September 20, 2005

Appendix 3: 2005 SMCS Technical Committees Reports

Daniel Yeung (Vice-President for Technical Activity)

Hideyuki Takagi (Technical Committee Coordinator)


TC on Computational Intelligence, Xizhao Wang 2

TC on Computational Life Science, Michael R. Berthold, Hong Yang, and Daniel Yeung 4

TC on Expert and Knowledge Based Systems, John W. T. Lee 6

TC on Intelligent Communications, Ljiljana Trajkovic 8

TC on Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems, Stuart H. Rubin and Shu-Ching Chen10

TC on Machine Learning, YuanYan Tang12

TC on Medical Information, Cathy M. Helgason and Thomas H. Jobe14

(old name: TC on Bio-Informatics)

TC on Soft Computing, Tadahiko Murata 16


TC on Human Machine Interaction, Stephanie Guerlain18


TC on Conflict Resolution, LiPing Fang and Keith W. Hipel20

TC on Control of Uncertain Systems, Abdelkader El Kamel22

TC on Discrete Event Systems, MuDer Jeng24

TC on Distributed Intelligent Systems, Dilip B. Kotak and William A. Gruver26

TC on Homeland Security, Hsinchun Chen and Don Brown28

(old name: TC on Homeland Security, Communication, and Transportation)

TC on Industrial Applications, Seppo J. Ovaska30

TC on Intelligent Transportation Systems, TsuTian Lee32

TC on Robotics and Intelligent Sensing, Hong Zhang34

(old name: TC on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation)

TC on Service Systems and Organizations, Jian Chen36

TC on Systems Safety & Security, Ali G. Hessami38

(old name: TC on Systems Assurance)

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Computational Intelligence

10 September 2005

1.Name of TC

TC on computational Intelligence

  1. Chair

Xizhao Wang

Dean and Professor

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

HebeiUniversity, Baoding, Hebei, China


3. Members

Prof. Daniel So Yeung

Dept. of Computing, Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity

John W. T. Lee

Associate professor

Dept. of Computing, Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity

Daming Shi

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computing, Nanyang Polytechnic University, Singapore

Dianhui Wang

Senior Lecture

Dept. of Computer Science, Latrobe University, Australia

Chaoyi Pang

Senior Scientist


Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

Xiaolong Wang

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

4. Goal of TC

The goal of this technical committee is to provide a forum for exchangingideas among the computational intelligence investigators, such as to organize the SMC co-sponsored conferences and workshops, and publications. It also establishes a bridge to connect the new theoretical results of computational intelligence research and real applications.

5. Major Activities[TL1]

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year


(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year


(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society

Organized the 4th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2005), co-sponsored by SMC, held in Guangzhou, China on 19-21 August 2005.

(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C


(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions


(f) Joint activities with other societies


(g) Other technical activities related to your TC

  1. Continue as an Associate Editor to organize paper review for IEEE Transactions on SMC-B
  2. During the ICMLC2005 (in Guangzhou), the TC recruited more than 30 IEEE SMC members including the student members.

6 Future activities

To organize the 5th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2006), to be held in Dalian on 13-15 August, 2006.

7 Additional comments


Report submitted by: Xizhao Wang Date: 10 September 2005

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Computational Life Science

September, 1, 2005[TL2]

1.Name of TC

Computational Life Science

  1. Co-Chairs

-[TL3]Professor Hong Yan
Department of Electronic Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

-Professor Daniel Yeung
Department of Computing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hom Hum, Kowloon, Hong Kong

-Professor Michael R. Berthold
Department of Computer and InformationScience
KonstanzUniversity, Fach M712, 78457 Konstanz, Germany

3. Members

-[TL4]Dr. Raya Khanin
Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, UK

-Professor Tuan Pham
School of Information Technology, James Cook University, Australia

-Dr. Mihail Popescu
Department of Health Management & Informatics, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

-Dr. Susana Vinga
Biomathematics Group, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

-Professor Guanyu Wang
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas-Houston, USA

-Professor George Zouridakis
Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, USA


IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society

4. Goal of TC

[TL5]The primary objective of the Computational Life Science (CLS) technical committee is to bring together specialists from the areas biology, chemistry and computer science working in this interdisciplinary environment. The goal of the TC is to provide a basis for the exchange of information and resources among the diverse communities and enable interactions between groups from these fields.

5. Major Activities[TL6]

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year


(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year

Proposed a Tutorial on Computational Life Science (rejected)

(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society

.[TL7]None, as the SMC bureaucracy hindered a technical sponsorship of CompLife’05.

(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C

Selected papers of CompLife 2005 will be invited for special issue (planned).[TL8]

(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions


(f) Joint activities with other societies


(g) Other technical activities related to your TC

Organized special session at ICMLC-2005

Computational Life Science 2005 to be held in Konstanz, Germany, September 25-27, 2005 (real SMC involvement hindered by bureaucratic hurdles)

6 Future activities

-Organization of an International Conference on Computational Life Science (ICCLS) in conjunction with ICMLC-2006.

-Hopefully more formal involvement of SMC in CompLife’06.

-Special/Invited Sessions at SMC-2006.

-Special Issue Trans. SMC

7 Additional comments

CLS is a growing field with tremendous interest. Getting SMC involved in this area seems very important to enable continuous growth of the society.

Report submitted by Michael R. Berthold Date 1. September 2005

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Expert and Knowledge Based Systems

September 10, 2005

1.Name of TC

TC on Expert and Knowledge Based Systems

  1. Chair

John W.T. Lee

Associate Professor

Department of Computing

Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity, Hong Kong

3. Members

Professor Peter Smith

Dean, School of Computing and Technology, University of Sunderland, UK

Professor X.Z. Wang

Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hebei University, China

Dr. Eric Tsang

Assistant Professor

Department of Computing, Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity, Hong Kong

4. Goal of TC

The goal of the TC is to promote the new generation of expert and knowledge based systems, which have grown and augmented by the advancement of soft computing, computational intelligence and network technologies, through organization of seminars, workshops, conferences, publicationsand other appropriate activities.

5. Major Activities

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year


(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year


(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society

2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), August 18-21, Guangzhou, China.
This conference we supported in the past few years has been very successful in China. The conference received a total of 2461 submissions with 1050 accepted for presentation and with over 500 attendees.

(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C


(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions


(f) Joint activities with other societies


(g) Other technical activities related to your TC


6 Future activities

We intend to continue our support for the SMC Annual Conference and the ICMLC conference as our major future activities in the coming year. The details will be part of our restructuring plans mention below.

7 Additional comments

The TC is now in the process of a total review of its goal and technical domain and future plans. It is also recruiting new members to help expand its domain of activities. This matter is currently discussed among the TC members and potential members and the VP(TA) will be consulted in due course. We will submit a proposal for restructuring the TC within the next reporting period.

Report submitted by John Lee Date September 10, 2005

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Intelligent Communications

September 13, 2005

1.Name of TC

TC onIntelligent Communications

  1. Chair

Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic

Simon Fraser University

School of Engineering Science

8888 University Drive

BurnabyBC, CanadaV5A 1S6

, (604) 291-3998

3. Members

Prof. Donald E. Brown, University of Virginia, USA,

Prof. William Gruver, Simon Fraser University, Canada,

Dr. Stuart Rubin, SPAWAR Systems Center, USA,

Dr. Richard Saeks, Accurate Automation Corporation, USA,

Dr. Michael Smith, UC Berkeley, USA,

4. Goal of TC

The committee on Intelligent Communications addresses various aspects of modern intelligent data communications. Its mission is to help researchers and developers exchange ideas on expanding current and building novel intelligent communications systems.

The existing communication systems were originally engineered and provisioned to carry voice traffic only. They are currently being used for a variety of voice, data, image, and video services. In order to deliver quality of service promised to the customers, these networks require added intelligent systems and algorithms. This added intelligence is paramount for old networks to continue their existence. It is also an essential aspect of the design of future networks that they need to respond to the future needs of the ever demanding user community.

Some of the successful applications of intelligent communications involve designing advanced intelligent networks which introduced services such as call waiting, caller ID, differential ringing, messaging services, personal communication services, and 800 numbers. This included advances in designing efficient protocols and routing algorithms in packet networks. Current research and emerging techniques include algorithms for admission and congestion control in data networks, fraud prevention, denial of service protections, Web search engines, to name a few.

5. Major Activities

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year


(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year


(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society


(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C


(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions


(f) Joint activities with other societies

  • S. Rubin serves as an associate editor of the International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, published by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED).
  • Lj. Trajkovic serves as a BoG member of the Circuits and Systems Society, and an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part-I.

(g) Other technical activities related to your TC

  • M. Smith and W.Gruver served as Program Chairs for at the 4th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC2005), held in Guangzhou, China, August 19–21, 2005 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).
  • M. Smith delivered keynote address entitled “SMC, where are we going?” at the SMCia’05, held in Espoo, Finland, June 28–30, 2005 (sponsored by SMCS).
  • W. Gruver delivered keynote lecture entitled “Distributed intelligent systems: what makes them intelligent,” at the IEEE 2005 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (MAPE 2005), Beijing, China, August 11, 2005 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).
  • D. Brown delivered a tutorial entitled “Knowledge discovery from simulation” at the 4th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC2005), held in Guangzhou, China, August 19–21, 2005 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).
  • Lj. Trajkovic delivered a tutorial entitled “Modeling and characterization of traffic in deployed networks” at the 4th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2005), held in Guangzhou, China, August 19–21, 2005 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).
  • Lj. Trajkovic served as a TPC member, session chair, and co-author of two papers presented at SPECTS 2005, held in Cherry Hill, NJ, July 24–28, 2005 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).

6 Future activities

  • To recruit new committee members and revive the committee’s activities.
  • M. Smith and W.Gruver serve as Program Chairs for ICMLC2006, to be held in Dalian, China, August 13–16, 2006.
  • S. Rubin plans to develop knowledge-based systems for language translation for coalition chat.
  • Lj. Trajkovic serves as Technical Program Co-Chair of SPECTS 2006, to be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 31–August 2, 2006 (technically co-sponsored by SMCS).

7 Additional comments

Report submitted by Ljiljana Trajkovic Date Sept. 13, 2005

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems

August25, 2005

1.Name of TC

TC on Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems

  1. Chair

Stuart H. Rubin, SSC San Diego

Tel. (619) 553-3554, Fax. (619) 553-1130, E.

Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University

Tel. (305) 348-3480, Fax. (305) 348-3549, E.

3. Members

Julie A. Adams, Vanderbilt University()

Wei Dai, Victoria University ()

Doug DeGroot, Leiden University ()

Mark Embrechts, Renssalaer Polytechnic University()

David Fogel, Natural Selection Inc. ()

Gary Fogel, Natural Selection Inc., ()

Eric Grégoire, Université d´Artois ()

James Law, Expert2 Systems Inc., ()

Gordon Lee, San Diego State University ()

Mariofanna Milanova, University of Arkansas at Little Rock ()

Michael Smith, University of California at Berkeley ()

Mei-Ling Shyu, University of Miami ()

Du Zhang, California State University ()

4. Goal of TC

The goal is to advance the foundations upon which machine intelligence may be based. We recognize that any non-trivial intelligent system necessarily embodies a collage of soft computing methodologies, which calls forth the need to integrate the domain-specific technologies in a maximally reusable object system. Knowledge is necessarily involved towards this end. The representation and acquisition of knowledge is thus relegated to paramount importance. It follows that the charge of this TC is to explore new directions and associated methodologies for representing, inferring, and validating knowledge.

5. Major Activities

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year


(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year


(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society

The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI-2005) --Knowledge Acquisition and Management, Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (August 15-17, 2005). Each IRI conference (2) consisted of 29 sessions and 100/168 published/submitted papers.

(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C

(on going planning)

Professors Du Zhang and Weide Chang plan to create a special issue of the IEEE SMC conference based on the papers published in the IEEE IRI conference for the last two years

(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions


(f) Joint activities with other societies

The IEEE IRI Conference serves as a forum to integrate knowledge representation and acquisition into a plethora of applications that stem from interaction with other IEEE societies.

(g) Other technical activities related to your TC

Our TC is actively engaged in breaking the barriers of knowledge acquisition in expert systems, multimedia systems, neural networks, and evolutionary programming. We have already developed superior foreign language backend translators in this regard and are currently developing message summarizers. A superior creative natural language expert system is slated for delivery at the year’s end. These are all basic R&D projects that serve to fill perceived voids.

6 Future activities

Our plan for the future can be summarized as follows.

  1. Develop knowledge acquisition as a major conference track and journal theme
  2. Collaborate with industry in the development of applications, which further the cause of knowledge acquisition
  3. Increase the level of student involvement through “best paper” and related awards.
  4. Deploy the learning Semantic Normalizer for language translation applications in Iraq.
  5. Develop and deploy a novel learning expert system – the T2K
  6. Explore the learning of a brain-like ensemble neural network – the T3K

7 Additional comments

We have many team members that serve the needs of the DoD as well as various U.S. funding agencies. Our team is both theoretically and empirically based.

Report submitted by Stuart H. Rubin, Date Aug. 25, 2005

Annual Report of Technical Committee on

Machine Learning

September3, 2005

1.Name of TC

TC on Machine Learning

  1. Chair

[TL10]Dr. Yuan Yan Tang, Professor, Hong KongBaptistUniversity,

3. Members

[TL11]Dr. Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University. .

Dr. Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan.

Dr. Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada.

Dr. Yiming Ye, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA. .

Dr. Stan Klasa, Concordia University, Canada.

4. Goal of TC

[TL12]The primary goal of the Machine Learning Technical Committee is to promote research, development, innovations, technical activities, and international collaboration in the area of machine learning related to the following areas: Decision Tree Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Evaluating Hypotheses, Bayesian Learning, Computational Learning Theory, Instance-Based Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Learning Sets of Rules, Analytical Learning, Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning, Reinforcement Learning.

5. Major Activities[TL13]

(a) Organizedspecial sessions or tracks for the annualSMC Conference held this year

We were not able to organize any sessions/tracks for the SMC ’05.[TL14]

(b) Organizedtutorial course for the annual SMC Conference held this year

No tutorial courses

(c) Organized conferences or workshops sponsored by the SMC Society

Collaborated with other Cybernetics Technical Committee chairs, we have organized “The Fourth International Conference on Machine Leaning and Cybernetics 2005” (ICMLC’05), which has been held in Guangzhou of China, August 2005. [TL15]

(d) Organizedspecial issuesat IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, or C

No special issues.[TL16]

(e) Organized tutorial review papers in the SMC Transactions

No tutorial review papers.[TL17]

(f) Joint activities with other societies

We are organizing “The Fourth International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications”, which will be held in Macau, November of 2005. I will serve as a Conference Co-Chair.

Collaborated with International Associate of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), we have organized “the 8th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR’06)” in Seoul of Korea, August 2005.

Collaborated withIEEE Hong Kong Computational Intelligence Chapter, we have organized “2005 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC’05)” in Hefei, China, August 2005.

(g) Other technical activities related to your TC

Meetings of the TC Chair and seven TC Members during the successful ICMLC’05 in China.

6 Future activities

  • We are going to organize an invited sessions/tracks on “Wavelet Analysis and Application to Intelligent Systems” in the International Conference on Machine Leaning and Cybernetics 2006.
  • Collaborated with other Cybernetics Technical Committee chairs, we are going to organize “The Fifth International Conference on Machine Leaning and Cybernetics 2006” (ICMLC’06), which will be held in China, August 2006.
  • We are organizing “The Fifth International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications”, which will be held in Beijing of China, November of 2006.
  • Collaborate with International Associate of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), we will organize “the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’06)” in Hong Kong, August 2006.
  • A Transactions (Part B) Special Issue is currently under planning.

7 Additional comments