English and the Scientific and Technological Milieu (603-HSD-MQ)

Research Paper Evaluation Grids:
Outline and Rough Draft

(Outline must be divided into three sections):

  1. The introduction, which comprises thesis statement (research topic), the point of view (what you will prove and why) and subtopics (how you will prove topic);
  2. the body, which is made up of the subtopics and supporting details (references to research and quotes); and finally,
  3. the conclusion, summing up the thesis/topic and subtopics as well as providing a resolution.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

Grade for Outline/10


The student demonstrates an understanding of the topic by:

  • Clearly identifying a research topic.
  • Clearly identifying the point of view of the research topic (what you want to prove/learn).
  • Clearly identifying an understanding of how the research supports the topic and how the research and the topic are developed through literary elements (techniques and devices).
  • Uses clear supporting details (appropriately and in correct contexts).
  • Uses adequate research, facts, and information (appropriately and in correct contexts).
  • Employs relevant research and references to support and explain the topic.
  • Understanding of the structure of arguments and facts needed to define the research topic.
  • Understanding of analysis of the topic and research (as opposed to summary, personal reaction, etc.).


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable


MLA Format, In-Text MLA Citations and MLA Works Cited

  • Student must use MLA format throughout the research paper: 1st page, margins, spacing, structure.
  • Student must cite MLA in-text citations throughout the essay and provide a MLA Works Cited page.

Body of the Research Paper

The student demonstrates coherent essay development and organization by:

  • Stating a clear statement of a thesis about the research topic.
  • A structured development of the research paper (introduction, body paragraphs with a focus and sufficient development to support the thesis/topic, and a conclusion).
  • Effective use of supporting ideas and details, examples, and research to develop the thesis/topic.
  • General unity, logic and coherence.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

expression – writing skills

The student demonstrates:

  • Appropriate vocabulary, word choice, tone and diction.
  • Correct and varied sentence structure (avoids fragments, run-ons, etc.).
  • Generally correct grammar.
  • Conventional spelling, punctuation, and usage of college level written English.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

final grade for outline and research paper draft:



Grade For Draft Of Mla Research Paper:/100

final grade for outline and draft of mla research paper/10


Research Paper Evaluation Grid: Typed Final MLA Research Paper


The student demonstrates an understanding of the topic by:

  • Clearly identifying a research topic.
  • Clearly identifying the point of view of the research topic (what you want to prove/learn).
  • Clearly identifying an understanding of how the research supports the topic and how the research and the topic are developed through literary elements (techniques and devices).
  • Uses clear supporting details (appropriately and in correct contexts).
  • Uses adequate research, facts, and information (appropriately and in correct contexts).
  • Employs relevant research and references to support and explain the topic.
  • Understanding of the structure of arguments and facts needed to define the research topic.
  • Understanding of analysis of the topic and research (as opposed to summary, personal reaction, etc.).


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable


MLA Format, In-Text MLA Citations and MLA Works Cited

  • Student must use MLA format throughout the research paper: 1st page, margins, spacing, structure.
  • Student must cite MLA in-text citations throughout the essay and provide a MLA Works Cited page.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

final grade for mla format, in-text citations and mla works cited /10

Body of the Research Paper

The student demonstrates coherent essay development and organization by:

  • Stating a clear statement of a thesis about the research topic.
  • A structured development of the research paper (introduction, body paragraphs with a focus and sufficient development to support the thesis/topic, and a conclusion).
  • Effective use of supporting ideas and details, examples, and research to develop the thesis/topic.
  • General unity, logic and coherence.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

expression – writing skills

The student demonstrates:

  • Appropriate vocabulary, word choice, tone and diction.
  • Correct and varied sentence structure (avoids fragments, run-ons, etc.).
  • Generally correct grammar.
  • Conventional spelling, punctuation, and usage of college level written English.


Very Good Good Adequate Weak Very Weak Unacceptable

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