RIN Small grants programme 2016-17

Guidance in Applying for a Grant

The Charity invites organisations and groups providing benefits for the residents of the ancient parish of Streatham* to apply to our small grants programme. This should be done using the accompanying application form. Please read the following notes before completing it.

The Charity considers applications and awards grants on an annual basis aiming to release up to £40,000 per annum; however, this is dependent upon its available financial resources in any given year. Each grant will be made on a one-off basis (though receiving a grant in one year does not stop you from making another application in the next year).

Grants awarded will generally range from £1000 up to £5000 (very occasionally larger amounts may be given)

Applications must be received by 30th November 2016 to be considered. Applicants will be informed, in writing in January 2017, of the outcome of their submission.

Please Note: The Charity is required by its constitution to provide grants only where the beneficiaries are (a) resident in the ancient parish of Streatham* and (b) in conditions of need, hardship or distress.

* The Ancient Parish of Streatham covers SW2, SW12, SW16, SW17, SE21, SE24 and SE27 residential postcodes. *

You might find our vision and values helpful in completing your application.


We have a vision of local communities that are resilient and sustainable; creating good places in which to live and grow older.


-The right of everyone to live with dignity and as far as possible, independently

-The right of everyone to have a decent home

-The importance of local community in enriching people’s lives

-Communities with respect for and integration of older people

For further information please see our website

Or email


-Does your group and do your beneficiaries fit our criteria?

-Applications will be accepted only from registered charities and organisations or groups having a suitably recognised status – you can discuss this with us.

-With your application you should include a copy of your latest audited accounts and annual report.

-All applications to be signed by the person completing the form and countersigned by a trustee or other senior member of your organization/group if there are no trustees.

-The deadline date is 30th November 2016

-We would like a hard copy of your application along with any attachments. You can email your application form to the address below by the deadline date but must also send a signed hard copy with any attachments to reach us by no later than 2 days after the deadline date

Please send applications to:

RIN Applications

Thrale Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity

C/o Jennifer Rogers

98 Etherstone Road


SW16 2RA



Good Luck, we look forward to receiving your application