The times of the Worship services are currently being reviewed and, subject to Session’s approval at the meeting on September 22nd, may move forward by fifteen minutes. The parish are being consulted through the next edition of Crossroads and the results may be implemented in the autumn.
Monthly joint, contemporary, evening services have been planned with Greenbank and Morningside to take place in October and November 2015 and January, February and April 2016..
Continue to publish and distribute the Crossroads to the whole Parish three times a year. The website is updated regularly. Facebook is also used to advertise church events. The Assistant Minister will continue to help run Assemblies and RME at Pentland Primary, links with Buckstone Primary are a little less.
The Pastoral Care Group continue to visit about 45 elderly people and others regularly, a rapport is built up over time as the same person is visited by the same person each time. Explorer Scouts held a concert followed by tea for our, in particular, elderly members earlier in the year, another is planned in the late autumn of 2015. Drivers are organised to bring the elderly to church should they so wish.
The ‘Small Group Training’ offered by the Scottish Bible Society has taken place and ‘Join the Journey’ meets fortnightly on Sunday afternoons. The passage for discussion is linked with the Lectionary. It is possible that these will be extended to Sunday mornings prior to Worship Now or weekday evenings with the hope that groups to begin to meet in member’s own homes. The website ‘group’ facility could be used to encourage wider participation of members
Increase efforts to invite people to go through to the halls for tea and coffee between services on a Sunday.
The Social Committee to continue organise a programme of suitable activities for the congregation.
In the light of the recent merger of St John’s and Colinton Mains, the Minister suggested contacting Presbytery re changes to the parish boundaries.
Some of the Pathfinders and the youth group at Greenbank went to Iona in July and meet up for social and church events during the year. The Young Church sponsor a child and various charities (e.g. Fresh Start) during the year, these are also well supported by the congregation. There is a weekly collection for St Catharine’s Mercy Centre.
The Young Church Co-ordinators, along with the Education Committee, are to continue to look for a suitable, affordable training courses for existing and potential young church leaders to ‘resource’ and support them in their work with the young people in the congregation. Some people recently attended Fischy Music training.
Extending the provision of Wi-fi to the halls is currently being explored, for use by Young Church, Pathfinders and their leaders.
The repairs to the stained glass windows began in August. This will take some weeks to complete. Most of the money has been raised through donations and various fund raising events, these will continue.
Maintenance of the halls – there is a need for a rolling repair plan; however, at present there is a system of ‘crisis management’ due to the lack of funds and the urgency of some of the repairs required.
A new manse has been purchased, the letting of which has been placed with a letting agency. The lease commended on 28 August 2015.
The three year ‘Giving in Grace’ Time, Talents and Money Stewardship Programme relating to ‘money’ has taken place. The Minister has suggested he will preach on the Time and Talents element of the programme. It was acknowledged by those present that more needs to be done.
Continue to communicate the work of the church to the congregation, particularly using the website and social media
Other matters
- The Roll has been reviewed
- The Kirk Session need to start planning for when the Associate Minister’s contract ends in October 2016.
- Research is going about the feasibility of café
- FPC is taking part in Doors Open Day and will include a Community Coffee Morning. Hall users and church organisations will also have stalls to promote what they do.
Pamela Black (Session Clerk)
Helen Grant (Deputy Session Clerk)
Audrey Cowan (Pastoral Care Group)
Jim Chalmers (Publicity)
Graham Davie (Social) (not present in Sept 2015)
Maureen Carter (Roll Keeper)
Robin Wilson (Property)
Jim Moffat (Education)
Amanda Meldrum (not present in Sept 2015)
Lara Coyle
Duncan Wilson (Presbytery Elder)