Junior English Course Overview

Mr. Welter—Room 406


A.  Textbooks:

California Collections

B.  Course Objectives:

1.  Effective communication through reading, writing, speaking, and listening via independent, collaborative, and guided practice.

2.  Understanding and utilizing changing technologies.

3.  Respect of and sensitivity to cultural diversity.

4.  Definition of ethical and moral behaviors as demonstrated in written works and experienced in our daily lives.

5.  Historical perspectives, knowledge, and appreciation of literature as a form of art.

6.  Increased awareness and practice of college level expository writing techniques.

7.  Focus on the Common Core Standards.

C.  Activities and Assignments:

Will include but not be limited to daily warm-ups, critical writing, formal and informal analytical writing, standards-based assessments, quizzes, and expository writing assignments. In addition to the main course textbook, students will be asked to read and analyze various novels and a play throughout the school year.

D.  Extra Credit:

Extra credit will be awarded to students who do additional work beyond the regular course assignments. This can include taking comprehensive notes during lectures, attending school plays, assisting in after-school projects, or bringing in materials that can be used by the entire class. Extra credit points are awarded at the teacher’s discretion and may be taken away due to student misconduct.

E.  Office Hours:

Student and parent conferences may be scheduled at 7:30 AM or after 2:45 PM Monday through Friday. Any student who needs additional help simply must show up before school, during lunch, or after school. Unless a prior commitment has been scheduled, I am always available to help students.

F.  Grading: Your grade will be calculated on your level of mastery of the categories listed below.

Overall Class Weighted Grades:

40% summative assignments

30% writing assessments

20% formative assessments (classwork and homework)

10% word dissection assessments

Levels of Mastery* Grading scale

5—Advanced 4.0-5.0 =A

4—Proficient 3.25-3.99 =B

3—Basic 2.5-3.24 =C

2—Below Basic 1.75-2.49 =D

1—Far Below Basic 0-1.74 =F

G.  Late Paper Policy:

On major writing assignments, involving the steps of the writing process, papers must be submitted on the assigned due date. Once the due date for the final draft has passed, the score will be marked as a zero. It is the student’s responsibility to submit work on time. Since due dates are given a minimum of one week in advance, students must turn in the work prior to a known absence or have it dropped off at the school main office in case of illness. For all work other than the final draft of the process paper, work may be turned in late with a penalty of one level lower than the actual grade. No papers or packets will be accepted after a grading period is complete (i.e. progress reports, quarter grades or semester grades).

H.  Make-up Policy:

If a student misses a test, quiz, or homework assignment, he or she is given the same amount of day(s) to make-up what the “excused absence” states. Students who are truant for a test are not allowed to make up the exam and will receive a grade of zero.

I.  Classroom Rules:

1.  All people must show respect for self, other people, and other people’s property. Remember, respect is given; disrespect is earned.

2.  Students need to bring the proper materials to class daily (i.e. textbooks, pens, #2 pencils, paper, etc.).

3.  All textbooks need to have a book cover, no exceptions.

4.  Drinks are allowed as long as they have a screw-cap lid.

5.  No purses or backpacks are allowed on top of the desks during class. People like to hide cell phones, so I will be looking at people with notebooks and texts from other classes as well.

6.  The use of cell phones or other electronic devices is forbidden during class unless authorized by the instructor.

If you wish to contact me, simply call the school and leave a message with the reception desk or e-mail me at “”.