Purpose: Special RM AIAA Board Meeting to Discuss Sept 8th Membership Event (“Trajectories 2017”) and Associated Funding Request


  1. Kay Sears
  2. Brian Gulliver
  3. Paul Anderson
  4. Marshall Lee
  5. Chris Stevens
  6. Rusty Powell
  7. Brian Gulliver
  8. Wesley Kenison
  9. Adrian Nagle
  10. Todd Nathaniel


  1. Paul Anderson and Marshall Lee discussed the proposed 9/8/17 event with the RM AIAA Board. In summary, the event will be co-sponsored by the Colorado School of Mines Aerospace Interest Group (MAIG) and Rocky Mountain AIAA. The dual purpose of the event is to connect Mines alumni working in the aerospace industry AND to provide an opportunity for a major networking/membership drive event for RM AIAA.
  1. The event is planned for 9/8/17 at the Mines’ Student Center from 6-8:30pm. Anticipated attendance is 125-150. This event has previously received approval and sponsorship from Mines President (Dr. Paul Johnson), including significant funding ($1200 facility write-off + $1000). Several VIPs/Dignitaries have been invited and are expected to attend including Congressman Ed Perlmutter; Lt. Governor Donna Lynne, Dr. Paul Johnson, Vice Adm. (Ret) Richard Truly, and Major General (Ret) Jay Lindell. Additional detailed information, including sign-up instructions, are now available on the RM AIAA website.
  1. The Board set a “goal” of recruiting 20-25 new members as the result of this event.

4.  The specific requests/approvals/actions from the RM AIAA Board in support of this event:

a.  Approval of the “co-sponsored” nature of the event with MAIG and its scope and purpose: UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED

b.  Approval of $100 from existing “Membership” budget to apply towards the event: UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED

c.  Approval of $100 from existing “Public Policy” budget to apply towards the event: UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED

  1. Approval of $600 of additional RM AIAA budget to apply towards the event: UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED
  2. Paul Anderson and Marshall Lee took the action to follow up with John Eiler (Region V Director) to get the status on the Cat III Funding Request ($500) which would provide further budget support this event.
  1. “Other” business / actions:
  2. Wesley Kenison provided a very detailed planning progress update for ATS 2017. He is anticipating between 250-300 attendees at this year’s event at Metro State. He has a meeting next week with the new MSU President (Dr. Janine Davidson) to secure her commitment, including the cost of the facilities. Wes took the action to immediately get back with the board if there are any issues in securing this commitment.

b.  The board approved pursing a reciprocating agreement between RM AIAA ATS and BEST Robotics (Jose Lopez) w/respect to exchanging tables/booths. BEST’s Local and Regional competitions are this fall (10/20-21 and 12/16-17, respectively).


Kay adjourned the meeting at approximately 8pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Mortensen

Secretary, AIAA RMS

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