Sutton Bridge Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 30th October 2012 at The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Cllr J Grimwood in the Chair.

Also in Attendance: Cllrs M Booth, S Booth, D Dewsberry, S Giles, V Hills,

M Preston, J Rowe.

Mrs S England - Parish Clerk.

58 members of the public; 1 member of the press.

The Chairman greeted all present and stated that; in view of the number of parishioners present; he was prepared to extend public forum to 30 minutes in length. Six members of the public requested to speak;

·  It was reported that overgrown vegetation was causing an obstruction to footpaths at several locations within the Parish.

·  Concern was raised regarding the standard of ambulance service in Sutton Bridge.

·  Various concerns were raised in relation to the Sutton Bridge Energy Park planning application. In particular, it was questioned, (i) how the request for an independent environmental impact assessment report was going to be carried forward, (ii) was there a compensation process in place in order to assist those homeowners whose property values may be affected by the proposed development, (iii) have members of the PC considered the application in detail, (iv) on what criteria are business and industrial parks defined.

247.12 Apologies:

Apologies were noted for Cllrs Brewis and Croxford.

248.12 Declarations of interest – to receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and consideration of

any written request for dispensation;

Cllr Hills declared her interest in any item relating to the sports pavilion as she is a member of Friends of SB sports pavilion.

It was acknowledged that under the new regulations, as long as an interest had been reported to the Monitoring Officer at SHDC it was no longer necessary to declare it at this stage of the meeting.

249.12 Signing of the Minutes

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes from the meetings held on 25th September 2012 and 2nd October 2012 as minutes.

It was RESOLVED to bring forward item 11(i) as the next item on the agenda;

250.12 To hold further discussion on application H18-0723-12 (Proposed development of Energy Park); taking into account information received at the recent public meeting; and resolve appropriately

It was confirmed that a copy of the independent notes and a request for an independent Environmental Impact Assessment report had already been submitted to SHDC Planning Department, if anyone would like a copy of the notes please contact Cllr Giles. The Chairman then asked each Cllr to present his/her personal thoughts about the proposed development. In addition it was reported that; (i) the decision to either grant or refuse the application would not be made at the November planning meeting; it would more likely be considered in either December or January,

(ii) SHDC Planning would continue to accept observations submitted in respect of the application.

A general discussion took place relating to health concerns and the volume of traffic that would be created by the proposed development.

7.30 pm It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders in order to allow members of the public to speak.

A parishioner raised concerns in relation to the level of emissions that may be produced by the Energy Park.

7.32 pm It was RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders.

Further discussion took place concerning potential health and traffic issues.

7.34 pm It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders in order to allow members of the public to speak.

Members of the public made further comment on potential emission and odour levels and questioned whether it might be possible to hold an official parish poll in order to provide every parishioner with the opportunity to vote on whether or not they wanted the Energy Park to go ahead in SB. It was also queried how many chimneys would be constructed as part of the development.

7.40 pm It was RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders.

Council RESOLVED to object to planning application H18-0723-12 and to request for an independent Environmental Impact Assessment report to be carried out to include a comprehensive investigation into any potential health risks which may be associated with the proposed development.

Council RESOLVED to request that every member of the SHDC Planning Committee is fully informed on every aspect of the proposal before any decision is made to either refuse or grant the application.

Council RESOLVED to request for an Archer traffic survey to be undertaken at the A17 junction leading to the proposed site and also at the entrance to Wingland Foods.

The Chairman strongly urged parishioners to send details of their concerns and requests for action to the Planning Department at SHDC as any decisions made in respect of the application would fall under the responsibility of the Planning Committee.

251.12 Police Matters

It was reported that;

·  The police office located at the Curlew Centre would be open fortnightly on Wednesdays, 2pm to 4pm.

·  The new task group set up to deal with hare coursing had been a success resulting in 21 arrests so far.

·  The local police team had reported that windows had been smashed at a number of private residences in the Parish, investigations were ongoing.

252.12 Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman reported;

·  The public meeting held in order to discuss the proposed energy Park had

been well attended; thanks to Cllr Brewis for organising the event.

·  Thanks to Mrs Ling and Mrs Grimwood for assisting with the distribution of the

Parish newsletter.

·  The Chairman, his wife and Cllr Dewsberry had taken part in a very

successful and interesting visit to Sedlec. European funding had allowed

much improvement to the town.

·  The new public toilets had been vandalised on two occasions.

·  The Youth Bus had been well attended by local children, feedback was being

sought in order to ascertain their thoughts and ideas for a new Youth Club.

Council was reminded that £30,000 had been allocated to the Curlew Centre

on condition that provision was made for the Youth Club within the building.

A request was made for the subject to be added for discussion on the

November agenda.

253.12 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk reported that;

·  If contested, an election would be held for the vacancy on the PC on Thursday 29th November 2012. Nomination packs were available from the Parish office or SHDC, they should be returned by noon, Friday 2nd November.

·  Anglian Water had responded to the report of Japanese knotweed growing at their pumping station in Bridge Rd stating that the weed was not growing within their boundary. Lincs Highways had advised that it only maintains the back of the footway, investigations will continue.

·  Sutton Bridge Comm Centre Fund had advised that they would be organising a family entertainment evening on Sat 15th December, they intend to crown a Prince and Princess of SB and would like to know if they require permission from the PC to do this.

Cllrs advised that permission was not required; Clerk to inform Committee.

·  The new noticeboard for the Parish office had been ordered, Wingland Foods had confirmed that it would cover the full cost including delivery.

·  Further to the concern raised at the amount charged by Anglian Water for its annual invoice, Langwith Builders had confirmed that between August and December 2012 the water used during construction of the Curlew Centre would have been recorded on the pavilion meter. As a goodwill gesture they had refunded the full amount of the invoice including VAT.

254.12 To receive reports from County and District Councillors

District Cllr M Booth: See Report, Appendix 1.

In addition to the information contained in his report, Cllr Booth commented that talks between the portfolio holder and members of the PC concerning CCTV would now be taking place at some point after 15th November.

County Cllr C Brewis: N/A

255.12 Financial Matters

a.  Accounts for payment 30.10.12:

Payee / Detail / Chq. No. / Net / VAT / Total
Woodco / pcopier (Sep & Oct) / #000128 / 22.48 / 4.50 / 26.98
Woodco / pcopier Mch 2012 / " / 11.24 / 2.25 / 13.49
(original chq no 000056 not presented, 'void')
Clement Keys / Audit fee / #000129 / 400.00 / 80.00 / 480.00
Johnston Publishing / Advertising / #000130 / 97.68 / 19.54 / 117.22
The Curlew Centre / Office rent / #000131 / 625.00 / 625.00
" / Room hire / " / 30.00 / 30.00
Henry Smith charity / Land rent / #000132 / 1678.00 / 1678.00
E-on / Electricity / #000133 / 49.73 / 2.49 / 52.22
Clanpress / N'letter printing / #000134 / 173.00 / 173.00
N Portass / Picnic area / #000135 / 325.00 / 325.00
Wingland G'cutting / Litter / #000136 / 105.00 / 105.00
" / District cuts / " / 1503.63 / 1503.63
" / Parish cuts / " / 1151.69 / 1151.69
BT / Calls & Bband / DD / 41.13 / 8.22 / 49.35
S England / Clerk's expenses / #000137 / 104.36 / 104.36

Council RESOLVED to pay the supplier invoices due in October as presented.

Cllr Dewsberry confirmed that quotes had been received for tree works in the Parish and new lights for the Christmas tree; both matters to be discussed further in closed session.

b.  Money In:

Allotment rent / 1450.00
Grey bag sales / 45.00
Langwith builders / 310.08

256.12 Correspondence:

a. Items of correspondence for comment:

(i)  Email, parishioner – Railway Lane South

The Clerk read out the content of the email in which concerns were raised relating to the condition of properties in the area, overgrown verges and the poor state of the children’s play area. Cllr M Booth confirmed that he had already reported the problem of poorly maintained properties in Railway Lane South to the District Council.

(ii)  Email, parishioner – Proposed energy Park / Newsletter

The Clerk read out the content of the email in which it was reported that Appendix 15, the Non-Technical Summary was missing from the Energy Park planning application documents currently available to view at SB library. Concern was also raised in relation to the content of the Parish Newsletter.

(iii)  Email, parishioner – PREL public meeting

The Clerk read out the content of the email in which it was queried how the request for an independent EIA Report for the proposed Energy Park would be passed on to the relevant authority. Cllrs confirmed that a copy of the notes and a formal request for an independent report had already been submitted to SHDC Planning Dept.

(iv)  Email, Lincs Rural housing – Agenda item 17

(v)  Letter, Information Commissioner’s Office – Closed Session

The Clerk advised that, since the agenda had been produced, in addition to items (ii) and (iii), many more items of correspondence had been received expressing views relating to the Energy Park planning application. She confirmed that every item had been acknowledged and forwarded for the attention of individual Cllrs.

b. Correspondence received for information purposes only:

(for further details please contact Parish office)

(i)  Rural Services Network, News Digest Issues; 24/9,1/10,8/10,15/10,22/10

(ii)  Email, SHDC – Information re opportunities for physical activity

(iii)  Healthy Eating Course, Weston V Hall, 1/10 – 26/11, Mondays 1-3pm

(iv)  Rural Opportunities Bulletin – Information re funding sources

(v)  Youth Bus visiting Memorial Park – 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11

(vi)  Rural Lincs – Autumn 2012 Newsletter

(vii)  Information re Long Sutton Drama Club

(viii)  Came & Co Insurance – Autumn Newsletter

(ix)  New Group for Carers – The Ivy Wall, Spalding – Fortnightly comm 23/10/12, 6.30-8.30pm

(x)  LALC – Notice of review of plan to close hospital providing congenital heart services for Lincolnshire children

(xi)  Target Funding Newsletter – Issue 108, Oct 2012

(xii)  FDC Carol Service – Sun 16th Dec 2012, Tydd St Giles Church, 3pm- 4.30pm

(xiii)  Information relating to the petition on police funding

(xiv)  Refuse collection Christmas & New Yr – see website

257.12 Planning Matters

(i)  H18-0723-12, Proposed development of renewable energy park – Item

already discussed, see minute ref. 250.12.


New: N/A


H18-0697-12, Modification of condition 8 concerning window and door frames,

Sudeley House, Wharf St, SB – IMN Properties, 116 London Rd, Long Sutton.

H18-0677-12, Approval not required – Demolition of old Youth Club building, King

St, SB – Mr A Barker, 22 Barrington Gate, Holbeach.

Refused: N/A



H18-0818-12, Removal of condition 3 of H18-0487-10 relating to demolition of

existing dwelling, Rose Cottage, King John Bank – Mr J Taylor.

It was RESOLVED to request that the time period allocated for removal of

demolition rubble to be extended by another three months.

H18-0775-12, Proposed single & first floor extension, Clementine Cottage, 56

New Rd, SB – Mr & Mrs J Cooper.


H18-0633-12, Proposed extension and replacement roof, Marwood, KJ Bank, SB

– Mr & Mrs Ali.

H18-0711-12, Proposed two-storey and single storey extensions and alterations,

29 Custom House St, SB – Mr & Mrs Payler.

Refused: N/A

258.12 Highways & Footways:

a. Update to outstanding matters

Cllr Giles confirmed that a meeting had taken place between members of the PC,

Area Highways Manager, Jonathan Pearson and Cllr W Webb during which

discussions were held relating to various highways issues in the Parish. Bridge

Road was inspected between Church Gate and The Anchor public house; it was

noted that the footway was level with the highway in several locations. The

problem of flooding along Granville Terrace was discussed, photographs were

taken and JP agreed to discuss the issues with Mr Keith Duly, Highways Officer.

It was confirmed that residents in Chalk Lane were permitted to erect signs but

they were not authorised to actually close the road.


b. To report any new matters

None reported.

259.12 To receive reports from Working Parties & Committees

(unless detailed below; any action recommended in reports to be included for resolution on next agenda)