PH 481Physical OpticsWinter 2010

Laboratory #9 Week of March 8

Read:pp. 589-601 and 253-269 of ”Optics" by Hecht

Do:1. Experiment IX.1: Determination of the position and diameter of the focal point

2. Experiment IX.2: Measurements of aberrations

Experiment IX.1: Determination of the position and diameter of the focal point

1. The first step is to measure the ”diameter” of the HeNe laser beam. To do this, mount a razor blade on two perpendicular translation stages. Place a photodiode directly behind the razor blade and measure the 1/e2 diameter of the beam.

2. Using the beam directly from the laser, orient a 100 or 200 mm plano-convex lens such that the beam passes directly through the center and such that the beam is perpendicular to the lens. Make sure that the flat side of the lens is facing toward the laser. Mount a razor blade on two perpendicular translation stages, and place it near the expected focal point. Find the exact focal point relative to the flat side of the lens and record the distance.

3. Using a photodiode immediately behind the razor blade, measure the 1/e2 diameter of the focal spot.

4. Now, rotate the lens such that the flat side is faces the focal point and measure the exact position of the focal point relative to the flat side.

5. Use the photodiode to measure the 1/e2 diameter of the focal spot.

6. Which orientation of the lens produces the smaller focal spot?

7. Compare your experimental findings with the theoretical predictions.

Experiment IX.2: Measurements of aberrations

Spherical aberration

1. Expand the laser beam to a diameter of at least 1 cm.

2. With the flat side of the lens toward the focal spot, measure the position of the focal spot.

3. Using a photodiode immediately behind the razor blade, measure the 1/e2 diameter of the focal spot.

4. Compare your result with the theoretical predictions estimated using Snell’s law for the inner and outer rays for your particular beam size and a lens.


1. With the flat side of the lens toward the focal spot but rotated by 45 deg, measure the diameter of the focal spot using the narrow laser beam.

2. Compare your measurement with that obtained previously for a well-aligned lens.

Chromatic aberration

1. Image a white LED with a 50 or 25 mm lens.

2. Using red and blue filters, measure the positions of the focal planes for red and blue light.

3. Compare your result with the theoretical prediction using Snell’s law to calculate expected focal points for red and blue rays.


1. Illuminate a grid pattern and create a magnified image using a short focal length lens. Measure the magnification and compare it to the theoretical value, M = dimage/dobject.

2. Measure the extent of pincushion or barrel distortion in a quantitative way.

Equipment needed:

Item Qty Source (part #)

Helium-Neon Laser1Melles Griot 05 LHP 121

Al mirror3Newport 10D10ER.1

Plano-convex lens2

Photodetector1Thor Labs DET1-SI

Voltmeter1Fluke 75

White LED1

Red and blue filters1 of each

Grid pattern (slide) 1

x-y translation stage 1

Razor blade 1