Dear Softball Candidates and Parents,

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for your interest in trying out for the 2011 Softball season. The coaching staff is very excited to meet the girls and get their gloves dirty. Our goal as a coaching staff is to give all girls an opportunity of a fairtry out and place them on the appropriate team. Once teams are in place our goal will be to win games, work hard, and most importantly have a terrific softball experience.

The Concorde District is extremely competitive which is why during the off season it is essential to work on your softball skills and keep in shape. It is strongly encouraged and recommended that you play on a travel team to improve your individual skills, however it is not a requirement to make the team. Any local Facilities such as frozen ropes would also be an excellent alternative to work on your hitting and position specific skills. Playing travel ball during high school season is acceptable, but you may not miss high school ball for travel games or practices. If you do miss, there will be game penalties.

The offseason is also a great time to work on your overall conditioning. The trend at Chantilly High School Athletics and other neighboring schools are to condition together, (weight train & cardio) during this time so that you are in shape and ready for tryouts. Another benefit is that itshortens practicetime so that we aren’t having to “work it in” during regular season practices and we can concentrate on softball specific skills.

I cannot make this a requirement and can only strongly recommend it, but it will be your choice in the end to participate in off season conditioning sessions. My expectation for all girls trying out is that we condition everyMonday and Thursday of each Month (Nov (Mondays only), Dec, Jan, Feb) from 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the small weight room. Conditioning will begin Nov 8th. If a holiday falls on a particular Monday, we will move that session to Tuesday of that week during the same time. If something happens and you need to miss more than one session per month, then you must reschedule that session with me before that month is over. Important: Attending all sessions does not automatically put you on the team, just acts as a substitute for the fitness test during tryouts.

Missing more than one session per month without rescheduling it with me will require you to do the fitness test during tryout week. You would complete this at 2:30pm on Monday and the rest on Tuesday at 2:30pm of tryout week. The fitness test will be: 1 mile run, 6-4-3 line sprints and a 60 ft sprint in the required time set by me, 50 full push ups without rest, 1 complete pull up, and 100 meters of lunges with your bat above your head. Our organized conditioning sessions will work on the majority of these basic muscle groups that you will demonstrate during the test. I strongly suggest you make the personal commitment to the team sessions and not choose to do the skills test, since this will be a great opportunity for you to get in shape and get to know you’re coaches & potential teammates before the season.

Every person trying out must turn in a signedTeam Tryout Letter, FCPS Emergency Care Form & Virginia High School League (VHSL) Physical Form dated after May 1st of 2010 to me no later than 2:05pm on Friday, Feb 18th. VHSL requires a physical performed by a physician once a year and I will not let you tryout for my team if you have failed to turn it in to me by the above due date, no exceptions. Physicals are very hard to schedule since everyone needs them, so please do it now before the rest of the county beats you to it. Blank Physical & Emergency Care forms can be accessed on Other forms that will be required on that date will be: FCPS Extracurricular Participation Policy & My Team Policy.

Tryouts will be the week of Monday, February 21st thru 25th and could be outside (from 4:30pm-7:00pm) or inside (Indoor time- TBA). Depending on the amount of girls trying out, first cuts will most likely be on Wed, 23rd evening. If there are more cuts needed, then the final cuts will be made Thurs, 24th evening. If we stick to our plan weather permitting, Friday, 25th will be the first official practice with their designated team.

During Tryouts you are required to attend all days on time bringing your glove, cleats, sneakers, and bat. Proper attire is mandatory and each candidate is expected to wear either a purple or white plain shirt with your last name pinned to the shirt. No athletic wear showing travel teams that you’ve played on are allowed to be worn during tryout week to ensure an equal and fair opportunity for all candidates. Each player will be graded on a point scale of 1-5 by all coaches on your hitting technique, basic fielding skills, conditioning commitment or fitness test, and demonstrating knowledge of the running & fielding game. Hustle, motivation, and attitude can award you points as well. If you are interested in becoming a captain, your opportunity to show your natural leadership skills to your potential teammates will be during this time. Voting for captains will take place shortly after the week of tryouts by teammates and coaches. So it is very important to demonstrate your wonderful leadership skills early on when no one expects you to.

If you make the Varsity Team, practices will be everyday after school from 2:45pm to 5:00pm. JV Team practices will be 5:30pm-7:30pm. Rainy day practices will be TBA by email, website, or via text at last minute. Game cancellations are also communicated that same route. The softball schedule can be accessed on the softball website (coming soon). Varsity (only) Richmond Tournament is mandatory March 25th and 26th. Spring break commitment will be required for all Varsity & JV players. Spring break commitment will be April 16th practice for JV & Varsity 11:00am-1:00pm. Please plan any vacations accordingly. Failure to attend practices and games will result in game penalties. Refer to the team policies for further clarifications on attendance rules and expectations if you make the team.

I have read and understand that I must return this form along with my other required forms listed above no later than Friday Feb 18th by 2:05 pm. I understand that I must be on time and present for each day of tryouts. Failure to do so could forfeit my opportunity in trying out and making the team.

Candidate Printed Name:______Grade:______

Candidate Signature:______Years of Experience:______

Candidate Email:______Candidate Cell Number:______

Parent Signature:______Parent Email______

Home Phone Number:______Parent Cell:______

*Write a brief bio or yourself and your softball experience. Teams you’ve played on, positions, why you would

be an asset to the team etc.


Things to remember:

All Forms due no later than, 2:10pm, Friday, Feb 18th

  • VHSL Physical Form-dated after May1, 2010
  • Emergency Care Form
  • Try Out Letter signed
  • Conditioning Sessions-start Monday, Nov 8th
  • Try Outs begin-Monday, Feb 21st , 4:30pm weather permitting!