Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer. I am very excited about the year ahead.Pleasefind below an outline of Year 3T’s Curriculum for this half term.If you have any questions regarding our curriculum, then please speak to one of the team.

The Flinstones- We will be learning about one of the earliest civilisations, The Stone Age. We will consider how they lived and explore the tools and items they used in order to survive. We will consider how different life is today. We will also be making tools in DT. / English
Our genre this half term is diaries and humour. Following the recent release of the new Diary of a Whimpy Kid movie, we will be inspired by some of the adventures of the main character, Greg. We will learn all about structuring different sentence types and using description to entertain our ready. / Maths
In Maths, we will be creating our own Match Attacks card game for the new football season. We will consider the decimal number system and the importance of place value. This will help us with all of the other operations that we will learn about this year.
Our Philosophy sessions will continue to give children the opportunity to express themselves and nurture their deep thinking skills by responding to topical stimuli such as news stories. / Religious Education
Our RE focus for this half term is ‘Believing.’ We will explore what it means to have a belief system and how we express our own beliefs in many different ways. / Physical Education
This half term we will develop our basic skills in catching and throwing, in the context of Netball. We will learn some of the basic rules for this game and also learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
We will be creating our very own computer game, using Kodu. We will program algorithms and evaluate the effectiveness of our creations. This can also be downloaded for free at home. / Science
We will be learning all about the human form and how it works and looking at the human skeleton. We will consider how we can stay healthy and look after our bodies. / DT/ART
We will learn how to make our own tools, just like the Neanderthals would have. We will learn joining techniques and how to use a design specification to follow a design brief.
In French this half term we will be recapping on some greetings in. We will also learn how to share a little bit about ourselves with others. / TTT/PSHE
In PSHE/TTT each week the children discuss current news events and PSHE topics such as healthy eating, dealing with difficult situations and aspirations and dreams amongst many.In order to develop children’s thinking and questioning skills children will also continuing to have Philosophy sessions. This has proved very beneficial and has developed the children’s ability to work in groups and value other peoples’ opinions and views. / Enrichment
In Enrichmentpupils generate patterns for creative proficiency, build good character, initiate an engaged mode for learning, and find purpose and interest in foundation subjects such as Food Technology, Art, Drama, Expressive Arts and Earth Adventures.
  • Home Learning: Each term, a Home Learning Grid is sent home. Children must complete 5 of these pieces and get to choose two items off their wish list, which has been created in school. Children will be given the opportunity to share their home learning with others in the week.
  • PE Kits/Wellies:PE will be on Thursday afternoons each week. Please ensure your child’s full PE kit and wellies are in school at all times. Water bottles also need to remain in school throughout the term.
  • Reading: Once our new library system is fully installed, your child will take home two books, one reading and one lovely book (which they may choose). To support your child, please allow at least ten minutes each evening for reading at home. The Class teacher will hear your child read once a half term, but please note that reading is also taking place through Book Club.
  • School Fund:Each term we ask parents to make a £5 contribution towards School Fund. This contribution helps to fund some of the additional experiences we offer your child.For instance, it may go towards funding a maths application project where your child may do some baking, or towards buying some balloons for a spelling activity.

With kind regards,

Miss N Mohamai

Year 3T Class Teacher