Report of the First Meeting of the
APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC)
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 22-23 February 1998
The first SCSC meeting for 1998 was held on 22-23 February 1998 in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. The meeting was attended by representatives from: Australia; BruneiDarussalam; Canada; Chile; The People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; The Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; The Republic of the Philippines; Singapore; ChineseTaipei; Thailand; and the United States of America. The APEC Secretariat also attended.
The meeting was chaired by Mr A. Aziz Mat, Director-General, Department of Standards Malaysia.
The meeting considered the following documents:
(98/SOM I/CTI/SCSC/...)
(…/001)Chair’s Opening Remarks
(…/002)Draft Annotated Agenda
(…/003)Draft Agenda
(…/004)Report of the SCSC Chair to the CTI
(…/005)Report on the Outcomes of CTI to SCSC
(…/006)Draft SCSC Work Program for 1998 (Revision 2)
(…/007)Implementation and Improvement of Collective Action Plans (CAPs)
(…/008)Alignment with International Standards Sub-work Program for 1998
(…/009)Progress in Alignment with International Standards
(…/010)Good Regulatory Practice – A Practical Application of the APEC Guidelines for the Preparation, Adoption and Review of Technical Regulations
(…/011)Building and Construction Standards – Report of the ad-hoc Technical Group on Loadings and Structural Design Standards
(…/012)Building and Construction Standards – Report of the ad-hoc Technical Group on Timber Standards
(.../013)Building and Construction Standards – Letter regarding convenorship of the ad-hoc Technical Group on Performance Based Housing Standards
(…/014)Alignment with International Standards – Additional Priority Areas
(…/015)Report of the Experts’ Group Meeting on Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Revision 1)
(.../016)Report on the Implementation of the APEC Food MRA and the APEC Arrangement for the Exchange of Information on Toy Safety
(…/017)Mutual Recognition in the Voluntary Sector – Sub-work Program for 1998
(…/018)Report of the Specialist Regional Bodies
(…/019)Second APEC Conference on Standards and Conformance
(…/020)ISO/CASCO Workshop on MRAs
(…/021)1997 TILF Project – Survey on Technical Infrastructure Development for Measurement Standards, Laboratory Management and Accreditation
(…/023)Report on Joint HRD WG/SCSC Activity (IQAS) Project
(…/025)Integrated Regional Approach to Enhance Food Control System
(…/026)Updating Member Economies Contact Points
(…/027)1998 TILF Project on Compilation of Information on Food Labeling Laws, Regulations and Standards in the APEC Region
(…/028)EC/SCSC Dialogue
(…/029)Report on Other APEC Projects relating with SCSC Activities
(…/030)Business Involvement in SCSC Activities
(…/031)SOM Guidelines on Participation of Member-designate as Observers
(.../032)Report on the First Revision of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement
(.../033)Contact List
(.../034)Terms of Reference
The meeting was chaired by Mr A Aziz Mat, the Director-General of Department of Standards Malaysia. The Chair welcomed all the member economies to the first meeting of the SCSC and thanked the Chair for the 1997 meeting for their efforts and said that Malaysia will do its utmost best to carry out the objectives of the SCSC.
2.Adoption of the Agenda
The meeting adopted the draft agenda as presented.
3.Introduction of the new Vice-Chairs
In accordance with Section 4.1 of the SCSC Terms of Reference, the SCSC Chair proposed the appointment of Canada and New Zealand as the Vice-Chairs for 1998. These appointments were endorsed by all member economies.
4.Business Arrangements
The Chair gave a brief run-through of the secretariat assistance available to all delegates. Mr Guy Wilmington of Australia was invited to head the Drafting of the Meeting Report.
5.Report of the Outcomes of 1st SOM and 1st CTI
The Chair reported on the outcomes and directions from SOM and CTI and presented a summary table of actions which had been distributed to all member economies.
The APEC Secretariat briefed the SCSC on the outcomes of SOM 1 and the 1st CTI as well as the instructions from CTI. The SCSC noted that most of the instructions were scheduled to be discussed under relevant agenda items. Regarding the matter of looking into the EVSL proposals, the SCSC agreed that the SCSC Chair write a letter to EVSL coordinating economies for food, forestries and oilseeds to ask them what kinds of inputs they expect SCSC to make.
6.Presentation of a Draft SCSC Work Program Outline for 1998
Malaysia introduced the draft SCSC work program for 1998. It was noted that SCSC would finalize its work program for 1998 at the end of the meeting, taking into consideration discussions under individual agenda items.
7.Implementation and Improvement of Collective Action Plans
The meeting adopted the draft procedure for monitoring the Collective Action Plan.
8.Alignment with International Standards[1]
a)Sub-Work Program for 1998
In introducing the sub-work program, Japan indicated that work in this area in 1998 would include:
- review of implementation of alignment of member economies’ standards with international standards in the already agreed priority areas;
- cooperation for the development of international standards in the areas of building & construction and hazardous area equipment;
- review of the nature of deviations; and
- consideration of possible additional priority areas for the alignment of member economies’ standards with international standards.
This sub-work program was adopted by the SCSC.
b)Progress in Alignment with International Standards
The meeting noted the draft progress report on alignment with international standards and commended Japan for its efforts. Member economies were invited to provide updated Voluntary Action Plans (VAPs) and any other written comments to Japan by 15 March 1998. Japan will then circulate a revised report, which takes into account member economies’ comments, in time for the next SCSC meeting.
Japan also asked member economies to submit proposals by 30 April 1998 regarding technical cooperation for alignment work in the priority areas.
c)Guidelines on Technical Regulations
The SCSC agreed to an Australian proposal for the development of a Guide to Good Regulatory Practice incorporating a case study on the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Sector. It was noted that the proposed Guide would present a practical application of the APEC Guidelines on the Preparation, Adoption and Review of Technical Regulations. The meeting noted that the Guide would be non-binding and adoption or implementation of the Guide would not be a pre-requisite for member economies’ participation in mutual recognition arrangements.
Member economies were requested to provide their input and/or comments on the issues raised in the proposal to Australia by 30 March 1998. Australia would then prepare and circulate a first draft of the proposed Guide by mid-May. This would allow member economies sufficient time to consider the draft in time for detailed discussion at the next SCSC meeting in June 1998.
d)International Standards in the areas of Building & Construction and Hazardous Area Equipment
The SCSC Chair encouraged the widest possible participation in the four ad hoc technical groups and member economies were reminded that participation was open to representatives from SCSC, PASC, industry, academia and standards writing bodies in order to bring together as much technical expertise as possible. The SCSC Chair stressed that member economy involvement in the early stages will assist in their alignment to the standards developed through this cooperative activity.
The meeting agreed that participation in the ad hoc Technical Groups was open to all PASC members.
Member economies were also reminded that the Osaka Action Agenda called for them to participate actively in the activities of relevant international standardizing bodies in accordance with the rules and procedures of these bodies.
Ad Hoc Technical Group on Loadings and Structural Design Standards (TG 1)
Australia reported on the outcomes of the first meeting of the ad hoc Technical Group and called for a greater level of participation in the ad hoc Technical Group.
Ad Hoc Technical Group on Performance Based Housing Standards (TG 2)
The meeting noted that two economies, Canada and Japan, have indicated their interest in convening the ad hoc Technical Group on Performance Based Housing Standards.
Canada and Japan will consult on serving as co-convenors of TG2. They will inform the next meeting of the SCSC on the results of their consultations.
Ad Hoc Technical Group on Timber Standards (TG 3)
New Zealand reported on progress made on establishing the ad hoc Technical Group on Timber Standards. New Zealand reported a sufficient interest and commitment to proceed with the circulation of information and discussion papers. Those members who had not responded to the invitation to participate were urged to do so bearing in mind that most of the business of TG 3 would be conducted through correspondence and electronic means.
Members were informed that TG 3 would meet for the first time in Singapore on 4 April 1998, immediately following the PASC Meeting in Singapore on 2-3 April 1998.
Ad Hoc Technical Group on Hazardous Area Equipment (TG 4)
Australia reported that, to date, no nominations to convene this ad hoc Technical Group had been received. Australia therefore indicated that unless nominations are forthcoming before the next SCSC meeting it would be happy to take on this role.
e)Additional Priority Areas for Alignment with International Standards
Australia presented its proposal for the extension of the existing priority areas relating to electrical and electronic equipment to include all IEC60335 and relevant CISPR standards.
While there was general interest in the proposal, some member economies expressed a need to consult further with their industry and regulatory bodies. Accordingly, it was agreed that member economies would endeavor to forward their preliminary comments to Australia by 15 April 1998. Comments received would be incorporated into a revised proposal which , together with any other comments received, would be circulated by 15 May 1998 to all economies with a view to reaching a decision at the next SCSC meeting.
9.Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment in the Regulated Sector
a)Sub-Work Program for 1998
In introducing the sub-work program, Australia indicated that work in this area in 1998 would focus on the development of the APEC Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Conformity Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Australia did, however, foreshadow the possibility of the SCSC selecting later in the year an additional priority area for the development of an MRA. While the sectors already identified in the SCSC earlier consideration of priority areas might form a basis of this selection, the SCSC should not feel itself bound to selecting from this limited list.
b)Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Conformity Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Member economies considered a draft Report of the Ad Hoc Experts’ Group meeting on the Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Conformity Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Following some minor editorial changes the report was adopted as revised.
c)Report on Implementation of the APEC Food MRA and the APEC Arrangement for the Exchange of Information on Toy Safety
The meeting considered a report by the APEC Secretariat on the level of member economy participation in the APEC Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Conformity Assessment of Foods and Food Products (APEC Food MRA) and the APEC Arrangement on the Exchange of Information on Toy Safety.
The meeting noted Singapore’s recent notification to the APEC Secretariat of its participation in the APEC Food MRA and of Korea’s intention to notify its participation in the APEC Arrangement for the Exchange of Information on Toy Safety.
Noting CTI’s keen interest in the level of participation in these two arrangements, the SCSC Chair encouraged all member economies to consider their positions and possible participation in these arrangements.
10.Mutual Recognition in the Voluntary Sector
a)Sub-Work Program for 1998
New Zealand presented the work program for 1998 which was accepted.
The meeting noted APEC Leaders, SOM and CTI encouragement of member economy participation in the APLAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement.
b)Reports of the Specialist Regional Bodies
New Zealand asked member economies to note the reports from each of the five Specialist Regional Bodies and in particular their Medium to Long Term Action Plans. In particular, the developments in this area since the last SCSC meeting in St.John’s, Canada; the signing of the APLAC multilateral MRA; the signing of the first PAC MLA by four members; and the development of a global MRA on measurement standards.
c)Second APEC Conference on Standards and Conformance
SCSC members considered Malaysia’s draft proposal on the Second APEC Conference on Standards and Conformance and expressed their support. Several members recommended that the scope of the conference be reduced to provide more focus on more urgent issues such as regulatory practices and the electrical/electronic sector related items for MRAs and alignment of standards. The SCSC agreed that :
- members should submit further comments and proposals (including nomination of potential speakers) to Malaysia by 9 March 1998;
- Malaysia will invite the Specialist Regional Bodies to make similar contributions;
- a revised proposal will be circulated to members by 31 March 1998, incorporating comments, proposals received and the confirmed dates; and
- a representative from ABAC be invited to participate in the conference.
d)ISO/CASCO Workshop on MRAs
Member economies recognised that as the SCSC was not a supranational forum, no one member economy could represent or make commitments on SCSC members’ behalf. However, member economies agreed that they could ask someone, on the basis of consensus, to present/exchange information regarding the activities of the SCSC with regard to the development of mutual recognition arrangements. The SCSC noted the CTI Chair’s concurrence with this arrangement.
Accordingly, the meeting requested that Mr Drew Andison, from Australia, represent the SCSC in this regard at the ISO/CASCO Workshop. Australia accepted in principle to be nominated as Rapporteur for the general interest session of the workshop.
Member economies were invited to provide comments to Australia on issues they wished to be raised at the workshop. Copies of such comments and any information papers prepared would be circulated to all member economies for their information.
11.Cooperation on Technical Infrastructure Development
a)Sub-Work Program for 1998
Following the adoption of the APEC Mid-Term Technical Infrastructure Development Program in 1997, it is up to each economy to report on their own contributions towards the development of both their own and other economies technical infrastructures through the Collective Action Plan (CAP) reporting process.
b)Progress Report on the TILF Project
The SCSC was briefed by Coopers and Lybrand’s Nordicity team on the progress of the TILF Project “Study of Technical Infrastructure Development”. The SCSC noted that the study looked into the technical infrastructure needs of APEC economies, identified possible technical infrastructure projects and the criteria for selection of projects.
Member economies were requested to submit their comments on the draft report of the study to the consultants by 15 March 1998 with a view to finalisation by 30March 1998.
The SCSC also requested the Philippines to examine recommendations for follow-up activities.
c)Report on Partners for Progress (PfP) Project
Japan reported on the PfP project on standards and conformity assessment schemes for the second year, a joint project of Japan and Malaysia, which was held from 25 November to 4 December 1997 in Malaysia.
Japan expressed appreciation to member economies and PASC who had contributed to the project with dispatching their participants and/or lecturers to the course. It noted that the curriculum was focused on expertise-oriented issues rather than on general topics and was highly appreciated by participants.
Japan also noted that it intends to circulate to member economies a written report on the outcome of the course, and a questionnaire on the project with the aim to undertake an intensive review by early April 1998.
d)Joint HRD WG/SCSC Activity Project (IQAS Project)
The SCSC acknowledged successful implementation of the IQAS project and endorsed that, based on the experts recommendations, the second phase of the project would be discussed jointly with HRD-WG representatives. A detailed project proposal will be circulated to the SCSC by the end of March 1998 for consideration.
e)APEC Coordinating Center for Conformity Assessment
Korea expressed regret that they were unable to present a revised proposal at this meeting. The SCSC asked Korea to consult with the relevant authorities and inform the SCSC of their intention with regard to this matter.
f)Integrated Regional Approach to Enhanced Food Control Systems
Australia reported on progress made on this project. In particular that draft TILF proposals were currently being prepared and would be distributed, for comment, in April 1998. These proposals would then be finalised on the basis of comments received and presented to the next SCSC meeting for endorsement.
a)Sub-Work Program for 1998
The United States outlined the work programme for 1998.
b)Updating Member Economy Contact Points
Under the 1998 sub-work program on transparency, the United States will update the list of member economy contact points. This list will be forwarded to each member economy for revision. The revisions will then be formatted in HTML and forwarded to the APEC Secretariat for posting on the APEC homepage.
This process will be repeated annually, commencing in April with completion scheduled for the 3rd SCSC meeting of each year. At the 3rd SCSC meeting, the APEC Secretariat will make hard copies of the list available to those member economies that do not have access to the Internet. Any economies needing to update information between annual survey periods may forward that information to the U.S. for inclusion on the APEC homepage.
c)1998 TILF Project on Compilation of Information on Food Labeling Laws, Regulations and Standards in APEC Region
People’s Republic of China briefed the SCSC on a detailed implementation plan on the 1998 TILF Project and reported that, for the purpose of implementing this project, a questionnaire was drafted and a central contact established in PRC. Anumber of suggestions regarding the draft questionaire were raised and adopted.