Ms. Buron 2016-2017

Mark System: Spanish II A Spanish II H Spanish IV H

Tests* / 40% / 45% / 50%
Quizzes* / 30% / 30% / 35%
Homework** / 25% / 20% / 10%
Participation/Preparedness*** / 5% / 5% / 5%

*Papers, oral presentations, projects, special assignments and oral assessments will be assigned periodically and students will be informed if they count as a test or quiz.

** Assignments will not be accepted late, if they are not turned in at the beginning of class on the due date the grade becomes a zero.

*** In order to earn credit for participation students must be attentive and non-disruptive in class and contribute meaningfully to class discussion at least twice per class period. In order to be considered prepared for class students must have the following:

  • Pen and Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 or 1.5 inch binder, with four divider tabs, college ruled/lined loose leaf and a three hole punched folder (for Spanish work only)
  • Chrome Book or registered electronic device to access the online textbook (must be charged)

Additional Information

1. Absent students must complete any assessments/assignments missed during their absence within the time frame stipulated in the student handbook- any work which remains unfinished after this time frame will be counted as a zero. Students are responsible for keeping track of missed assessments/assignments and resolving any issues arising from their absence. Students must come speak with me afterschool the day they return from an absence, even if the class does not meet that day.

2. Field trips and other school activities do not count as absences and students must make arrangements to take assessments and hand in work prior to missing class.

3. Extra credit is not guaranteed and will only be considered for students who have no missing assignments and have attended extra help at least three times in the marking period.

4. Students are expected to comply with all school rules and regulations while in class, especially those regarding dress code, behavior and cheating/plagiarism.

5. Any student dismissed from class for poor behavior will receive a zero on all work done in class that day (including tests and quizzes) and is responsible for coming to speak with me the same day after school to get their assignments.

6. Teacher detentions will take place only on Tuesdays from 2:25pm-3:25pm.

7. Cell phones used in class will be held until a parent/legal guardian comes to pick it up.

Parents and Students:

Please read carefully. Sign below to acknowledge your receipt and understanding of the grading policy and class rules.


Parent SignaturedateStudent Signature date

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