AP Psychology Syllabus
Mrs. Everhart
Required Course Material
- Textbook: Pearson AP Edition Psychology; White, Ciccarelli
- Wide, three-ringed binder (2”-3”) to keep notes, outlines, articles and handouts.
- Smaller three-ringed binder to keep vocabulary in.
- Pens (blue or black ink ONLY)
- Highlighters
- 3 x 5 notecards
Course Description
The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and the mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to psychological facts, principles and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and their practice. Students should expect a work load similar to what they would have if they were to take this course at the college level. This includes extensive reading, active involvement in the class discussions and activities, and taking notes.
Course Characteristics
- This is a college-level course. College level attitudes, work habits and products are expected of all students.
- This class requires more reading than the typical high school honors class. Students who want to do well must complete all assignments on time.
- Class time is important. Students who want to do well must attend and participate regularly.
- Evaluations are based on the mastery of the material.
- Learning is ultimately the responsibility of the student. In an AP course, students are expected to be interested in their own learning and willing to devote the time necessary to explore the course content as fully as possible.
Course Content
History and Approaches2-4%
Research Methods6-8%
Sensation and Perception7-9%
States of Consciousness2-4%
Motivation and Emotion7-9%
Developmental Psych7-9%
Testing and Intelligence5-7%
Abnormal Psych7-9%
Social Psych7-9%
Course Grading
Chapter tests based on the AP exams with multiple choice questions and one free response.
Vocabulary quizzes
Article reviews
Research project (and incremental process on project)
Example Projects Include:
Natural observation
Students anonymously observe a stranger for 5 consecutive days and document behaviors and individual characteristics and attributes. Students write a paper about their stranger. This assignment not only introduces students to the empiricism and natural observation research method but also makes them keenly aware of the powers of observation and the difference between subjectivity and objectivity.
Astrology Analysis
Read your horoscope for 10 days. Using a rating scale 1 to 5 rate your horoscopes predictions the day after you read them. Discuss how accurate you believe the horoscope was for you. Discuss the impact that confirmation bias has on one’s belief system and behavior. This assignment allows students to examine the power of belief systems on human behavior.
Students will conduct a survey and collect data. The data will be given to the statistics class to interpret the data. They will be able to incorporate the data into a brief paper with their findings. This assignment allows students to understand the significance of statistical analysis used in psychological research.
Research Project
Each student or group will select a topic from a list and allows for the opportunity to explore a topic of interest. The paper will be 5-7 pages in length, including cover page, abstract and reference page. A minimum of 5 references that is from professional references coming from books or professional journal articles. The paper will be APA format.
3-D Brain Model and Presentation
Working in pairs, students will create a three-dimensional model of some (teacher approved) aspect of brain/body functioning. This model must be must be realistic and color coded. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the workings of the brain/body by presenting their model to the class and being able to answer specific questions from the audience as well as the instructor.
Film/Book Review
Students can select a book to read or popular film to view (approved by the instructor) and complete a critical analysis of it, using APA documentation, citing supporting evidence of its psychological accuracies and fallacies.