Earth Science Name:

Computer Lab: Ups & Downs of the Ocean Floor Per: Date:

What does the ocean floor look like? It is not easy to see the ocean floor, but data on depth of the ocean have been collected. In this activity, you will use these data to profile the Atlantic Ocean at 39˚ north latitude.


Distance from New Jersey (km) / Depth to the Ocean Floor (m)
0 / 0
160 / 165
200 / 1800
500 / 3500
800 / 4600
1050 / 5450
1450 / 5100
1800 / 5300
2000 / 5600
2300 / 4750
2400 / 3500
2600 / 3100
3000 / 4300
3200 / 3900
3450 / 3400
3550 / 2100
3600 / 1330
3700 / 1275
3950 / 1000
4000 / 0
4100 / 1800
4350 / 3650
4500 / 5100
5000 / 5000
5300 / 4200
5450 / 1800
5500 / 920
5600 / 180
5650 / 0

1)  Enter the following data table into an Excel spreadsheet. These data points were collected at 29 locations along 39˚ north latitude from New Jersey to Portugal.

2)  Generate a scatter graph in Excel. Connect your data points with a smooth line.

3)  We want our graph to show the DEPTH of the ocean. Therefore, the values on the y-axis need to be reversed. To do this:

a.  Right-click on any number on the y-axis.

b.  Select “format axis”

c.  Select “values in reverse order” and change your minimum to 0.

4)  Add axis titles, units, a specific main title, and your name.

5)  Remove the legend.

6)  Add labels to your graph for each of the ocean floor features that can be observed. You can do this by adding text boxes. (Use the diagram on the back of this page as a reference.)

7)  Have your graph checked before you print!

8)  Answer the analysis questions below on the back of your graph.

Analysis Questions: (Answer in complete responses on the back of your graph!)

1)  What ocean-floor structure occurs between

a.  160 and 1050 km east of New Jersey?

b.  2000 and 4500 km?

c.  5300 and 5600 km?

2)  The scale of a graph refers to how much actual distance is represented by a given distance on the graph. To calculate scale, find the total distance represented by the axis (usually in m or km). Divide this by the total measured distance of the scale (usually in cm).

a.  What is the vertical (y-axis) scale of your profile? Include units!

b.  What is the horizontal (x-axis) scale? Include units!

3)  When a profile is drawn without exaggeration, both the horizontal and vertical scales must be the same (including units). Does your profile give an accurate picture of the ocean floor or is it exaggerated? If it is exaggerated, are slopes steeper or shallower than they should be? If the object is compressed more in the horizontal direction, the graph becomes squashed and the slopes are steeper. If the object is compressed less in the horizontal direction, the graph is stretched and the slopes are gentler.