Rest Area


  1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as PennDOT, requires electrical repair and/or servicing at the areas listed below for a period of 12 months. There will be four options to renew, upon mutual consent, each for an additional 12 month period. A price increase of two percent shall be applied to each renewal. The Commonwealth reserves the right, upon notice to the Contractor, to extend the term of the contract for up to three (3) months upon the same terms and conditions. This will be utilized to prevent a lapse in contract coverage and only for the time necessary, up to three (3) months, to enter into a new contract.
  1. Locations:

I-80Eastbound, Monroe County, Crescent Lake, Site 41

I-80 Eastbound/Route 611 Monroe County, Delaware Water Gap, Site F

  1. Description:
  1. Electrical Service consists of servicing, maintaining and repairing switches, electric lines, various fixtures, motors, electrical panel boxes, and other electrical equipment. This includes replacement of lines and/or parts which are beyond repair. Electrical systems may be located in confined spaces, indoors, outdoors, inside walls, underground, in crawl spaces and or in ceilings. The Contractor is responsible for all electrical equipment at the facility including the well pit housing the pump and water supply tank, and any out buildings on site which have electrical service.

Except as otherwise herein specified, the contractor shall also be responsible for damage claims as provided in Section 107.14 of the PENNDOT Specifications, Publication 408.

  1. Qualifications of Contractor:
  1. The contractor shall be qualified to perform all phases of electrical work. The Contractor may be required to submit copies of licenses before contract is awarded. All work must be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, and meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry annual Construction Permit. All materials must be UL approved and be originally manufactured of approved substitutes.
  1. Notification of Work and Work Hours
  1. The contractor, upon notification by PENNDOT, shall proceed within 48 hours of the notification and complete the work as promptly as possible unless otherwise approved by PennDOT. Acceptable forms of notification shall be email, fax or telephone. Normal working hours will be Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 4:00PM. The following holidays shall be excluded when they fall on normal working hours: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
  1. In the event that electrical repair work is needed outside of the aforementioned normal working hours or the needed work is required in less than 48 hours’ time, the contractor shall be prepared to proceed with the work within two (2) hours of notification by PennDOT. The contractor shall supplyPennDOT with a phone number and contact person that is available 24 hours a day.
  1. Materials and Payment:
  1. Upon award of the contract, the contractor is responsible for taking an inventory of all electrical items at each facility. The inventory will serve as a guide for potential repair items required on each callout to the facility thereby reducing the number of visits required on individual callouts. No additional payment will be made for travel to the facility or travel for materials related to the repair service being requested.
  1. The cost of replacement materials, parts or replacement equipment shall be invoiced at suppliers invoice price plus 10%. PennDOT is a tax exempt organization. No sales tax will be paid for materials purchased to be used on the contract. A Tax exempt form can be supplied to the contractor by PennDOT. All labor and materials used for work performed must be documented on the “Daily Roadside Activity Report” (form M-609) and Confirmation of Service record, supplied by PennDOT. These reports will serve as a basis for payment. Copies of all invoices for materials must be submitted along with the form M-609 copy to the District Roadside Specialist. All material in excess of $300.00 will require approval by the District Roadside Specialist prior to purchasing. A supplier’s invoice shall be required for all materials purchased in excess of $20.

For materials, the purchase order created from the solicitation will have additional line items for parts allowance. An allowance for $10,000 will be allotted for parts. Four (4) line items will be created – Site F and Site 41 with $2500 each. Vendor is required to submit documentation with invoices for the cost of the parts.

  1. The quoted hourly rates include all tools and any customary equipment necessary to perform the required work including but not limited to ladders, wire pullers, motor pullers, hand tools, meters etc.
  1. In the event that heavy equipment is needed to complete repairs including but not limited to bucket trucks or excavators, the contractor and PennDOT shall negotiate a price for the use of this equipment and it shall be billed at this rate under the Materials and additional specialized equipment item.
  1. The contractor will not be called to perform work at the rest areas unless such work requires one (1) or more hours of service. The actual demand for hours and materials as outlined in the contract may be more or less as determined by the need for electrical services. PennDOT reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of hours on this contract as it becomes necessary.
  1. If necessary and approved by the District Roadside Specialist, specialty subcontractors may be utilized. Payment will be made at a negotiated price plus five percent. The contractor will be required to pay the subcontractor and PennDOT will pay the contractor as mentioned above.
  1. Upon arrival at each facility, the service personnel MUST record time of arrival on a time card provided using the time clock available in the attendant’s office at each facility. When the service personnel depart the facility, they MUST record time of departure on the time card provided using the time clock available in the rest area attendant’s office. Time of departure must be recorded at all times the service personnel leaves the facility, including but not limited to travel for parts or lunch. Failure to record times of arrival and departure on the time card provided using the time clock available in the attendants office will result in NON-PAYMENT of the hourly service provided for that day.
  1. Repairs made without the authorization of the proper PennDOT personnel are subject to non-payment. Prior to the effective date of the contract, PennDOT will provide a list of authorized personnel responsible for requesting repair work.
  1. Safety Requirements:
  1. All work shall be performed in a safe and orderly manner with minimum interference to person(s) using the rest area. The rest areas are available to the public on a 24-hour basis. Should the contractor require an interruption of service, the contractor must immediately notify PennDOT, prior to any work being performed.
  1. The contractor shall be aware of the latest Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) safety regulations when entering confined areas. When working in such areas, all precautions shall be taken as required by these regulations. The contractor shall comply with all State and Federal rules and regulations and to OSHA safety requirements.
  1. Non-Compliance:
  1. If, for any reason, the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the contract, Section 108.09 of the PENNDOT Specifications, Form 408 shall prevail. In the event that any materials furnished by the contractor are found to be defective, unsuitable, or otherwise unacceptable, the materials shall be removed by the contractor and replaced with acceptable materials and installed anew to the satisfaction and approval of the District Roadside Specialist at the cost and expense of the contractor.
  1. The contractor shall comply with the Steel Products Procurement Act refer to Attachment Index.
  1. If for any reason the contractor fails to respond within the timeframe as outlined in these specifications, penalty damages will be charged per occurrence. For three or more occurrences, PennDOT will find the contractor in non-compliance with the contract requirements. This action may result in immediate termination of the contract.


The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals/bids or to advertise for new proposals. IFB; in the best interest of the Commonwealth will be promoted thereby.


The contractor must comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as applicable and as may be set forth by PennDOT, covering work specified in this contract; in addition, must secure all permits and pay all required fees.