Present:CouncillorA Ducroq (Chairman),
Councillor L Jones (Vice-Chairman),
Councillor K Bartlett
Councillor D Johnson
Councillor H Persse
Councillor A Thomas
In attendance: Mrs M Mulcahy (Clerk)
No apologies.
The minutes of the meetings held on 4th January were taken as read, approvedand signed by the Chairman
Proposed by Councillor Persse and seconded by Councillor Jones.
A. Repairs and information relating to the Community Hall
1. Condition of boundary trees - Williams Contractors have removed the two low branches and some other branches that may have caused problems in the future. Awaiting invoice.
2. Nash Hall Management Committee Meeting(NHMC)
Chairman was not accompanied at the NHMC ordinary meeting by Nash Community Charity Chairman Mr A Thomas as he was unable to attend due to work.
The financial Memorandum of Understanding document has been accepted and agreed by NHMC and Nash Community Council. Both Chairmans of Nash Community Council and NHMC signed the document on the 8th January 2018.
Going forward NHMC will send a schedule of events etc to the Community Council and will also make sure that they are complying with any requirements that are stipulated by the Insurers of Nash Community Council.
Chairman has reminded Mr Williams to that theInsurers of Nash Community Council require all contractors working on behalf ofNash Community Council to have their own public liability insurance.
3. Hall heating
Complaints have been raised about the lack of heating in the lounge area since the main heating failed in that area. A couple of heaters have been installed but it has been suggested that they are not sufficient as they only heat small sections rather than the entire area. Suggestion has been made about some form of curtain or doorsseparating lounge from bar area.
Resolved: Chairman and Hall Maintenance Manager to have a site meeting
4..Community hall electrical testing - Rhiwderin Electrical have been instructed and they will liaise with Hall Maintenance Manager.
B. Accounts/Finance -
1.Fire Risk Assessment - Chairman to double check full document and drawing.
2.Hall Booking form and supplementary information
Vice Chairman/Hall booking managerhave not had chance to review information.
Resolved Chairman and Vice Chairmanto make arrangements to review document for agreement at next meeting
3. Five year plan still needs to be fully collated
Resolved: Year 1 - Damaged tables should be replaced.
Crack in bar wall should be addressed
Felt roof at the front of the hall requires replacement
Hall and stage curtains to be replaced. (NHMC already addressing this matter)
Year 5 - Decoration of hall and car park should be included
2. Banking
Online Banking Authorisation
Vice Chairman has made initial contact with bank but she needs to contact them again as they require further security information.
3. Website
Clerk advised Council of a new web designer (Vision ICT) who work on behalf of number of community councils and OVW. Initial set up cost is £500 and then they have annual hosting fees etc.,.
Proposed by Councillor Thomas and Seconded by Councillor Persse to make enquiries.
Resolved Chairman will contact website company.
4. Meetings/Training Courses
1. Newport Liaison meeting 11.1.18 - Chairman attended meeting and the following main points were discussed:
1 Precept -Situation remains the same for this year due to having a new cabinet member
2Newport Marathons -
1.Admiral Newport Half Marathon 4th March 2018 - Route
This route does not involve Nash but anyone trying to access town on that day may be affected.
2.ABP Newport Wales Marathon and 10k: Sunday 29 April
This is the main marathon which will attract 10,000 runners. Road closure information should be available in next couple of weeks.
Resolved- Councillors agreedto wait until road closure information is available and establish its effect on the village.
3 Council boundary lines
Newport reviewing constituency boundaries. Chairman suggested at Liaison meeting that Nash should be part of electoral constituency with Goldcliff who fall within Llanwern Ward rather than LLiswerry Ward.
2. OVW meeting 18.1.17 - Councillor Bartlett attended meeting and the following main points were discussed:
1. A guest speaker from Older Peoples Commission gave a talk on tackling loneliness and isolation.
Councillor Bartlett advised the OVW meeting that the residents of Nash are in a fortunate position to have Nash Community Charity which already arranges and pays for activities and events which the Older Peoples Commission is suggesting that Community Councils should arrange. Councillor Bartlett also advised the meeting that Nash Community Council would not be able to afford to arrange the activities if they did not have financial assistance from Nash Community Charity.
2. Defibrillators
A number of Community Councils have purchased defibrillators and their effective use inan emergency was highlighted.
Resolved: Councillor Bartlett will provide more information in order that the Community Council can discuss matter more fully
3. Planning
Community Councillors highlighted at the meeting about the complexity of planning law consultations and was it appropriate for Community Councils to respond. OVW advises that it is circulates consultations but it is up to individual Community Councils to decide whether or not it is appropriate or relevant to comment.
3. Training
1 Planning Aid Wales - All Councillors are interested in attending course.
Resolved -Clerk to advise Newport democratic services of their interest.
2 Code of Practise
Further information is required in respect of dates and times etc as Chairman and Councillors Johnson and Thomas are interested in session at the Goytre.
Resolved - Clerk to make further enquiries into training course.
4 Newport Community Council Liaison Meeting - Clerk attended and the main points were discussed
1. Best practice is for Councillors to use one specific email address for their Council correspondence. Clerk has advised that she will also create a new generic email address for the Council.
2. Clerks workload in general has increased and majority of Clerks have to rely on assistance from Councillors with finance etc.,. A time study will be done by the clerk to show how much additional timeis required each week to undertake all the necessary tasks.
a.Hall Bookings and receipts approved:
Payment Date / Method / Date of event / Description / Amount4.1.18 / Cash / 4.2.18 / Party / 100
4.1.18 / Cash / 14.1.18 / Childs party / 26
11.1.18 / Cash / 11.1.18 / Funeral (Mrs G Rowland) / 60
13.1.18 / Cheque / 13.1.18 / Childs Party / 54
15.1.18 / Cash / 23.2.18 / Childs Party / 20
22.1.18 / Cash / 25.8.18 / Wedding Reception / 170
22.1.18 / BACS / 22.1.18 / SSE FIT / 474.14
b.Expenditure approved:
Date / Payee / Description / Amount1.2.18 / Mrs M Mulcahy / Clerks quarterly pay / 750
1.2.18 / Mrs M Mulcahy / SLCC membership / 72
1.2.18 / Mr D Williams / Hall Cleaning - Funeral (Mrs G Rowland) / 60
26.1.18 / SWALEC / Cancelled cheque issued in error / 0*
* Wrong invoice approved.
Bank statements and interim financial report up until January were checked and accepted by the Community Council
1Majority of emailed correspondence on the agenda was noted and no further action was required apart from thefollowing:
Working more closely with levels communities to build the CALMcampaign.
Resolved - Councillors general opinion is to invite the new route as they feel that something has to be done to resolve current problems with traffic queues etc.,.
2.Items requiring Review
1.Community Councils decision not to permit 16, 18 & 21 Birthday Parties
Resolved - Councillors agree that the decision previously made on not permitting 16,18 and 21st parties stands and prospective hirers of the hall must state what type of party they are requesting to hold.
2. Annual review of CCTV policy.
CCTV policy reviewed and agreed.
Resolved - Clerk to contact CCTV company regarding a couple of queries relating to clarity.
3. SSE contract
Contract is due to be renewed shortly.
Resolved - Councillor Persse will review matter and advise Council of options at next meeting.
4. Gwent Now Web site
Chairman and Councillor Johnson already have access to this police web site and can advise Community Councillors of anything that needs to be brought to the Community Council attention.
5. One Newport Website
Clerk advised the Community Council of the website which enables Newport and its partners to communicate latest news, events and projects.
Planning notices reviewed and no observations to be noted.
1. Concern raised about large skip lorries containing waste materials driving to farm yard in Farmfield Lane and off loading skips. In the interim it has been suggested that individuals who are concerned should contact Natural Resource Wales and/or Newport City Council directly. Matter will be discussed at next meeting.
2.Churchyard Maintenance Contribution - In order to comply with financial regulations a letter of substantiation from the Church is required confirming costs.
Resolved Councillor Thomas will ask a representative of the Church for the information.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 1st March 2018 at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 9pm.
Chairman...... Date......
Clerk...... Date......