John 19:17-18
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
April 14, 2017
Pastor Nathan J. Thompson
A hammer is an important tool for anyone who builds buildings; who assembles most every kind of furniture, cabinets, whatever. It is an essential tool in securing pieces of wood together with nails; in tapping parts into grooves where they can be glued. Builders (woodworkers) would have a difficult time functioning without a hammer.
Something interesting as we study the Biblical story of Jesus (his life); to remember that he grew up in a carpenter’s home. His father Joseph was one who worked with wood, hammers, nails. Jesus therefore grew up learning this important trade; he was most likely then quite skilled with a hammer and tools.
The great thing is how this skill can help other people. A carpenter (who can build well with their hammer/nails) can help provide a home (shelter) for others. They can help keep the roof secure on these homes; people are then protected from rain and the elements.
A carpenter can help make furniture for these homes so people have places to sit; tables upon which to eat; doors to protect their privacy. A carpenter can also help by making carts to carry supplies; mangers from which animals could eat. Someone skilled with a hammer (tools) is very important.
On the other hand it is interesting that when Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday; it was by the hands of soldiers who used a hammer to pound nails into Jesus’ hands and feet. That means a tool that brought skilled craftsmanship to others was also used as an instrument of death.
It is definitely true today that we are blessed with lots of wonderful (helpful) tools; lots of technologies which in the proper hands can bring positive (life-enhancing) gifts to others. However these same things (in the wrong hands) can produce hurtful (destructive) results. Even something as simple as a hammer can bring life and/or death.
Therefore as Jesus was nailed to the cross that day; the sound of the pounding hammer must have echoed through that whole area. It echoed with the pain (agony) of flesh being pierced; bones being crushed; blood spurting out with each blow.
As we listen to the sound of the pounding hammer; think about how you would have felt hearing that sound that day. Think about the suffering; the agony Jesus faced. Think about his awesome love; forgiveness; mercy for you.
Jesus suffered and died on the cross that day; he was nailed to these wooden beams so that you would not have to die for your own sins. Jesus suffered and died for you so that no matter who you are (what you have done) you can be forgiven (set free). Jesus died so that you might have life now; might have life forever in eternity.
Jesus’ body was pierced (broken) so that whatever may break (pierce) your heart/life that you may be able to be healed; mended; put back together again. Jesus died for you so that Satan (death; health issues; problems) nothing can destroy you. Jesus defeated all these things through his suffering; death; resurrection victory.
When I was in college I had the opportunity to travel on a religion study trip to Europe and a number of communist countries behind the iron curtain. One phenomenal place we toured (had various meetings with church leaders) was in Rome at the Vatican.
I still remember having a private tour of the Sistine Chapel; having a general audience with the pope; spending a significant amount of time touring St. Peter’s Cathedral. I will never forget all the phenomenal statues (art work); how we were especially drawn to Michelangelo’s beautiful statue, “The Pieta.”
“The Pieta” of course depicts Mary (mother of Jesus) cradling Jesus in her arms after his dead body was taken down from the cross. It shows (in stone) the unbelievable love (agony) of Mary for her son. It shows the care that a loving parent has for their child.
In other words this statue almost comes to life with emotion. Perhaps this is why people often stare at this work of art for long periods of time. It is truly amazing.
However the sad thing was that a just a few months later (in the summer of 1972) that a very disturbed person one day jumped the rope meant to keep people out; he attacked this priceless statue with a hammer. He violently chipped away with his hammer until some caring tourists (and guards) could tackle him; take the hammer away; hold him for arrest.
All the media and newspapers around the world carried stories on this terrible attack; on the damage that had been done. Vatican officials (immediately in response) completely closed that whole area down; they then brought in experts in science (art) from around the world.
Amazingly they picked up every chipped piece; no matter how small it was. In fact many pieces needed a microscope to be seen. These experts worked for many months putting all these pieces (even the microscopic ones) back in the statue.
They used some glues (plasters; fillers) that matched the stone color exactly; ones which would not discolor with age. In the end they had this statue restored so precisely that no one (not even experts) can tell that it had ever been broken.
Since that time of course this along other statues in St. Peter's have more protection (alarms) than just a rope barrier. Also everyone needs to go through a metal detector (airline type search) before entering these areas filled with such precious art. All because of a disturbed person going crazy with a hammer.
Now I know that there are some of you here tonight who may feel as if life has somehow attacked you with a hammer. Perhaps you have faced the blow of a chronic illness; a diagnosis like cancer that includes multiple treatments; a condition that will greatly alter your lifestyle. You may feel as if your body (your health) is being chipped away.
Perhaps you have felt the hammer of life breaking you apart as you have faced the death of a loved one; the loss of a friend; the death of a relationship through divorce. It is amazing how losing another person totally breaks your heart; it makes you feel as if a major part of you has been chipped away.
Perhaps today you feel as if the hammer (pressures) of life are often crushing you under the load. It may be the loss of a job; financial pressure; time pressures; parenting challenges; trying to figure out your future goals. Whatever you may feel crushed under these life challenges.
The good news for you is that because Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice; because he took the full impact and blow of the pounding hammer you can be healed. The good news is that no matter what is broken in you; no matter how small (large) your hurt may be Jesus can heal and restore you.
The good news is that Jesus doesn’t just piece these chips back with glue and plaster; rather he uses his own broken body and blood; his own suffering and death to make you whole. In Jesus you are a new creation; healed and restored on the inside; given new hope, love, meaning.
As you gaze on Jesus’ cross this night; as you listen to Jesus’ loving words that he spoke as he died that day may you bring to him whatever is broken in you. Lay these broken pieces before him; allow him to heal you with his dying (sacrificial) love.
Be assured as you live each day that no matter how life may pound you like a hammer; no matter how you may feel at times crushed by the blows of life; Jesus is with you everyday. He is there to walk with you no matter what you may face. He is there to bring you healing; new life; hope.
Listen again as we hear the echo of the pounding hammer. Let us pray…