Gift Mapping – (used monthly) this is the place you go to do your monthly import of donors into PPL
c)Management – (rarely used)this is where you go to set up multiple PPL’s and events
d)Import – (rarely used) primarily a set up screen to create new PPL’s or to set up your PPL for the 1st time.

2.Top Tool Bar

a)Standard View – Donor Name is fixed on the left and FYcommitted and actual remaining, is fixed on the right
b)Planning View – only 1st and last name on left
c)Calling View –(same as Standard View)
d)Tracking View –(same as Planning View)
e)“PPL Drop Down” box can be used to view different PPL’s

3.Header Row – each of these columnscan be sorted

a)If you click on 5-year total Header you can sort by smallest donor or biggest donor in your area.

4.Search/ Filter Row – this is where you can search for anything, including specific amount, donor name, and caller.

a)If you type “Smith” in the box “under last name” and change the “X” to the “=” and press enter, the PPL will now displayevery donor with the last name Smith.

b)If you click search box under “5-year givingtotal” and change it to “greater than or equal to” $2,500, you will get every donorwhohas given $2500 or more in the last 5 years. This also enables you to search formultiple: gave $1000 last year and has given more than $2,500 ever.

c)The “funnel” on the far left of the “Search Row” will turn the search feature off and on.

5.New Prospect Row

a)This is where you will enter a new prospect into your PPL. By entering a prospect in this section on this line, you will also be adding them into contacts.

b)If you click on “Last Name” and begin typing a last name—after 3 letters have been entered the PPL will search the “Contacts” database for the area and try to auto fill the line.

(1)Click either Save or Delete to either save the new row you have created or delete the row that you have created. If you do not do anything the line will not b e saved as a new data row.

6.PPL Data Rows

a)This is the data of the PPL.

b)Simply: Individual rows about donors/prospects.

c)Cannot edit grey cells.

d)Can add an additional row if a person has made two pledges such as a banquet and a golf pledge by typing the person’s name in the search row and finding them and saving them again. A second row will be created for them.

e)Down arrow within a column moves quickly.

f)“Contact” symbol will open up a contact window where a user can edit the contact data for a donor/prospect.

g)The checkboxes on the far left are used for sending donors/prospects to Contacts.

7.Bottom Tool Bar

a)Displays functions such as exporting, printing, printingthe PPLsummary page, and options

(1)“+” and “-“ icons- these are to expand all data rows or collapse data rows
(2)Printer Icon – this is the button you click to print what you are looking at on the screen
(3)Excel Icon - this is the button you click to export all data from your PPL to an Excel document
(4)Summary Page Icon – this is the icon you click to print your summary page that contains the summary information from you PPL and your Cash Flow page.
(5)Show Checked Box Icon – click this icon after you have checked one or more donors to see more information about these donors in Contacts
(6)Choose Column Icon – this is an important tool that allows you to decrease the numbers of columns displayed so that you can print the appropriate report.
(7)Grid Settings- rarely used icon that for the most part should be ignored.
(8)Refresh Pages – Click this icon to reload the page which will reload the data to allow it work quicker
(9)Reset Grid Settings – restores PPL to show the default view (including the Search/ Filter) section.

8.Scrolling/ Paging Feature

a)Allows you to scroll between all your prospects, based on whatever column you have selected from the header row.

(1)Example: if you click on last name, it will allow you to go to the page that contains thosenames. If you click on 5-year total, it will allow you to see groups of donors by their giving total.

III.Importing the PPL from the Excel-based FDT

The Excel based FDT will only import “Target High, Asked For, Committed, Primary Caller, Strategy, and Priority.

A.Open the Excel-based FDT

1.Check to see if “Donor Number” is in your Excel-Based FDT. If “DonorNumber” is not entered, the import will not work properly.

2.From the main menu click on the PPL button, and click the button on the top-right of the screen that says “Create and Save CSV file for Contacts.” It will save automatically tothe same place that you have your FDT saved.

Note: You likely will need to do this twice because of the security settings in your computer.

3.Check to be sure that all the “Primary Callers” in your excel based FDT are in “Staff Resources” as committee members or staff.

B.Go to the Online PPL and click on the “Management” word on the Top Tool Bar.

1.To add a new PPL click on the green “+” symbol, found on the left-side of the Bottom Tool Bar.

2.Name your new PPL

3.Using the tab key, enter all pertinent information.

4.Use the green “+” sign on the right side of the PPL/Event row to add additional events

C.On top of the page, click the “Import” word.

1.From the drop down list at the top of the page select the PPL you just created that you are going to upload your Excel-based data into.

2.At the bottom the page, click “Browse” to find the file you created from your Excel-based FDT.

3.“Map” the Primary Callers from the Excel based FDT to the volunteer committee members or staff.

a)You need to be sure that all the “Primary Callers” from your excel based FDT are in the drop-down list created. If they are not listed in the drop down list, then you need to click cancel and go back into Staff Resources and add them as a volunteer in your area. Once doing this go back to step “C.”

4.Click submit once they are all mapped. This step can take up to a minute or longer, depending on your data. Only click it once.

5.Click Continue to PPL

IV.Logging into PPL Now and Later


1.Log into Citrix Server



2.Log into PPL on the staging server




1.Simply login from the Staff Resources site

V.Monthly Process

A.Click “Gift Mapping” word at the top of the page


a)The top tool bar contains the place where you enter the dates of the range of data that you want to map.

2.There are three main sections of the Gift Mapping Screen.

a)Single PPL Rows - These rows are rows of donor contributions that perfectly match a donor found in your PPL

Ex. Jim Smith gives $100. He is in your PPL. The system wants to map his $100 gift to his row in the PPL.
(1)Mapping these Gifts

(a)Click the check box on the left side of the Header row to check all the donations listed on your screen.

(b)Click the blue save icon on the bottom left to map these gifts to your PPL.

b)Multiple PPL Rows – This fairly uncommon group of donation arefor donors who have multiple rows in your PPL.

Ex. Jim makes a $100 monthly pledge and gives $1,000 at the banquet. Consequently, Jim has two rows in the PPL.One for his monthly pledge and one for his banquet pledge.

(1)Mapping these Gifts

(a)Look at the first donor on the top box and try to find their name in the bottom box by using the scroll feature in the bottom box.

(b)If you find the donor listed in the top box in the bottom box then click on the donor in the top box and drop it on the donor in the bottom box.

c)No PPL rows – These are donors that are likely new donors andnot in your PPL. Having said this, if your donor is in your PPLwithout a donor number, the system would still consider them anew donor even though their name is in the PPL and still show them here. (The system is mapping based on donor #)

Example: Jim Smith is a new donor. Jim Smith came to the banquet and made $100 monthly pledge. After the banquet, the area entered Jim Smith into their PPL with the pledge information. When Jim’s first check was sent to the SC, he is considered a new donor (even though he is inyour PPL). You will need to map the gift received at the service center to the record you created in your PPL. At the same time, if the same scenario happened and the areadid not enter Jim’s pledge into the PPL when Jim’s firstcheck arrived at the sc, you would not need to map thedonation to the record in your PPL, but rather click theicon to add Jim into your Contacts and your PPL.

(1)This screen contains 2 boxes – a top box and a bottom box. The top box is the list of donations that need to be mapped. The bottom box is a list of all the donors found in your PPL.

(2)Mapping these Gifts - look at the first donor on the top box and try to find their name in the bottom box by using the scroll feature in the bottom box.

(a)If you find the donor listed in the top box in the bottom box then click and hold on the donor in the top box and drag it on the donor in the bottom box.

(b)If you do not find the donor in the bottom box, then click the check box to the left of the donor in the top box and then click the Contact icon on the far right end of their row to add them to your PPL.

VI.Monthly Process (6 Steps)


1.Map Gifts

2.Update FY Committed

a)Click the header “FY Actual”

b)Compare FY Actual with FY Committed and be sure that FY Committed is greater or equal to FY Actual

B. Cash Flow

1.Break out gifts from ‘Other Revenue”

2.Update future projected months

3.Compare Actuals and Projected

a)Drop Down in Top Tool Bar

b) Check over/ under to see green and red numbers

(1)Green means good

(2)Red means bad

4.Email report to RD

VII. How to Teach the Online PPL

A.TDS Overview

B.Overview of online PPL

C.Gift Mapping

D.Monthly Process

E.Special Separate Session for importing Excel FDT