Catholic Cursillo Movement

Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon

c/o Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

2250 16th St, North Bend OR 97459

Phone: 541-756-0633 * Fax: 541-756-3234


We Invite You to Make a CursilloWeekend!

Cost of weekend: $150.00. We ask that a deposit of $75 be sent with your application, and the remainder is due prior to the weekend. Full refund will be given if notice of cancellation is received at the North Bend address above at least 14 days prior to the weekend, or if the weekend is cancelled for any reason.

Applications for your weekend should be received at the North Bend address above at least 30 days prior to the beginning date of the weekend you wish to attend.

If, after prayerful discernment, you feel this is right for you, complete the Candidate Application attached or downloaded from the web page above, and complete the candidate’s section, printing legibly. Review it with your sponsor/mentor if you have any questions. Ask him to either sign the Pastor Section or call one of our Spiritual Directors to confirm your parish membership. Give the application back to your sponsor/mentor, with your deposit, for mailing. You should receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your application within 10 working days.


Rev. 4/2017

Name ______(Please Print Legibly) _____ M _____F

Address ______City ______State____ Zip______

Home Phone ______Work ______Cell ______Message #______

Email ______Parish ______Age______

Occupation ______Do you smoke?_____ OK to room w/ smoker? ______

(Smoking is allowed outside in designated areas only. No smoking in any rooms, public or private.)

Marital Status ______Spouse's Name ______# of Children ______

Special Needs(food allergy, wear CPAP, diabetes, wheel chair access, etc. Please be specific so we can meet your needs.)


Church/Parish Activities ______

Emergency Contact: Name ______Emergency Phone ______

List Friends in Cursillo: Name ______Phone ______

Name ______Phone ______Name ______Phone ______

Why do you wish to make a Cursillo weekend? ______

Are you Catholic & able to receive the Sacraments? ___ Has Group Reunion & Ultreya been Explained? ____

Date ______Signature ______

This is not an acceptance notice. Further correspondence will be sent within 10 days of receipt of application.

A sponsor should be actively participating in Group Reunion and know the mission of Cursillo is Evangelization of Environments.

Applications should be receivedno later than 30 days prior to the weekend. (See address at bottom of application.)

Name ______Home Phone ______Work phone ______

Address ______City ______State______Zip ______

Email ______Parish ______Date ______

Are you Grouping? ______If not, Why not? ______

Why did you select this candidate? ______

How long have you known this candidate? ______Will you agree to help your candidate by answering questions prior to the weekend and helping your candidate get involved in a group reunion and Ultreya after the weekend? ______If needed, will you help your candidate find transportation to/from the Cursillo Weekend? ______Date ______Signature______

Does candidate regularly attend Mass, unless home-bound?______Any issues that you may know that could make it difficult to focus on presentations and join in small-table discussion?______

______Priest name (print) ______Parish ______

Date ______Signature ______Phone ______

(Pastor may opt to answer questions orally by calling Spiritual Directors Fr. Karl Schray @ 541-227-8274 or Fr. Fred Anthony @ 541-530-3397to talk about this candidate.)