St. Thomas of Canterbury RC Church Newsletter
Deacon Alan Boxall (T: 360637) DeaconJames Coleman (T: 30655)
Contact Address:Parish Office, 63 London Road, Rainham, Kent, ME8 7RH
Tel: (01634) 232972 e-mail: website:
St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, Romany Road, Gillingham ME8 6JH
Tel: 01634 234677Head Teacher Mrs Alma Myatt
Pete will be in the office Tues, Thurs andFri 9.30 am-12.30pm this week
Proclaim 15The final talk of the series led by Deacon Jim on forming Parish Evangelisation Groups will takeplace this Tuesday evening (28thJune) from 7 – 9 pmin the Parish Centre.
Wednesday of this week is a Holy Day of Obligation and is the Feast of St. Peter and
St. Paul. There will be a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence – provides the Pope with funds to support the church’s needs, to humanitarian initiatives and social promotion projects as well as supporting the Holy See.
Recently DeadGiovanna Palitta’s Funeral Mass will be at St. Thomas’ on Friday 1st Julyat 2.30pm followed by burial at Bredhurst Churchyard at 4pm.A Memorial Service for Richard Ballinger will be held at St. Thomas’ on Wednesday 6th July at 2pm. Please remember them in your prayers. May they rest in peace.
Livin’ on a Prayer –our youth formation group will be helping Medway Food Bank at Tesco on the evening of Friday 1stJuly. If you happen to be there, stop and say hello.
Annual Parish BBQ/Hog Roast on Sunday 3rdJulyfrom 1.30 p.m.We need to know numbers attending in advance so please get a ticket for £1 per person from Sarah Vaughan on 07951 690659 or Claire Drain or Sarah Back.Ticket will go into a raffle on the day.
People with Disability at the Heart of the Churchis being held on Sunday 3rd July at The Friars in Aylesford from 12 Noon – 4pm.More information at the back of the church.
Speak Out Challenge –the Grand Final of this year’s youth speaking event will be held at the Piccadilly Theatre at7pmon Monday 4thJuly.This is an excellent event.For more details and to obtain tickets please go to
Mothers’ Mass at the National Shrine of St. Jude in honour of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel and all mothers will be held on 15th July at 11 am at the shrine in Faversham.
If you would like to add the name of a mother or grandmother and/or give a donation please send it to Mothers Mass, Carmelite Friars, P.O.Box 140, Kent ME20 7SJ. Please make cheques payable to The Carmelites or donate online
Please see information at the back of the church.
Used stampsPlease place used stamps in the box at the back of the church
Summer Camp St. John Bosco Children’s Camps in July and August.An opportunity
For children to have an exciting, activity-packed camping holiday. See poster at the
back of the church. Applications through Fr. Tom or SVP
Altar Servers News- Anna Jais,AevinJais and Owen Jarrett have all completed
tests for higher awards. These will be presented at Mass as soon as possible.
Anyone wishing to become an Altar server should contact Tony Roberts on 361549.
Collections 18th/19th Juneamounted to:Main Collection £1050. 59incl S/O's
Second Collection for Day for Life amounted to £173.02. Thank you for your generosity
25 Sat Feria/Our Lady
10.00 am People of the Parish
Confessions 11.00 – 11.30 am & 5.30 – 5.45pm
6.00 pm Maura & Peter Clarke RIP (Ursula Clarke)
Thirteenth Sunday of the Year
26 Sun 10.30 am Daniel Henry RIP (Eva)
6.00 pm Youth MassUmberto Di Marco RIP (Michael Di Marco)
27 MonFeria/St. Cyril of Alexandria
10.00 am Chris Tomlin RIP (T.Durham)
28 Tues St. Irenaeus 10.00am Eucharistic Service
29 Wed St John Peter and St. Paul
10.00 am Michael & Kathleen Finucane RIP
(Gretta & the Finucane Family)
Second Collection for Peter’s Pence
7.00pm Missionaries of Charity (Holy Souls)
Second Collection for Peter’s Pence
30Thurs Feria/The First Martyrs of Holy Roman Church
10.00 am Aniceto De Souza RIP(Dr. Antonio)
July1Fri Feria/St. Oliver Plunkett
10.00 am Ron ShacklefordRIP(M. Mitchell)
2.30pm Funeral Servicefor Giovanna Palitta
2 SatFeria/Our Lady
10.00 am Stella Lewey
Confessions 11.00 – 11.30 am & 5.30 – 5.45pm
6.00 pm Clara Graf RIP (Foundation)
Collection of Dry Goods for Cyrenians
Next Sunday Fourteenth Sunday of the Year
3 Sun 10.30 am Len Jeffrey RIP (Marriage Care)
6.00 pm People of the Parish
Collection of Dry Goods for Cyrenians