Expected functionality of the Employee Lottery Information Portal.

In preparation for the release of this Request for Quotation, the Pennsylvania Lottery has made an effort to define the key design requirements and functional aspects of the Lottery Employee Information Portal in this appendix. Included within are: 1) detailed requirements for business processes required by other Commonwealth Agencies, 2) data requirements for expected interfaces, and 3) descriptions of business functions which the proposed solution will need to support. The specified detail of any section of this appendix is not an indication of the importance of a particular section, but a reflection of the known details of the requirements to be fulfilled.

General Portal Functionality

It is required to include a secure method for employee log on and determine roles based on log on credentials
  • A lottery employee will log into the portal with a username and password. The login will be a secure login and we prefer to use login module deemed acceptable by CTC. A link will appear at that says Employee Logon and when the employee clicks that link they will come to the lottery staff log on screen. The logon will present information to the employee based on the role applied to that user name. When using the Web Portal the user would need to log-in after a specified amount of inactivity on the web portal to further secure the data.
CORE - Establish employee roles, including but not limited to, those listed inAppendix F (Employee Role Requirements)
CORE- Provide a role-based system to deliver sales information fromMIS to Lottery employees.
CORE -Pass data to and from the portal to the PA Lottery’s back office system. Develop and document procedures and systems for synchronization and balancing of all data with MIS.
CORE–Portal interface is required to be displayed on screen size in both portrait and landscape views that match the Lottery’s current mobile equipment. Screens will be able to be used with a digital input device (pen) on a tablet. A keyboard should not be required to navigate the screens.
CORE - A summary of retailer data shall be displayed based on the employee’s role. For example: executives should see data pertaining to all retailers, DLRs should see data for their district and managers should see all data in their area.
CORE- Develop a process and system to deliver and provide easy access to retailer specific information.
CORE - Provide a method to exchange data between theemployees and MIS. This method to deliver existing data will track individual updates to insure only new information is exchanged.
CORE - Provide current retailercontact information including detailed retailer information pertinent to the sales function of the DLRs.
  • CORE - The Portal shall be ADA compliant.
  • Additional–The portal shall provide a role based file repository so that documents can be shared between lottery employees over the internet.

Usability Requirements

  • CORE - Ability to minimize screens and have several windows open – ex: home, retailers, service history, etc.; this suggests open links in a new tab
  • CORE - Allow the DLR's number to be placed under the retailer column to accomplish transactions such as: vehicle service, prospective retailer, office time, etc.
  • ADDITIONAL – To have access to important phone list and training manuals and instruction for filling out claim form C/O etc. on the tablet

CORE - Administration

  • CORE– Lottery IT Computer Services Group shall have access to the entire system to provide portal administration capabilitiesfor employees to enter items into the repository, maintain the database, monitor that files and scheduled reports function and run at the appropriate times, manage content of the system, maintain users and roles, maintain retailers users andmanage web content.
  • CORE–Retail Operations Management Groupshall have access to the system to place the appropriate files in the repository, enter Lottery news, entering POS catalog items, game information and other pertinent items.

CORE- There must be a method for Lottery employees to manage account passwords, role permissions and other account functions

  • ADDITIONAL–The Marketing Group needs access to the system. This would include but not be limited to updating Instant Game graphics, entering/removing new/old POS items, enter commissions, enter promotions, etc…
  • ADDITIONAL – The Instant Accounting Group and The Claims Group need access to the system
  • ADDITIONAL– Retail Operations Management Group shall have access to the system. perform surveys, monitor recruitment functions and monitor Licensing tracking, etc…
  • ADDITIONAL- provide a complete forms processing solution for our mobile users, adaptable to the Pennsylvania Lotteries business requirements and document volume. Describe how your proposed solution will, at a minimum meet the following requirements: Allow field staff access to approximately 25 forms via the portal. Automate the forms process currently utilized by the PA Lottery field staff to allow text input and the capturing of retailer information and signatures. Allow completed forms to be classified and sorted so each form is streamed to its own queue for processing. Provide capabilities for reports and statistics on document flow.

Report Creation

CORE - Provide the ability to create reports
CORE - The ability to export data from all reports to Excel, CSV, PDF, Crystal Reports, etc. with the appropriate reports being read only
CORE - Provide new/updated/existing retailer/contact information that can be extracted from the current data base including detailed retailer information pertinent to the sales function of the DLRs
CORE - Statistics for portal usage will be collected and the Lottery must be able to view and analyze these statistics
ADDITIONAL - There are approximately 25 forms. For instance the task of a deactivation the DLR captures information and accounts for all of the tickets the tickets are accounted for by running a report. This report can be captured electronically and then initiate the work flow to transfer up to work for the Area manager and then to HQ (Stolen packs, missing packs etc.)

Lottery Employee User Dashboard

  • CORE- When an employee logs on they will be presented with a dashboard that presents the most pertinent data to their role. There will be options to drill down to specific functions and the drill down technique will be easy.
CORE - A search box feature needs to be incorporated into the portal to conduct searches for information.
  • CORE- Create a file repository for various Lottery documents and instructions on how to fill out the documents.
  • CORE - There must be a method for the lottery to manage what retailers and information should display for an employee. As an example a DLR for district 1A should display only the retailers in district 1A, the area manager for area 1 should display all retailers and only the retailers for area 1 and a field manager should display information for all retailers that the Commonwealth serves.

CORE–Display news items entered by lottery staff.

CORE - New Instant Games display information on all games and provide highlights for new games.

CORE - Winners - Winner awareness provides recent winnings for large prize games

High Level overview

  • Set by role as default or custom as saved by the employee.

Winner awareness

Retailer location and amount of high tiered winners will be displayed.

Jackpot Awareness

  • Online Jackpots are to be displayed on the dashboard
  • Jackpots should be listed from highest to lowest and should be adjusted depending on jackpot values

CORE – Game Closing

  • Provide a strong persistent notice to the employee on the tablet (like a pop-up) about announced instant game closings, giving the game closing details, game number and name, the game closing date, and countdown in days until the closing date. Provide a game closing dashboard that provides game closing functionality to the Lottery employee.

Additional – Deliver marketing content such as commercials and radio ads.

ADDITIONAL - Automate the collection of travel expense and time management data

Sales Dashboard

CORE - District (role defined) Sales total online and instant

CORE - Adjustable date range with default options of week, month or quarter

CORE - Ability to compare sales to the previous year

CORE - Top 10 selling retail locations in a role (Total, Area, district)

CORE - The ability to export data from all reports to Excel, CSV, PDF, Crystal Reports, etc. with the appropriate reports being read only

CORE - Show total and average sales by district by area

CORE - Lottery IT has access to sales data base

CORE - Last 13 weeks reports with comparison to similar business type retailers and locations. The individual online game sales and the sales by instant price point for a “similar” retailer by week, month and quarter

ADDITIONAL - Ability to filter or query sales for a particular instant game by week months and quarter

ADDITIONAL - Ability for ad hoc reports

ADDITIONAL - Ability to run reports for same time a year ago and comparison

DLR Dashboard

CORE - Tasks - Task Management provides assigned tasks to employee to maintain action records

CORE - Detailed and Summarized DLRs’ Inventory with status [ticket trunk stock, instant and online] data provides Instant Ticket pack history of all instant tickets. Display closed games with a designator.

  • CORE - When an employee logs on they will be presented with a dashboard that presents the most pertinent data to their role
  • ADDITIONAL - There will be options to drill down to specific functions and the drill down technique will be easy.

ADDITIONAL–Non Ticket Personal Inventory. For example items that DLRs carry with them for delivery retailer locations.

ADDITIONAL–Inventory POS and Signage and equipment.

  • CORE - Vehicle mileage – when an Employee/DLR who is assigned a vehicle, only that employee’s license plate number should appear on the web portal. He/she should not need to select from a list of license plates when reporting mileage. Also, Area Office Managers/Supervisors, The Automotive Officer/Management and the appropriate Lottery Headquarters staff members need to see all license plates and vehicle numbers in the event vehicles need to be reassigned. The Area Office Managers/Supervisors need the ability to record vehicle mileage for pool vehicles as well as the employees who do not have access to the portal. Also, DLRs need to have access to a list of auto repair shops

ADDITIONAL–Vehicle Expenses - creation and submission of expense report data to track expenses effectively with timely submission of information

Support Retailer Dashboard

Retailer List

CORE- Display activated, suspended (pinned), and deactivated retailers

  • CORE - Need to be able to have access to Deactivated or Suspendedretailers over the last 6 months.

CORE - All retailers must have their Retailer Number, Retailer Name, and Terminal Type listed

CORE - When a retail location has multiple retail numbers there should be an identifier for the primary retailer number - If there is a PCT and a Wave (or Possibly 2 Waves) in the same retailer location; the primary retailer number must be displayed/noted for that location

ADDITIONAL - Display potential retail locations that are currently in the licensing process

ADDITIONAL - Current sales of products and sales trends.

CORE - Retailer Details

Geographical Information

  • The Lottery District number of the retailer needs to appear on the web portal (ex. 1A, 2E, 3F etc.). Also the contact information including Name, Address and Phone Number Need to appear for the retailer
Retailer Name
Retailer Address
Phone Number
Hours of Operation
Business Type
Chain Affiliation
Franchise Affiliation
Tel-Sales Day
Activation Date
Deactivation Date
DLR Name
Area Managers Name
Float Level
Last Visit

Pinned Status

Allow an option to see all pinned retailers in the territory.

Licensing Process Steps with dates completed


Retailer related Tasks

Sales Recommendations

CORE -New Instant Games if not activated

CORE - New Online Games

CORE - High Jackpots for Online Games

CORE- Winners for retailer location

  • ADDITIONAL - Suggestive Selling - provide names of [new] Instant Games, Game Numbers and Price Point not activated at retailer

ADDITIONAL - Current sales of products and sales trends.

CORE – Service History

  • Contact and Service History - create and maintain service history records
  • List the populated service items that a DLR can pull down and show the detail for easy entry of service history
  • Some service histories should be automatically entered when a retailer is visited
  • Provide managers a report of service histories
  • Service history will be available to the DLR for all sites visited that day.

CORE - Sales and Payouts

  • Detailed and Summarized Retailer Sales data - provide quality historical sales information of selected retailer to DLRs in the field and other lottery employees

Sales by Game

Weekly Sales with difference percentage from a week ago

Average 13 week sales

Payouts vs. Sales by Week


CORE – Commissions

Provide a report listing retailer commissions.

CORE - Equipment

  • Equipment inventory with retailer number needs to be displayed when the DLR views a retailer (ex. ITVM, PlayCentral, Wave)
  • All equipment located at retail location shall be listed (ex. Wave, ITVM, 24 Bin Popup)

CORE - Facing and Inserts

  • The amount of all Facings and Inserts needs to be displayed when a DLR views a retailer. The DLR shall be able to update this field.

CORE– Instant Pack Inventory

  • Detailed and Summarized Retailer Inventory data - provide Instant Ticket pack history
  • Display closed games with a check mark beside them or change color

Summary of Inventory by Status

Summary of Inventory by Game

Instant Inventory Details

Settled Packs with Settlement Amount

CORE–Instant inventory return retailer pickup process

  • Create a notification to the DLR that describes the packs that need to be picked up at the retailer.
  • Pack Management - provide notification of pack returns and packs of concern.

Display Packs of Concern

Manage Stolen Tickets

Account for Missing Tickets

Force settled tickets that need to be adjusted

Create an electronic receipt and pass to Commonwealth of PA Imaging system

CORE - Games

  • Game Name and Game Number must appear together alwaysto avoid any confusion, this is because old game names are often reused but are given a new game number
  • The Price Point of an Instant Game should always appear with the Game Name and Game Number
  • The Price Point of Online Games should always appear with the Game Name and Game Number
  • All Game Graphics such as Instant Ticket graphics must be legible and clear for viewing. Also the game graphics need to be kept up to date and current

CORE - Game Listing

  • Games list - provide Online and Instant Game information

Includes all instant and online games

All games should have their game name and number listed

Should have the functionality to search by game number, instant game, online game, game name, current game, and ended game

CORE - Game Description

  • Start Order, Start Sales, End Order, End Activation, End Sales and End Redemption should appear for Instant Games

Game Number

Game Name

Game Description

Type (Instant or Online)

Price Point

Number of Tickets per Packs

Settlement Value

Distribution Start and End Date

Top Tier prize values and remaining number of prizes

CORE - Point of Sales (POS)

  • Promotional Equipment available to Retailer - signage, supplies
  • POS graphics and descriptions

CORE - POS Listing

List all POS items currently available

Ability to search by name or type

POS Description

POS Name


Maximum Order Quantity

Unit of Measure

Signature Required

Current Status (ex. Available, Discontinued, New)


ADDITIONAL - Inventory Number

ADDITIONAL - Set up a system to track all equipment and POS items. Minimum - Maximum levels. Red flag when it is time to reorder. Daily updates, Photos and dimensions. View read only, by all Lottery personnel

ADDITIONAL - Warehouse tracking and reporting capability

  • ADDITIONAL - When ordering signage, promoters, etc., for a retailer that the order would go directly to the stock clerk for them to deliver. Need this in inventory module so manager approves inventory and delivery

ADDITIONAL - Promotions

  • Promotion Tracking - provide data of promotional sales periods - chart current/historic sales records Promotions Module
  • Listing by district and area of current promotions and sponsorships

Promotions Module shall include functionality to create records, collect and deliver data to the Field Staff and Marketing

  • Display a Promotions certification form and send back to MIS. And guidelines then report to those concerned. Add to work flow
  • Ability to evaluate promotions and how well they worked with comparisons to other corporate accounts or similar businesses
  • Populate a set of generic promotions
  • Ability to assess costs of promotions
  • Ability to give DLRs a menu of promotions.
  • Promotional history – Present promotional historical data that evaluates effectiveness of past promotional use.
  • Promotional Ticket Tracking method is needed.
  • The promotions certification form is one of the items previously mentioned for creation of workflow. The following information describes a sample process: Certification form shall be converted to an electronic form, accessed via the DLR tablet. The form once accessed by the DLR would auto populate with all of the pertinent retailer information. DLR would select the type of promotion the retailer would like to run. The DLR and Retailer would sign on the tablet and the area manager/supervisor would be notified that there is a promotion that needs their approval. They would be able to access this e-form and sign electronically to approve the promotion. This form would then be stored for later access by security, retailer operations, and or marketing. This would create a record in the promotions module. A searchable method of retrieval is required. Results shall be exportable in tabular (Excel) or CSV format
  • There should be a promotions dashboard that would allow the DLR to see past promotions for any of their retailers. Reports would include past promotion run, past promotional sales, promotional sales based on the segment average, promotional sales based on similar promotions run in their area
  • Included in the promotions tab would be a list of approved promotions available to the DLR for their accounts
  • The DLR would have the ability to access an electronic version of the promotions manual.
  • Show what commercials are running so DLR can use them as talking points
  • A way to track how many promo tickets that the retailer has received year to date
