I. Course Description:

Explore the historical, geographical & cultural influences of eleven different international cuisines. Italy, France, Germany, China & Mexico are just a few of the cuisines to be studied. Experience some of the native customs, foods & preparation techniques which eventually formed our unique American cuisine. Pennsylvania Dutch, Southern and TexMex cooking have international roots. Learn how environmental circumstances and creativity altered immigrant traditions in each region of the United States. Develop an appreciation for different foods as we celebrate our international American heritage.

II. Essential District Skills: All Lakeland graduates should be prepared to:

A. Live in a culturally diverse, representative democracy, accept their responsibilities, exercise their rights, and respect the rights of others.

B. Be critically thinking problem solvers who are mathematically literate and capable of effective oral and written communication.

C. Use current technologies with confidence for academic growth, career development, and personal advantage.

D. Work independently and cooperatively to achieve their highest level of performance and become lifelong learners.

E. Exhibit a positive self-image and appropriate social values.

F. Experience guidance and growth through the coordination of home, school, and community resources.

III. Units of Study:

A. Culinary Procedure Review

Career Ready Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12

1. Equipment Use

2. Measuring

3. Kitchen Safety

4. Food Sanitation

B. The Regions

Career Ready Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12

1. Gastronomic Guide to the United States

2. New England States

3. Mid-Atlantic States

4. Southern States

5. Louisiana - Creole and Cajun

6. France

7. Germany

8. Spain

9. China

10. Japan

11. Mexico

12. Hungary and Poland

13. Greece

14. British Isles

15. Italy

C. Exploring Culinary Careers NJCCC Standards: 9.3 C 2, 3

D. Kitchen Management

NJCCC Standards: Career Ready Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12

IV. The Work Our Students Will Do:

A. Students will be able to describe factors that have influenced food preferences and habits of people in different regions of the United States by completion of worksheets and note taking to be filed in a notebook after viewing audio visual materials, listening to lectures and passing tests with at least 65% accuracy.

B. Students will acquire the ability to plan nutritious meals using foods representing each region of the United States by following criteria set by the instructor.

C. Students will acquire the ability to follow a recipe in the correct order of progression, using correct equipment, measuring, cooking and safety techniques by:

1. Participation in lab experiences

2. Completion of worksheets



3. Completion of evaluation forms

4. Operation of electrical equipment

5. Handling all equipment according to safety criteria set by the instructor

D. Students will develop management skills and practice working together with classmates by:

1. Dividing job responsibilities among groups of three and four

2. Planning and preparing a recipe/ activities within a given amount of time and space and resources.

3. Evaluating his work and the work of other students

E. Students will practice oral and written communication skills in written tests, projects, and class presentations.

F. Students will practice computer media production using Power Point and Word publishing programs to create visual displays, slide shows and brochures.

G. Students will be able to identify on a map of the United States, the states of each region and the nations studied in class on a world map.

H. Students will develop an understanding of careers available in the food industry through career searches and presentations by guest speakers.

I. Students will qualify for a grade by having complied with the Board of Education's attendance policy.

V. The Strategies We Will Use:

Hook for topic introduction

Visual Organizers

Compare and Contrast

Practice Exercise

Audience Participation

Computer Multimedia projects

VI. Evaluation and Assessment of Student Achievement:



All students will be evaluated using a variety of methods of assessment tools appropriate to assessing the quality of every student’s learning. Methods of assessment of student achievement will include, but not be limited to:


Foods Lab participation

Written Work - notebook, worksheets, Lab reports

Evaluation checklists


Practical skills tests


Minimal proficiencies which students must master to receive credit for this course include:

A. Students will be able to describe factors that have influenced food preferences and habits of people in different countries.

B. Students will acquire the ability use specialized food preparation equipment (both traditional & modern).

C. Students will develop management techniques of planning, delegating, implementing, & evaluating by:

1. Participation in lab experiences

2. Completion of worksheets & exams

3. Researching, planning, presenting & evaluating cultural & culinary projects

4. Handling all equipment according to safety criteria. D. Students will develop positive character traits, employment skills & the ability to cooperate with fellow classmates by:

1. Dividing job responsibilities among lab members. 2. Managing resources in recipe, presentation and activities.

E. Students will be able to identify five culinary regions of the US and ten other nations. on a world map.

F. Students will develop an understanding of careers available in the food industry through career searches and presentations by guest speakers.

G.  Students will qualify for a grade by having complied with the Board of Education's attendance policy.

H.  Students will refine and practice written, verbal, presentational skills and media fluency in culinary & cross cultural assignments.

VIII. Resources:

Guide to Good Food: Largen and Bence, Goodheart Wilcox, 2008

Frugal Gourmet Cooking Series

America’s Test Kitchen DVD seasons 7&8

Anthony Bourdain No Reservations DVD Series