Cherish the Child

8h Annual Child Protection

Awareness Symposium

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Dear ______

Statistics suggest that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused by the age of 18. Ninety percent of children who are sexually abused are abused by someone they know and trust.

The purpose of the Cherish the Child Symposium is to increase knowledge regarding many aspects of child protection in order to enhance the skills of professionals. This ultimately translates into improved judicial, administrative, and investigative handling, as well as, treatment of child abuse and maltreatment. Cherish the Child provides interagency training for professionals across the child serving system, and creates a common and collaborative cross agency focus, involving those across the county, state, public, private and not-for-profit to work together to improve interagency communication, collaborative sharing of resources, referral processes and identification of barriers to service as well as service gaps.

The 8th Annual Cherish the Child Symposium will be held on Friday, April 27, 2012 at Mountain Christian Church. Last year over 325 professionals and community residents attended the symposium. This year we hope to increase the number of attendees to 350-400. The Keynote Speaker this year will be Elizabeth Smart.The abduction of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our time. Through this traumatic experience Elizabeth has become an advocate for change related to child abduction, recovery programs and National legislation. Elizabeth triumphantly testified before her captor and the world about the very private nightmare she suffered during her abduction, which led to conviction.

As a member of the planning committee, I am asking you to become a sponsor of the 8th Annual Cherish the Child Symposium. This is an excellent opportunity to support efforts to increase training and education of the professionals who work on a daily basis with children who have suffered the lasting effect of abuse and/or neglect. In addition, by becoming a sponsor, you will be recognized by all symposium attendees, as a business/individual that supports child well-being and safety.

You can make a difference and together we can work towards a safer community for our children. Please feel free to contact Jennifer Redding, District Director of Family and Children's Services with any questions, at 410 838-9000, extension 222 or by email at .


Cherish the Child Planning Committee

Cherish the Child Symposium

Sponsorship/Donation Levels

Premiere Platinum Sponsor

(Limited Number of Opportunities)

$ 1000

Private Meet-and-Greet with Keynote Speaker, Elizabeth Smart

4 Complimentary admissions to the Symposium

Full page advertisement in a Premiere spot in the attendee booklet

Recognition as a Premiere Platinum Sponsor on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, signs, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Vendor table to display items/information at the event

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

Platinum Sponsor


¾ page advertisement in the attendee booklet

2 Complimentary admissions to the Symposium

Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Vendor table to display items/information at the event

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

Gold Sponsor


½ page advertisement in the attendee booklet

1 Complimentary admission to the Symposium

Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Vendor table to display items/information at the event

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

Silver Sponsor


¼ page advertisement in the attendee booklet

Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Vendor table to display items/information at the event

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

Cherish the Child Symposium

Sponsorship/Donation Levels

Bronze Sponsor


Business Card advertisement in the attendee booklet

Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

Individual Item Sponsor

Varies (See Committee Members for details)

Size of advertisement in the attendee booklet (depends on the cost of sponsored item)

Recognition as a Sponsor of an “Individual Item” on printed materials

(Attendee booklet, signs, brochure, fliers, etc.)

Vendor table to display items/information at the event (if sponsorship is $100 or more)

Option to provide a promotional item with your business’ logo in attendee’s gift bag

Recognition on the day of the event through public announcement

The 8thAnnual Cherish the Child Symposium

Sponsorship Reply Form

Company Name: ______

Contact Person: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Zip Code: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Yes, I would like to support The 8thAnnual Cherish the Child Symposium at the following level:

□Premiere Platinum$1000





□Individual ItemVaries…see Committee Member

□Enclosed is a check, made payable to “Family and Children's Services of Central Maryland- Harford County”

□Please forward a bill for the amount checked above

□Please bill credit card – □Visa□MasterCard

Account number: ______Security Code: ______

Signature: ______

Return to:

Family and Children's Services of Central Maryland

Jennifer Redding, District Director

44 E. Gordon Street, Bel Air, Maryland21014

Fax: 410.838.8953 or

***Once sponsorship payment is received, details about the advertisement requirements will be forwarded to you. Advertisements will not be placed until payment is received in full. Advertisement placement is on a first come, first serve basis.