Pupil Premium Expenditure2016-2017

The government introduced funding arrangements for schools with the introduction of Pupil Premium, which is linked to the number of students who receive Free School Meals (FSM). The funding is provided to schools to support specific groups of children who have barriers to learning. Details of the amount our school received and its allocation can be found below:

Overview of school
2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16 / 2016/17 / 2017/18
Total pupils on roll year R-6 / 420 / 420 / 450 / 480 / 510 / 540
No. of FSM pupils eligible for PP / 59 / 90 / 97 / 106 / TBC
No of looked after children eligible for PP / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1 / TBC
Percentage of FSM pupils / 22.9% / 21.7% / 20.8% / 20.3% / TBC
Total amount received / £51, 709 / £91,488 / £120,370 / £124,080 / £141,820 / TBC
Deprivation Index
2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
(0.24 National) / 0.44
(0.24 National) / 0.44
(0.24 National) / 0.44
(0.24 National) / 0.24
(0.21 National)
The school has a deprivation indicator of 0.44 (national 0.24) which is in the highest quintile (RoL p9). Although our pupil premium funding is allocated from our free school meal numbers, it is also targeted to close achievement gaps that may be associated with high levels of social deprivation

Raiseonline data % pupil premium pupils making expected progress

Key Stage 2 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Reading / 100% / 100% / 89% / 95%
Writing / 94% / 94% / 94% / 90%
Maths / 94% / 94% / 94% / 95%

Raiseonline data for % pupil premium making more than expected progress

Key Stage 2 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Reading / 50% / 50% / 50% / 52%
Writing / 28% / 28% / 56% / 67%
Maths / 61% / 61% / 61% / 71%

Costing expenditure for pupil premium funding 2016-2017

SPECIFIC / Amount spent
Pupil premium initiative 1 / Intervention and support
  1. 1:1 tutoring:
  2. Homework club
  3. PP parent meetings
  4. Maths intervention
  5. DHT boosters
  6. Tutor for Years 1,5 and 6
/ £45,710
Pupil premium initiative 2 / Parental support
  1. Triple P
  2. PP parent meetings
  3. Headteacher’s Q and A
  4. Parent workshops
  5. Wraparound for looked after
/ £10,922
Pupil premium initiative 3 / Enrichment and residential:
  1. Farm
  2. Brilliant Club
  3. Fairplay House
  4. Science museum sleepover
  5. Pantomime
  6. Forest Schools
/ £28,731
Pupil premium initiative 4 / Year 6:
  1. Additional teachers
  2. Booster classes
  3. Easter school
  4. Parent meetings
/ £40,708
TOTAL / £126,071
IN ADDITION / Amount spent
HLTA targeted and personalised intervention / £1000
Learning library / £2000
Speech and language -external / £5000
Speech and language -internal / £2000
Year 3 sleepover / £2500
Resources to support basic skills SDP focus- / £3500
TOTAL / £16,000
GRAND TOTAL / £141,820

Intended expenditure for pupil premium funding 2017-2018

SPECIFIC / Amount spent
Pupil premium initiative 1 / Intervention and support
  • DHT boosters
  • AHTs
  • Nagini
  • 1:1 tutor
  • Homework club
  • Breakfast club
/ £40,000
Pupil premium initiative 2 / Parental support
  • Triple p
  • PP parent meetings
  • HT Forum
  • Workshops
  • Wraparound for looked after
/ £10,000
Pupil premium initiative 3 / Enrichment and residential:
  1. Farm
  2. Brilliant Club
  3. Fairplay House
  4. Science museum sleepover
  5. Year 3 sleepover
  6. Pantomime
  7. Forest Schools
/ £30,000
Pupil premium initiative 4 / Year 6 attainment
  1. Additional teachers
  2. Booster classes
  3. Easter school
  4. Parent meetings
/ £40,000
Pupil premium initiative 5 / Reading and Spelling programme
  1. CPD
  2. Teacher packs
  3. Work books
  4. Anthology books
  5. Homework books
/ £10,000
TOTAL / £130,000
IN ADDITION / Amount spent
HLTA targeted and personalised intervention / £500
Learning library / £500
Speech and language / £1000
TOTAL / £2000
GRAND TOTAL / £132,000

For more details on the Pupil Premium please visit:


Speak to a member of the leadership team.