Human Resources Manager’s Toolkit: Recruitment, Hiring and Onboarding 2017 page 1

Onboarding Resources Checklists


This sectionis designed to assist with a new hire’s onboarding process. Onboarding is a long-term process that begins before a new hire’s start date and continues for twelve months. This guide is organized chronologically and helps hiring managers prepare for the arrival of new hires. Once the new hire starts, he/she can work together with the hiring manager, appointed staff and an ‘onboarding peer’ to complete the checklist. An onboarding peer is a colleague who can assist in the onboarding process and be a ‘go-to’ person as directed by the manager.

The hiring manager may add additional activities that are relevant to the specific Department. Internal transfer employees may omit items that are not applicable.


Fundamental HR resources for faculty and staff, including an employee orientation webpage, can be found on the Human Resources website.

Pre-Arrival Checklist

Pre-arrival is the assigned time-period from acceptance of a job offer to the first day on the job.The goal is to prepare for the new hires’ arrival so they arrive to an organized prepared workplace.

Name: Start Date:
Action To Be Taken / Who’s Responsible
Set up the workstation:
☐Clean out desk/drawers
☐Order office supplies, keys, name plate, business cards, equipment or tools / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
Coordinate system access once new hire has claimed computer ID and createUMnetID.Contact IT Service Desk- 474-8400 or local LAN administrator and check:
☐Computer, Network, Access to JUMP, ESS
☐Voicemail and Email set up
☐Personal, public/shared drive and additional drive access (if applicable)
☐Printer(s) access / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Acquire building and floor access keys/cards (if applicable)
☐Contact Physical Plant - 474-7088 *Keep records of same. / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
Gather reference materials, ex:
☐Strategic Planning Framework
☐Job description, updated organizational chart, contact list
☐Campus map, voicemail instructions, etc. / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Assign a phone extension – Contact Telecommunications office
☐Update Telephone directory, IST listserve, any additionallist serve/contact lists / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Announce the new hire’s arrival in accordance with the department’s practice (e.g. an email announcement) / Hiring Manager
☐Create a list of key contacts for the new hire to meet during their 1st 90 days / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Schedule new hire for New Support Staff Orientation, Part 1 & 2 facilitated by Learning & Organizational Development (LOD) / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Assign an onboarding peer / Hiring Manager
☐Discuss responsibilities with Onboarding peer / Hiring Manager
Additional Actions:

First Day Checklist
The goal of the first day is to make a good first impression by focusing on welcoming the new hire and to provide them with a foundation of knowledge about the University. Remember that first impressions last, so put forth the extra effort to make the best first impressions possible!

Name: Start Date:
Action To Be Taken / Who’s Responsible
☐Ensure manager or designate is present to greet the new hire / Hiring Manager
☐Accompany the new hire to their workstation / Hiring Manager
☐Introduce new hire to the assigned onboarding peer, staff and team members/co-workers (or arrange a small gathering to welcome the new hire)
☒Arrange lunch with new hire / Hiring Manager or
Appointed Staff
☐Coordinate a site/office tour including:
  • Lunchroom/Lounge
  • Office supplies and storage
  • Notice boards
  • Mailroom, photocopier, fax, printer
  • Information about building access
  • Washroom facilities
  • Restricted areas, if applicable
  • Emergency exits & evacuation
  • Location of the First Aid Kit and fire extinguisher
/ Hiring Manager or
Onboarding peer
Confirm that the new hire has submitted all HR forms such as:
☐Direct Deposit form (void cheque attached), Federal and Provincial Tax forms to Payroll Services - 403 Administration Building
☐Claim employee identification card (bring photo ID) at Registrar’s Office - 400 University Centre
☐Notice boards
☐Mailroom, photocopier, fax, printer
☐Staff Benefits (forms completed) - 180 Extended Education / Onboarding peer
Meet with the new hire to discuss:
☐Onboarding new hire checklist, training schedule
☐Inform new hire about New Support Staff Orientation, Part 1 & 2, facilitated by LOD / Hiring Manager or
Onboarding peer
Additional Actions

First Month Checklist

The goal of the first month is to review the purpose of the position in the unit and broader University, to discuss progress made and to continue efforts towards integration into the organization.

Name: Start Date:
Action To Be Taken / Who’s Responsible
☐Meet with new hire to review job description and to establish goals and job expectations by completing *Individual Development Plan for new hires.
☐Send a copy of the signed job description to Human Resources. / Hiring Manager
☐Administer “Check-In”* form for 30, 60, 90, 120 days milestone / Hiring Manager
☐Ensure onboarding peer and new hire are meeting and establishing a productive relationship / Hiring Manager
☐Continue to schedule and meet with key contacts / New hire
Additional Actions
☐Discuss probation/trial period and note date of approx. completion / Supervisor/Hiring Manager

Individual Development Plan for New Hires

An individual development plan (IDP) is a tool that helps facilitate employee development. It’s a two-way commitment between an employee and their supervisor that work together to complete the employee’s development plan. Employees are ultimately responsible for taking the initiative for their professional development.

IDP establishes clear expectations providing opportunities to address expectations of job responsibilities and standards of performance and behavior with the new employee.

1. For maximum benefit, do the development planwith the new hire’s involvement;
2. Set SMART goals by using the attached guidelines;
3. Identify key performance indicators that will help monitor new hire’s performance progress.

No. / New Hire Individual Development Plan
Consider the following to create SMART goals:
  • Specific - clearly states what is to be achieved.
  • Measurable- can be quantitatively determined or observed.
  • Achievable - within reach given the role and responsibilities.
  • Results-oriented - indicating what action is to be performed.
  • Time-bound - including a deadline for completion.
/ Key Performance Indicators

Name: ______Manager: ______

Position: ______Date: ______

Date in Current Position: ______

Onboarding Conclusion

Be sure to check-in at the 30, 60, 90 and 120-day period. Checking-in at these milestones will ensure employees know what is expected of them and know where they stand on performance and expectations.

Assist the new hires develop ‘quick wins’ via objectives that are specific, achievable and measurable. When you check-in, be sure to ask the following questions:

  • How do you feel about the job overall?
  • How does the job differ from what you anticipated and understood the role to be?
  • What do you enjoy most about your new role?
  • How are you able to use your strengths?
  • What knowledge or skills do you feel are most important for you to develop? Do you have any suggestions about how you can develop in these areas?
  • What do you need from me or others in the areas of support, direction, resources, etc?
  • Do you have any questions?