To: The Mayor and All Members of Sandy Town Council

The Annual Meeting of Sandy Town Council will be held in the Council Chamber at 10, Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds on Monday 12th May 2008 at 7.30pm.

7th May 2008 S M Foster

Town Clerk


1. Apologies

2. Town Mayor of Sandy

(a) To elect the Town Mayor for the ensuing year.

(b) The newly elected Town Mayor to take and sign the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Town Mayor.

3. Deputy Town Mayor of Sandy

(a) To elect the Deputy Town Mayor for the ensuing year.

(b) The newly elected Deputy Town Mayor to take and sign the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Town Mayor.

4. To Receive Declarations of Interests from Members

(a) Prejudicial Interests

(b) Personal Interests

5. Oral Questions from Electors

(Please would Members raise any questions initially with the office)

6. Planning Applications Received for Comment by Sandy Town Council

(Any plans received for comment will be on display in the committee room from 7.15 p.m. onwards and members are requested to view these prior to this item).

(See list attached)

7. Mayoral Communications

(See list attached)

8. Finance and General Purposes Committee

(a) To elect a Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M J Pettitt)

(b) To elect a Vice Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr D H Gale)

9. Planning Parks and Open Spaces Committee

(a) To elect a Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr P N Aldis)

(b) To elect a Vice Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr Mrs S J Sutton)

10. Staffing Committee

(a) To appoint the Staffing Committee for the ensuing year. (Committee consists of five members including the Deputy Mayor but excluding the Mayor - currently Cllrs P A Blaine, D H Gale, M P Scott, Mrs S J Sutton and G G N White).

(b) To elect a Chairman of Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr P A Blaine).

(c) To elect a Vice Chairman of Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M P Scott).

11. Audit Committee

(a) To appoint the Audit Committee for the ensuing year. (Committee consists of five members including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chairman and Vice Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee plus 1 other member of Council - currently Cllr N A O’Leary).

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr C Osborne)

(c) To elect a Vice Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M J Pettitt)

12. Sandy Market - Management Group
(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels. At the informal meeting of Council held in February Members asked that these things be reviewed.

12. Sandy Market Management Group (contd)

The recently formed Premises Sub-Committee was designated as such because it is an ongoing committee rather than a working group, which would have a finite life – when the project is finished the working group will end. Sub-Committees should report to a main Committee of the Council.

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. (5 members) (Currently Cllrs D Broughton, M J Pettitt, M P Scott, Mrs S J Sutton and G G N White).

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M P Scott).

(d) To elect a Vice Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr Mrs S J Sutton)

13. Sunderland Road/Pavilion Secure Storage Working Group
Reports to next available meeting, both Planning, Parks and Open Spaces and Finance and General Purposes Committees have delegated powers to authorise expenditure on this project.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. (5 members) (Currently Cllrs P N Aldis, P A Blaine, D H Gale, D W Sharman, and one vacancy.

(b) To confirm the co-option of Mr M Reynolds.

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr D H Gale).

(d) To elect a Vice Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr P A Blaine).

14. The Riddy - Local Nature Reserve - Management Group

(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. (4 members) (Currently Cllrs M J Pettitt, M P Scott, D W Sharman and Mrs S J Sutton. (Substitute: Cllr P N Aldis)

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M P Scott).

15. The Pinnacle Management Group
(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

15. The Pinnacle Management Group (cont)

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. (4 members) (Currently Cllrs M J Pettitt, M P Scott, D W Sharman and Mrs S J Sutton. (Substitute: Cllr P N Aldis)

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M P Scott).

16. Tourist Information Centre – Management Group

(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of three members (Currently Cllrs P A Blaine, D H Gale, G G N White. Substitutes: Cllrs N A O’Leary and M J Pettitt).

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr P A Blaine).

17. Communications Working Group

(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year (4 members) (Currently Cllrs P N Aldis, D W Sharman, R J Smith and Mrs S J Sutton)

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year (currently Cllr P N Aldis).

18. Policies Working Group

(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To appoint the Policies Working Group (3 members) for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllrs P A Blaine, C Osborne and G G N White).

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr G G N White).

19. Sandy Enhancement Group

To appoint 3 Members to represent Council on the Group. (Currently Cllrs P N Aldis, D W Sharman and Mrs S J Sutton. (Substitute: Cllr R Smith).

20. Fallowfield Working Group

Reports to Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 5 members. (Currently Cllrs P N Aldis, C Osborne, M J Pettitt, D W Sharman, M P Scott).

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M J Pettitt)

21. Sunderland Road Pavilion Project – Construction Management Working Group

Reports to next available meeting, both Planning, Parks and Open Spaces and Finance and General Purposes Committees have delegated powers to authorise expenditure on this project.

Members should consider whether this group should continue as the Management Group when the facility is in use or if another group should be appointed.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 3 members of Council plus Mr M Reynolds and Mr A Watson. (Currently Cllrs P N Aldis, D H Gale and D W Sharman)

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr D H Gale).

22. Playing Field – Maintenance Working Group

(a) To consider whether or not this group should be designated a sub-committee and to confirm its reporting channels.

(b) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 4 members. (Currently Cllrs D D Broughton, D H Gale, M J Pettitt and M P Scott)

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr M P Scott).

23. Sandy Quarterly Newsletter/Annual Report - Editor

To appoint an Editor for the Year 2008/2009 Editions of the Sandy Quarterly Newsletter and the Annual Report. (Currently Cllr P N Aldis)

24. Premises Sub-Committee

Reports to Finance and General Purposes Committee.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 4 members. (Currently Cllrs D D Broughton, D H Gale, D W Sharman and G G N White)

24. Premises Sub-Committee (Contd)

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr D H Gale).

25. Youth Forum Working Group

Reports to Town Council.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 4 members. (Currently Cllrs N P Aldis, P O Jones, C Osborne and D W Sharman)

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year (currently Cllr P N Aldis).

26. Car Park Working Group

Reports to Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee.

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of 4 members. (Currently Cllrs D H Gale, C Osborne, M J Pettitt and M P Scott)

(b) To confirm the co-option of Mrs S Jones.

(c) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr C Osborne).

27. Police Liaison Group
Reports to Town Council

(a) To appoint the Group for the ensuing year. Consists of three members (Currently Cllrs P A Blaine, D H Gale, D W Sharman).

(b) To elect a Chairman of the Group for the ensuing year. (Currently Cllr D H Gale).

28. Election of Representatives to Outside Bodies

To elect representatives of the Council to serve on outside bodies.

(See list attached)

29. Minutes and Reports

To approve/adopt the Minutes of:-

*+ (a) Meeting of Sandy Town Council held on Monday 7th April 2008.

*+ (b) Meeting of Staffing Committee held on Monday 14th April 2008.

29. Minutes and Reports (cont)

+ (c) Meeting of Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Monday 21st April 2008

+ (d) Special Meeting of Planning Parks & Open Spaces Committee held on Monday 28th April 2008.

+ = Previously Circulated.

* = Exempt or Confidential Information – Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.

30. Reports from Representatives

To receive any verbal reports from Council representatives on outside bodies.

31. Clerk’s Report

To receive and consider Clerk’s Report. (Copy attached)

32. Annual Parish Meeting

(a) To note the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 28th April 2008. (previously circulated)

(b) To agree any actions required.

33. Oral Questions from Electors

On matters raised during the meeting.

*34. Appointment of Deputy Clerk

To receive the Clerk’s Report. (Copy attached – exempt information, Members only)

35. Press Release

*Exempt information – Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and Section (1) of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1985. The Press and Public are given notice that they may be requested to retire during consideration of this item.



53/08 / 08/00615/FULL
Mr A West
12 Ivel Road
SG19 1AH / Full application for the conversion of a barn to single dwelling and to provide additional accommodation to existing cottage and increase in width of existing dropped kerb at 12 Ivel Road, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 10 and 14 Ivel Road, Sandy notified / Town Council
54/08 / 08/00616/FULL
Mr A West
12 Ivel Road
SG19 1AH / Full application for the erection of a single storey side extension at 12 Ivel Road, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 10 and 14 Ivel Road, Sandy notified / Town Council
55/08 / 08/00706/FULL
Mr K Hill
11 Stratford Road
SG19 2AB / Full application for the erection of a double garage at 11 Stratford Road, Sandy, Beds. / Town Council
56/08 / 08/00658/FULL
Mr G Heckles
8 Swift Close
SG19 2UU / Full application for the conversion of an existing garage into a habitable room, first floor side extension over existing garage at 8 Swift Close, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 5, 6 and 10 Swift Close, Sandy notified / Town Council



57/08 / 08/00705/FULL
Mr D Newman
25 Ivel Road
SG19 1BA / Full application for the erection of a two storey side and rear extensions at 25 Ivel Road, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 23 and 27 Ivel Road, 6 and 8 Ivel View Sandy notified / Town Council
58/08 / 08/00736/FULL
Mr R Banks
Banks Mills Ltd
29 St Neots Road
SG19 1LD / Full application for the erection of 1 no 3 bedroomed detached dwelling and garage on land at the rear of 37, 39 and 41 St Neots Road, Sandy, Beds.
Near neighbours 35, 37 39, 41, 43 St Neots Road, Sandy notified / Town Council
59/08 / 08/00680/TD
Crawley Court
SO21 2QA / Telecommunications Determination application for the installation of a security gate and associated fencing at site entrance at Sandy Heath Transmitter, Deepdale, Potton, Sandy, Beds. / Town Council
60/08 / 08/00707/LB
Mr K Hill
11 Stratford Road
SG19 2AB / Listed Building Consent application for the erection of an oak framed garage, replacement of three windows to front elevation at 11 Stratford Road, Sandy, Beds. / Town Council