Curriculum & Instruction/ Advanced Studies Meeting/November 7, 2014 2

Present: Melissa McConnell (Chair), Paul Gathercoal, Raymond Dixon, Anne Adams, Rodney McConnell, Allen Kitchel, Dan Campbell, Anne Kern, Brant Miller, Ingrid Spence, Teresa Million

Quorum met.

Meeting called to order at 9:33


Paul moved to approve the minutes. Anne A. seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Brant, Ingrid, and Allen joined to talk about the proposed masters+cert program. They’ve met 3-4 times to discuss the articulation of the existing parts. All of the parts are there to deliver this program. They’ve looked at peer programs.

They’ve spent much time looking at 500-level courses that can meet the standards typically met at the 300-level. If the Department votes to approve this in principle, then they will move forward with the plan of developing this for an incoming cohort of 9 this summer 2015.

Previous documentation can be found attached to the 9-5-14 agenda of the Advanced Studies Program Meeting.

Once the committee has a more solidified document, they will share it with the program and department.

There was a discussion surrounding online vs. F2F delivery of methods courses, which are currently taught F2F only. There may be opportunities to teach these at the centers F2F. There may be opportunities to teach these at a distance, in some areas.

The cohort component is working through the ed core together. Then they would take their methods courses along with all other students in the existing methods courses.

We would have three unique programs running simultaneously: undergraduate teacher certification, Masters program, and this Masters+Cert program.

Paul moved to approve a Masters+Certification program in principle. Rodney seconded.

Clarification: we’re giving permission for this group to further refine and articulate this, and we think that this is a program we want.

Motion passed with one abstention.

Webpage Editing

Paul shared the instructions and diagnostics. We need to edit and revamp all of our webpages. The new web pages will use Responsive Web Design, which can be used to view webpages on smartphones, iPads, etc. more efficiently.

Fewer webpages university wide, with fewer words per page (200 max).

Allison Stormo is leading the charge.

Review the list under diagnostics. Be sure that there are no pages slated for archiving that need to be kept. Also see which pages need to be edited. Make edits and send them to Allison .

Revision of COEd Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

Allen spoke to this. The Dean has put together a committee, including Allen and Julie A., to discuss changes to the guidelines. She wants more details included. Scholarship and outreach are big topics. Quality of journals. Value of first author vs. second… She wants to keep the teaching load at 2+2.


Director of Teacher Ed

This has been approved by the Provost. Please pass the position description on to anyone who may be interested.

Summer Schedule

It is posted to the WIKI. TM asked that you review and let her know. Also 502 Directed study, you need to let her know so they can get set up.

EDCI 570 and EDCI 565 need instructors. Paul thinks that 565 may have low enrollments. Melissa will contact Royce and Monica to see if they are interested in teaching these courses.

Advanced Studies Meeting in January

Dean Chen from COGS will be visiting our meeting at 10:00 a.m. on January 9.

Meeting Schedule

The next meeting is December 5.

Other Business


Raymond shared a report of the last GRPC meeting.

Royce conducted a presentation on the Doceo Center. He wants the brown bag meetings to be more accessible. He suggested pre-recording the presentations. Should they be video, audio, interactive, youtube, etc. Dan spoke about a survey regarding software options.