Public Health Student Association
Meeting Minutes
Present: Pamela Goldberg President
Virginia Porter Treasurer
Tracy Jones Staff/Faculty Advisor
Jane Van de Grift
Dr. Tony Ward
Dr. Craig Molgaard
Kathryn Fox Vice President
Rebecca Goe Secretary
Janell Porter Member-at-Large
I. Review of last meeting minutes
· Review minutes from 1/22/2015 meeting --approved as read.
II. Membership Coordinator
· The group approved Jane Van de Grift as the new membership coordinator.
III. PHSA Membership Form
· Reviewed the PHSA membership form. Tracy will add “other” to the response options for, “what is your gender.” Kay will draft a disclaimer for the membership form.
IV. Membership Data Base
· The group reviewed the fields for the membership database. Tracy will check with the Council for Education on Public Health to make sure we are collecting the required information.
V. Update on letter of recommendations for statistics
· Helen Russette drafted a letter outlining recommendations for future statistics courses. Helen and Pam presented it to the Instruction committee where it was well received. It will also be presented to the Program committee. Dr. Molgaard shared the letter with Dr. Erin Semmens who will be instructing the course in the future. Although course content is ultimately up to Dr. Simmons she seemed open to the suggestions.
VI. Partnership with the food bank
· Paige Ely, the Americorps VISTA for the Missoula Food Bank contacted Becca about coming to talk with PHSA about food insecurity in Missoula. She may join us for our next meeting.
VII. Other
· PHD program—Dr. Tony Ward spoke with the Dean about the possibility of creating a PhD program. The possible tracks for the PhD program include, Rural and Tribal Environmental Health and Environmental Epidemiology. Megan, Pam and Becca drafted a survey evaluating interest in a PhD program among public health students and professionals in Montana. Dr. Ward sent the draft to others for review before finalizing it. For now, the survey will only be shared with people in Montana. Pam spoke with the director of the Montana Hospital Association and he was willing to forward the survey to his staff.
· Orientation Video – Dr. Molgaard would like a new orientation video by Fall 2015. During the next meeting we will discuss how to accomplish this.
· Book Share – Tracy wanted to remind everybody to send a list of books they are willing to lend on the Book Share Portal.