Division of Finance and Business Operations / Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
5925 Woodward, C & IT suite 4200
Detroit, Michigan 48202
(313) 577-3734
FAX (313) 577-3747
January 11, 2017
Addendum3 for
RFP Campus Wireless Replacement Project 2017
datedDecember 13, 2017
Note: Vendors must have attended the mandatory teleconference/pre-bid meeting to be able to participate in this RFP opportunity.
The University has received numerous questions received by the Questions cut off date/time. Please find the following questions and clarifications with regards to the above RFP.
- Question: As WSU looks to build out your next generation wireless network we are looking for clarification on your scope of work in regards to the level of rogue detection and mitigation capabilities desired. Is WSU looking for the wireless system to provide maximum protection with full-time advanced Wireless Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (WIDS/WIPS) services with context-aware detection or a solution that provides basic part-time WIPS capabilities?
Answer Yes, full time protections. In addition to the above, we expect that any wireless products also be capable of upgrading to the latest security standards or proposed standards ie WPA3 or beyond.
- Question: See Question 5a in Appendix 5 asks if APs operate on PoE Version 5, can you please clarify what you are looking for? We are not familiar with PoE Version 5.
Answer: We prefer PoE or PoE+ at this time. PoE “version 5” may be a typo error.
- Question: Does the Cloud Services section in Appendix 5 need to be completed for on-premises proposals?
Answer: No but all proposals must be separate and complete, whereas for a hybrid solution, both would need to be completed.
- Is Bluetooth Beaconing (BLE) a required feature of all indoor wireless access points?
Answer: Yes
- It was stated that Network Access Control is required. Is the requirement only to provide both guest wireless authentication and secure internal wireless authentication with differentiated access based on Active Directory Group? Are there any requirements around device profiling, BYOD onboarding, endpoint compliance and remediation, or other specific features?
Answer: Yes to both. Network access is not limited solely to authentication. Specific requirements around device profiling, etc define a set of parameters that are device-based and allow individual devices to be treated uniquely. The requirements may vary depending on the type of device or its onboarding.
- Regarding Network Access Control, how many simultaneous guest wireless devices and how many simultaneous internal wireless devices will need to be supported?
Answer: We’re not 100% certain about the exact number of simultaneous allowable guest wireless devices, however it will likely be at least 2000.
- What is the difference between the University and the customer? For example, how are they different in this question: “Do you have examples of how your wireless solution can support and improve business processes with the University and for the CUSTOMER?”
Answer: University and the customer are the same entity. The redundancy is a grammatical error.
- What does the RFP mean by “WSU support systems”? (“Describe in detail all required WSU support systems for the following wireless system components”)
Answer: How much owner-furnished support (personnel, equipment, hardware, software, services, etc.) are required to implement the proposed system.
- Can you explain further what you’re asking in question 2 of Appendix 5 under warranty and product support: “Describe in detail WSU SPECIFIES HW AND SW REQUIRMENTS”
Answer: Should read, “describe in detail any WSU HW and SW requirements.”
- For Wayne State’s TCO analysis, what is the useful life that you anticipate that RFP respondents use?
Answer: 7 to 10 years, with 1 year breakpoints/milestones.
- Given that this is a box sale, are the usage reports referenced in section 7 of the service provider agreement applicable to this RFP?
Answer: This is general Purchasing boilerplate. Purchasing will have to answer this.
- Given that this is a box sale, is the shared revenue referenced in section 13 of the service provider agreement applicable to this RFP?
Answer: Again, Purchasing will have to answer this.
- Given that this is a box sale, which, if any, of the insurance coverages and related requirements in Schedule B and Section 28 of the service provider agreement are applicable to this RFP?
Answer: Only if you provide any services requiring work or presence on campus, beyond delivery of product.
- Is Exhibit A of the service provider agreement (pages 7 through 35) available for review?
Answer: Purchasing will have to answer/provide this.
- Is the page count of Appendix 5 included in the 35 page bid maximuml?
Answer: No.
- How long is pricing expected to be guaranteed from bid due date of January 22nd?
Answer: 180 days or until contract is executed extended to include any negotiations.
- Please clarify the number of outdoor wireless AP's to be included in the bid. The count of approximately 100 was mentioned, please confirm.
Answer: Approximately 100 is correct. It will likely increase over the life of the project.
- Is IPV6 currently in use at WSU? To what extent is IPv6 in use at WSU?
Answer: Yes. It is in use to the greatest extent possible and whenever possible. Our core network is IPv6 enabled, our desktop computing environment is IPv6 enabled; We enable IPv6 on all new devices or upgrades if possible. We only revert to IPv4 if no IPv6 capability exists.
- Is IPv4 acceptable for a period of time with a migration path to IPv6?
Answer: No
- Is there a preferred financial (TCO) model for WSU?
Answer: Use your creativity to prepare a cost-benefit analysis.
All questions concerning this project must be emailed to: Robert Kuhn, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing at 313-577-3712 Email: (copy to Leiann Day, Email: ) by 12:00 p.m., January 3, 2018.
Do not contact the Computing & Information Technology Department , or other University Units, directly as this may result in disqualification of your proposal.
Thank you
Robert Kuhn,
Sr. Buyer, Purchasing
CC:Laura Hendrick, Leiann Day,David Fleig, Robert Hogle Attendees list.