Student Name: ______
Chabot College
Cisco Networking Academy II
Perform Web research to support your completion of the questions below:
Point your browser to and follow these links, in order:
Ø Products and Services > Routers
Ø Cisco 2500 Series Routers
Ø Technical Documentation (left side menu)
Ø Installation and Configuration Guide Books (left side menu)
Find this article: Cisco 2500 Series Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Ø Follow the link to Installing the Router
Answer this question:
a. If the chassis is mounted to the wall, how should it be oriented to provide best ventilation? ______
Return to the article: Cisco 2500 Series Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Ø Follow the link to Preparing to Install the Router
Ø Then follow the link to Console Port Connections
Answer this question:
b. What parity setting is required? ______
Now follow these links, in order:
Ø Cisco 2500 Series Routers (left side menu)
Ø Alerts and Troubleshooting (left side menu)
Ø Password Recoveries (left side menu)
Find this article: Password Recovery Procedure
Answer this question:
c. What is Step 5 of the procedure? ______
Now follow these links, in order:
Ø Cisco 2500 Series Routers (left side menu)
Ø Technical Documentation (left side menu)
Ø Tech Notes (left side menu)
Find this article: Capturing Text Output from Hyperterminal
Answer these questions:
d. What Hyperterminal command is used to capture router output? ______
e. What router command can be used to allow the console to display
several screens of output without pausing and showing ---more--- ? ______
For the following items, look on under:
Ø Technical Support > Technology Support
Ø TCP/IP Routing and Routed Protocols (left side menu)
Ø IP Routed Protocols (left side menu)
Ø Implementation and Configuration (left side menu)
Ø Look under the heading: ICMP (main page area)
Find this article: Using the traceroute Command on Operating Systems
Answer this question:
f. What types of datagrams are used as probes by Microsoft Windows systems? ______
Now follow these links, in order:
Ø Verification and Troubleshooting (left side menu)
Find this article: Troubleshooting TCP/IP
Answer this question:
g. Which three tools are suggested for troubleshooting TCP/IP?
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
For the following item, look on under
Ø Technologies > TCP/IP Routing and Routed Protocols
Ø Protocol Groups (left side menu)
Ø IP Routed Protocols (left side menu)
Ø Technical Documentation (left side menu)
Ø Tech Notes (left side menu)
Find this article: What is Administrative Distance?
Answer this question:
h. What is the default distance value for Internal EIGRP routes? ______
For the next item, look on under
Ø Technologies > TCP/IP Routing and Routed Protocols
Ø Protocol Groups (left side menu)
Ø IP Routing Protocols (left side menu)
Ø Technical Documentation (left side menu)
Ø Tech Notes (left side menu)
Find this article: Configuring a Gateway of Last Resort using IP Command
Write a complete example of each of the following commands, correctly formatted:
i. ip default-network Example: ______
j. ip route Example: ______
Use the Cisco site's Search function to find this article:
Defining Strategies to Protect Against TCP SYN Denial of Service Attacks
Search for: "TCP SYN attacks" . (The search dialog box is in the top right of each page.)
In the Abstract section of the article, TCP SYN attacks are defined. Copy the definition here:
k. ______
Find the Cisco IOS Command Reference Master Index, Release 12.0
At, follow these links, in order:
Ø Products and Services > IOS Software
Ø Cisco IOS Software Releases
Ø Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.0 Mainline
Ø Technical Documenetation (left side menu)
Ø Master Indices (left side menu)
Ø Cisco IOS Command Reference Master Index
From the Master Index, choose two new commands that we have not yet studied.
Choose commands that look like they might be useful.
On the reverse side of this page, write:
Ø A complete example of the command, with correct format
Ø Your summary description of the command's function or effect