Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Sandy Town Council held in the Council Chamber at 10, Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds on Monday 11th May 2009 at 7.30pm.


Cllrs C Osborne (Mayor), N Aldis, P Blaine, D Broughton, D Gale, M Pettitt, J Sandhu, M Scott, D Sharman, R Smith, Mrs S Sutton and G White

Together with two electors of the Parish

1. Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Bartlett, Jones and P Sharman.

2. Town Mayor of Sandy (1/09)

Resolved: (a) That Cllr Geoffrey George Noble White be elected Town Mayor of Sandy for the ensuing year.

(b) The newly elected Town Mayor publicly took and signed the required Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Town Mayor.

Cllr Osborne was thanked for his commitment and fulfilling the role of Mayor in an exemplary fashion over the last two years. In his turn Cllr Osborne said that he had been delighted to have been elected and that he had had great support from other civic dignitaries during his time in office. He thanked Cllr White for his support in the office of Deputy Mayor and also the Clerk and the other office staff for their assistance.

3. Deputy Town Mayor of Sandy (2/09)

Resolved: (a) That Cllr Mrs Susan Jane Sutton be elected Deputy Town Mayor of Sandy for the ensuing year.

(b) The newly elected Deputy Town Mayor publicly took and signed the required Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Town Mayor.

4. Statutory Declarations of Interests from Members (3/09)

(a) Prejudicial Interests

Cllr Osborne for Planning Application 09/00578/FULL as an officer of the Village Hall Committee

Cllr Blaine for Planning Application 09/00580/FULL as a Board Member of the applicant – Aragon Housing Association.

4. Statutory Declarations of Interests from Members (3/09) (cont)

(b) Personal Interests

Cllr Aldis for Item 21 (Sandy Enhancement Group) as Vice-Chairman of the Group.

Cllr Mrs Sutton for Item 21 (Sandy Enhancement Group) as Chairman of the Group.

5. Oral questions from Electors (4/09)

There were none.

6. Planning Applications received for comment by Sandy Town Council (5/09)

Cllr Osborne, having previously declared a prejudicial interest in the matter, withdrew from the Chamber during consideration of Application 09/00578/FULL.

Cllr Blaine, having previously declared a prejudicial interest in the matter, withdrew from the Chamber during consideration of Application 09/00580/FULL.

(See list attached)

7. Mayoral Communications (6/09)

3.4.09 / With the Mayoress attended the Mayor of Kempston’s Charity Dinner at the King William IV Public House in Kempston.
6.4.09 / Met with Cllr & Mrs M Scott to finalise plans for the Mayor’s ball.
15.4.09 / Supported by the Mayoress attended the Mayor of St Neots Charity Chinese Evening.
17.4.09 / Attended, with the Mayoress, the Mayor of Houghton Regis Charity Karaoke Evening and Supper at the Dunstablians Rugby Club.
19.4.09 / With the Mayoress, attended the Mayor of Ampthill’s Charity Sunday Lunch at The Old Court House.
19.4.09 / Attended, with the Mayoress, Cllr & Mrs Gale, the Mayor of Peterborough’s Charity ‘Last night of the Proms’ concert at The Key Theatre.
20.4.09 / Supported by the Mayoress and other Councillors, re-opened with C.Cllr Blaine the new extended Library.
24.4.09 / Supported by the Mayoress and other Councillors and partners attended the St. George’s Day Civic Charity Ball at Shuttleworth College.
25.4.09 / With the Mayoress, Deputy Mayor, other Councillors and partners attended the official opening of the Jenkins Pavilion by Sir Trevor Brooking.
26.4.09 / Attended, with the Mayoress and other Councillors and partners the 1st Sandy Scout Group’s St. George’s Day Parade and church service at St. Swithun’s Church.
3.5.09 / With the Mayoress, attended the Mayor of Houghton Regis’ Civic Service at St. Vincent’s R.C. Church.
5.5.09 / Supported by the Mayoress, attended the Mayor of Peterborough’s Celebration Dinner at the Town Hall.
6.5.09 / Attended, with the Mayoress, the Mayor of Wisbech’s Outgoing Reception and meal.
10.5.09 / Supported by the Mayoress, other Councillors and partners, attended Sandy’s Civic Service at St. Swithun’s Church.

Deputy Mayor

26.4.09  Attended the Mayor of Biggleswade’s Civic Service at St

Andrew’s Church, Biggleswade.

10.5.09  Attended the Mayor of Arlesey’s Civic Service at St Peter’s

Church, Arlesey.

Cllr Osborne mentioned a number of notable events, namely, the St George’s Day Ball, opening of the Jenkins Pavilion and the Civic Service. He thanked Members for their support on these occasions.

8. Finance and General Purposes Committee (7/09)


(a) That Cllr Martin John Pettitt be elected Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee for the ensuing year.

(b) That Cllr David Hector Gale be elected Vice Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee for the ensuing year.

9. Planning Parks and Open Spaces Committee (8/09)


(a) That Cllr Peter Nigel Aldis be elected Chairman of Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee for the ensuing year.

(b) That Cllr Michael Richard Bartlett be elected Vice Chairman of Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee for the ensuing year.

10. Staffing Committee (9/09)


(a) That the Staffing Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of the Deputy Mayor, (Cllr Susan Jane Sutton), and Cllrs Peter Anthony Blaine, David Hector Gale, Colin Osborne and Michael Peter Scott.

(b) That Cllr Peter Anthony Blaine be elected Chairman of the Staffing Committee for the ensuing year.

(c) That Cllr Michael Peter Scott be elected Vice Chairman of the Staffing Committee for the ensuing year.

11. Audit Committee (10/09)


(a) That the Audit Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllr Geoffrey George Noble White (as Mayor), Cllr Mrs Susan Jane Sutton(as Deputy Mayor), Cllr Martin John Pettitt (as Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee), Cllr David Hector Gale (as Vice Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee) and Cllr Colin Osborne.

(b) That Cllr Colin Osborne be elected Chairman of the Audit Committee for the ensuing year.

(c) That Cllr Martin John Pettitt be elected Vice Chairman of the Audit Committee for the ensuing year.

12. Sub-committees and Working Groups (11/09)

Resolved: That no substitutes shall be appointed to any of the sub-committees and working groups.

13. Sandy Market -Management Sub-Committee (12/09)

Resolved (a) That the Sandy Market Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, Michael Peter Scott, Mrs Susan Jane Sutton and Geoffrey George Noble White together with Mr Ray Goldman representing the stallholders.

(b) That the Chairman of the Sandy Market Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr Michael Peter Scott.

(c) That the Vice Chairman of the Sandy Market Management Sub Committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr Mrs Susan Jane Sutton.

14. Communications Sub-committe (13/09)

Resolved: (a) That Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, David Delves Broughton, Robert James Smith and Mrs Susan Jane Sutton be appointed as the Communications Sub-Committee for the ensuing year.

(b) That Cllr Peter Nigel Aldis be elected as Chairman of the Communications Sub-Committee for the ensuing year.

15. Open Spaces Sub-Committee (14/09)

Resolved: (a) That the Open Spaces Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis (as Chairman of Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee), David Delves Broughton, Martin John Pettitt and Michael Peter Scott.

(b) That Cllr Michael Peter Scott be elected as Chairman of the Open Spaces Sub-Committee for the ensuing year.

16. Policies Sub-committee (15/09)

Resolved: (a) That the Policies Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Anthony Blaine, Colin Osborne, Martin James Pettitt and Geoffrey George Noble White.

(b) That Cllr Geoffrey George Noble White be appointed Chairman of the Policies Sub-Committee.

17. Premises Sub-Committee (16/09)
Resolved: (a) That the Premises Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Michael Richard Bartlett, David Hector Gale, David William John Sharman and Geoffrey George Noble White.

(b) That the Chairman of the Premises Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr David Hector Gale.

18. Riddy and Pinnacle Management Sub-Committee (17/09)

Resolved (a) That the Riddy and Pinnacle Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Martin John Pettitt, Michael Peter Scott, David William John Sharman and Mrs Susan Jane Sutton.

(b) That the Chairman of the Riddy and Pinnacle Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr David William John Sharman.

19. Tourist Information Centre – Management Sub-committee (18/09)

Resolved: (a) That the Tourist Information Centre Sub-committee be Cllrs Michael Richard Bartlett, Peter Anthony Blaine, David Hector Gale and Martin John Pettitt.

(b) That the Chairman of Tourist Information Centre Sub-committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr Peter Anthony Blaine.

20. The Jenkins Pavilion Management (19/09)

Resolved: (a) That the Sunderland Road Pavilion Working Group and Sunderland Road Pavilion Construction Working Group become the Jenkins Pavilion Management Sub-Committee and that this group should be reviewed after the completion of the building contract.

(b) That the Jenkins Pavilion Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, Peter Anthony Blaine, David Hector Gale, David William John Sharman plus Mr M Reynolds and Mr A Watson.

(c) That the Chairman of the Jenkins Pavilion Management Sub-Committee for the ensuing year shall be Cllr David Hector Gale.

21. Sandy Enhancement Group (20/09)

Resolved: That Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, David William John Sharman, Robert James Smith and Mrs Susan Jane Sutton be appointed as representatives of Sandy Town Council on the Sandy Enhancement Group for the ensuing year.

22. Emergency Plan incorporating Floodplan Working Group (21/09)

(a) That the Emergency Plan incorporating Floodplan Working Group be Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, Michael Richard Bartlett, Cllr Martin John Pettitt and Mrs Susan Jane Sutton.

(b) That the Chairman of Emergency Plan incorporating Floodplan Working Group for the ensuing year shall be Cllr Michael Richard Bartlett.

23. Fallowfield Working Group (22/09)

Resolved: (a) That the Fallowfield Working Group for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, Michael Richard Bartlett, Jeetinder Sandhu and Michael Peter Scott.

(b) That Cllr Peter Nigel Aldis be appointed Chairman of the Fallowfield Working Group.

24. Sandy Quarterly Newsletter/Annual Report – Editor (23/09)

Resolved:That this position should be subsumed into the Communications Sub-committee.

25. Youth Forum Working Group (24/09)
Resolved: (a)That the Youth Forum Working Group for the ensuing year shall consist of Cllrs Peter Nigel Aldis, Patrick Obi Jones, Colin Osborne and Paul J Sharman.

(b) That the Chairman of the Youth Forum Working Group for the ensuing year shall be Cllr Peter Nigel Aldis.

26. Car Park Working Group (25/09)

Resolved: That the Car Park Working Group should be disbanded and any further business dealt with by the Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee.

27. Police Liaison Group (26/09)

Resolved: That the Police Liaison Group should be disbanded.

28. Election of Representatives to Outside Bodies (27/08)

Resolved: That Members of Sandy Town Council be elected/appointed as Representatives of the Town Council on outside bodies as per Appendix 'A' attached to these minutes.

29. Minutes and Reports (28/09)

(a) Meeting of Sandy Town Council held on Monday 30th March 2009

Resolved: (i) That the Minutes, including Exempt Minutes, Minute Nos 149/08 and 152/08, which had been previously circulated, be received, approved and signed as a correct record.

(ii) That Exempt Minutes, Minute Nos 149/08 and 152/08 remain as Exempt items.

(b) Meeting of Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Monday 20th April 2009.
Resolved: (i) That the Minutes, including Exempt Minutes, Minute No F79/08, which had been previously circulated, be received, approved and adopted as a correct record.

(ii) That Exempt Minutes, Minute No F79/08 remain as Exempt items.

Recommendations:There were none.

30. Reports from Representatives (29/09)

Cllr Pettitt spoke about the recent visit by the Twinning Association to Malaunay. Although numbers were not as good as in previous years the trip was very enjoyable and a great success. It was with sadness that Cllr Pettitt reported that the Mayor of Malaunay, M. Clement, was terminally ill.

A trip to Poland was to take place in the summer.

31. Clerk’s Report (30/09)

(1) Accounts 1.4.08 to 31.3.09

Resolved: That the lists of Receipts and Payments for March 2009, which had been on display prior to the Meeting be received and approved.

(2) Quarterly Accounts – Quarter Ended 31.3.09

Resolved: That the Quarterly Accounts (Income and Expenditure Lists) for Quarter Ended 31st March 2009 which had also been on display prior to the Meeting, be received and approved. It was noted that these were not the Final Year End Accounts.

(3) Ivel Road Bridleway Bridge

Resolved: That the Clerk be requested to write to Central Bedfordshire Council reporting that in the opinion of Members the bridge need not be modified.

(4) Fishing Rights – The Riddy

Resolved: That the Town Council agrees to renew their licence for the next three years to fish on the Riddy Local Nature Reserve with Biggleswade and Hitchin Angling Association, the fee being set in 2009 at £414.00, subject to annual increases in line with R.P.I.

32. Annual Parish Meeting (31/09)

The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 27th April 2009 which had been previously circulated, were received and noted.

No actions were required.

33. Oral questions from electors (32/09)

There were none.

34. Baptist Chapel (33/09)



35. Press Release (34/09)

Resolved: That the appointment of a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor be communicated to the press.

Resolved: That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by virtue of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted Section (8 & 9) of the Exempt Information, Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, it may contain “The amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services” and “Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property of the supply of goods or services”, the press and public be requested to retire from the meeting.