School Governance Council Minutes

October 7, 2015

3:50PM to 5:29PM

Members in Attendance: Garrett Abelkop, Andy Anderson, Tim Corrigan, Francesca Dellasala, Scott Doll, Deb Fulghum, David Harris, Nikki Lee, Tim Reeder (via phone), Madison Rysdon, and Charles Thomas. 8 voting members present of 9 possible voting members. Others in attendance: Kina Champion.

Meeting was facilitated by Deb Fulghum and it was called to order at 3:50PM.

David Harris made a motion to approve the agenda; Nikki Lee seconded.

Garrett Abelkop made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 2, 2015 meeting and David Harris seconded.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Tim Corrigan presented his report to the School Governance Council.

Mr. Corrigan provided a detailed synopsis of the approved seed funding from 2014-2015 and the progress of the Design IT project.

Computers purchased and have been installed in classrooms G122 and G127.

Discussion of items no longer deemed necessary for the project (Xbox gaming systems, gaming chairs).

Discovery of a school-provided non-seed fund color printer has opened up more space in the budget. Potential 3D printer. Textbooks unnecessary.

Design and construction plans for classrooms G122 and G127 are on track and within budget.

Bid for construction of classroom G125 into lecture-style college classroom came in over budget. However, with savings with other line items, still enough money allocated to move ahead.

Want to maintain wiggle room for unforeseen overages.

Discussion of location of the lecture-style college classroom; part of the Media Center or classroom G125.

Discussion of Personalized Learning imitative and individual student devices. Once the Personalized Learning committee finalizes their plans and proposes a device, the School Governance Council will need to approve to move forward.

RFF Review

Kina Champion provided insight on the current status of the RFF interest forms previously submitted by the council.
Personal Fitness waiver amendment should move forward as anticipated and will now need to submit full revised RFF and begin communications/public engagement process to gather community input.

Adding a new pathway to the Career Tech Design IT program would not require a new Request for Flexibility.

Pass/Fail RFF proposal encountered resistance as it was reviewed by district personnel.

Garrett Abelkop motioned to approve the Personal Fitness RFF update to be posted for public comment. Andy Anderson seconded. Council approved with 8 yay votes and 0 nay votes.


Will work on finalizing the full Personal Fitness RFF for posting for public comment. [Posting on homepage, SGC subpage, Principal email blast, paper copies in main office, box for comment in main office, door signs, next full SGC meeting open for public comment]

Discussed needed updates to SGC webpage.

Communications committee to meet Wednesday 10/14/2015 at 3:50PM in room A101.

Seed Funding 2015-2016

David Harris outlined new changes with the seed funding process this year including that each school will only be allowed one seed funding proposal this year (as opposed to two last year).

Deb Fulghum articulated the need for this year’s seed funding proposal to be meaningfully distinct and different than last year’s proposal.

Deb Fulghum outlined a potential seed fund proposal for Myers-Briggs type testing for juniors at Chattahoochee.

Council debated and deliberated the proposal for a Myers-Briggs type interest survey.

Mr. Corrigan outlined a proposal for a unique advisement program at Chattahoochee that would help facilitate students forming a good relationship with an adult in the building over the course of their four years here. Representatives of the school and the council will be visiting Webb Bridge Middle School to gain insight into the advisement program that they recently implemented.

Seed funding proposal application is due on 10/19/2015.

Scott Doll outlined items discussed at the Superintendent’s community advisory committee meeting.

Garrett Abelkop motioned to move forward with the seed funding proposal for a unique advisement program at Chattahoochee. Nikki Lee seconded the motion. The council approved the motion to move forward with this proposal with 8 yay votes and 0 nay votes.

Dates for upcoming meetings First Wednesday of every month at 3:50PM in room A101.

Next full council meeting scheduled for Wednesday 11/4/2015 at 3:50PM.

The meeting adjourned at 5:29PM.