Ridgacre House Surgery Patient Participation Group

Notes of a Meeting held on Monday 22nd January 2018

Present: Janet Haines( Chair), Betty Cowley(Secretary), Arthur Haines,(Treasurer) ,Cliff Hilder, Y. Meghani, A. Moore, D. Oliver, Dr.V. Manley , Julie Chilton (Practice Manager) ,Duncan Holman(Nechells surgery), Ross Andrews(Health Exchange)

Item / Note / Action by
1 / Introductions and Apologies.
Janet wished everyone a Happy New Year and welcomed them to the meeting. She introduced Duncan Holman , from the Nechells surgery.
Apologies : Barbara Wilcox, Linda Toft, Maureen Bancroft, Ian Middlemiss.
Sandra Walker had tendered her resignation due to other committments. A letter of thanks for her support would be sent to Sandra.
2 / Notes of the meeting held on 20th November 2017 were approvoed.
3 / Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. / Items to be raised with the Practice
* Cliff asked if we could have an update on the proposed pharmacy
* The lack of appointments online
* The difficulty getting through on the phone at 8.30 and then there being no appointments by the time the phone is answered.
* Concern over the rising number of patients at the Practice
* Mrs Meghani was concerned that she had had no reminder for her annual check up.
5 / Report from GP Practice
*The Practice are still awaiting a licence to change the pharmacy to the surgery from Hagley Road and planning permission. The current rule is that a pharmacy cannot move more than 500 metres.
*The surgery had been exceptionally busy over the winter months. Extra appointments had been put on both sites. Appointments are released each day at 8.15 for that day, approximately 100 appointments online by Julie. Patients can request an emergency appointment, they will be telephoned back at the end of surgery by the Duty Doctor.
*The Practice now has over 10,000 patients and are not allowed to close their list. Dr. Manley felt there were enough doctors and nurses to support this number of patients.
* In answer to Mrs. Meghani's issue of annual reviews, Dr. Manley said that patients should contact the surgery .
Dr. Manley introduced Ross Andrews from Health Exchange.
Mr. Andrews said they identify patients who are carers through the signposting service.They can help get services into the homes of families, such things as handrails, blue badges and help with benefit checks. They have an advice service : 03330069711. forwardcarers.org.uk. Mr . Andrews left the meeting.
Dr. Manley asked if we could have a Carers Event like we used to have. This was disussed . Cliff pointed out the large amount of work involved.
Chris Byrne, health care assistant has left. Harriet Moles joining the team in February.
Dr. Natasha Dykes left in December, Dr. Isabelle Zuckelkowski has joined for 4 months. FY2 Doctor.
Extra appointments were offered in December and January to meet winter demands.
The ambulance service had congratulated the Practice for clearing the snow to make access to the building easier.
The flu injections have had a good uptake and the last few people who haven't had injections have been contacted.
6 / Chairpersons Report
Janet and Arthur are going to a meeting of the Engagement Forum at Primary Care at the end of January.
Janet will be attending a PPG Chairs meeting at Jiggins Lane on 7th February.
7 / Development of Leaflet Outlining Role of the PPG
It was felt one leaflet would be best for both the Ridgacre and Nechells surgeries. Julie said Poppy from the office would be able to help us. It was decided to have a meeting at the Nechells surgery in March.
8. / Development of PPG group at Nechells Surgery.
Duncan Holman said he had tried without success to form a group at Nechells. There was a discussion about ways we could help. There are a large Somalian group at present. Arthur suggested contacting a Community Officer local to the surgery to help with translators etc. Duncan said he also had difficulty getting online. Dr. Manley asked if it would be possible for some PPG members to volunteer to help patients at the surgery to get "online". The meeting in March at Nechells would address some of the issues.
9 / Suggestion Box
An anonymous patient had asked for the surgery to be opened before 8.30. Dr. Manley said this was not possible any earlier as there is only one member of staff on duty before 8.30 a.m.
10 / Treasurer's Report
Arthur reported that there had been no transactions since the last meeting so the amount in the "kitty" remained at £29.61.
11 / AOB
Duncan raised an issue re the "Family and Friends" survery. It was decided that this could be discussed at our meeting at Nechells to be held on Friday 9th March.
Dr. Manley gave her apologies for the March meeting.
13 / Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Monday 19th March 2018 at the Annexe opposite Main Surgery at 3.00 pm
The meeting closed at 4.40 pm