October 6, 2014
The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, October 6, 2014 in the Helena Municipal Building at 6:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.
Council President Cris Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Leslie Bartlett led prayer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Joshua Whitman.
Roll Call
Members: Mayor Hall, Leigh Hulsey, Cris Nelson, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
Visitors: Doug Jones, George Pickle, John Wilder, Jason Powers, Dan Dearing and others (list attached)
Council President Cris Nelson declared a quorum present and meeting was open for business.
5. Minutes Approved/Corrected from Prior Meeting(s)
Harold Woodman made a motion to approve the Pre-Council minutes and Regular Meeting Minutes from September 15, 2014 with a second by Leigh Hulsey.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
6. Bills
Leslie Bartlett made a motion to approve the bills with a second by Mike Jones.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
7. Report from Mayor Hall
Mayor Hall advised the following: Advised he has met with ALDOT and the intersection at 52/261/17/91 has started and not a long term project; Red light for Hillsboro Parkway/52W bid has been accepted and is a lengthy project but will be worth it; Recognized Lilly Clayton and Jason Powers for being voted the Best of the Best Community Center for 2014.
8. Approve General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2014/2015
Cris Nelson advised the Mayor and Department Heads has been working on this budget for over two months and in the budget it shows a step raise with a 3% COLA for employees.
Mayor Hall advised getting the step raises back in place was needed for the employees. A few employees have felt the need to leave because of insurance and would like to work hard on getting insurance rates down as soon as feasible.
Mike Jones made a motion to approve General Fund Budget Fiscal Year 2014/2015 with a second by Leigh Hulsey.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
October 6, 2014
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9. Introduction of 2014/2015 Teen Council
Kylie Woodman, Tiara Pennington, Angel Sarris, Barrett Bowling, Parker Cunningham, Emily Englezos, Chris Adams, Josie Stafford, Trinity Scozzaro, Haley Rogers, Meghan Wilson, Angela Knight, and Ashli Funches.
10. El Patron Bar and Grill, LLC Liquor License transfer-Lucia Estrada Salgado
Cris Nelson explained this is for a license transfer to go from an individual into an LLC.
Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve El Patron Bar and Grill, LLC Liquor License transfer with a second by Mike Jones.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
11. Resolution 10062014- Miller request for driveway access off Bridlewood Drive
Penny Miller was present to answer any questions.
Harold Woodman made a motion to approve Resolution 10062014 with a second by Mike Jones.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
12. Proclamation- October Fire Prevention Month
Fire Chief John Wilder presented and read the Proclamation.
Mike Jones made a motion to approve October Fire Prevention Month Proclamation with a second by Leslie Bartlett.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
13. Helena Historic Preservation Committee membership changes
Harold Woodman advised they are considering two of the four: Ron Holly, Billy Harris, Marianne Sides, and Beverly Prighter.
Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve Helena Historic Preservation Committee membership changes with a second by Leslie Bartlett.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
14. Proclamation-October Dyslexia Awareness Month
Mike Jones made a motion to approve October Dyslexia Awareness Proclamation with a second by Leigh Hulsey.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
October 6, 2014
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15. Connie Pedoto-Request consideration for B4 Use Only Zoning-Property located off Helena Road Parcel #13-5-15-3-006-003.000-Favorable recommendation from Planning and Zoning meeting 09/18/14
Mike Jones made a motion to approve the conditional use for property located off Helena Road Parcel # 13-5-15-3-006-003.000 with the conditions as stated provided by land owners that are attached to minutes with a second by Leigh Hulsey.
AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman
NAY: None
Motion carried.
16. Council Comments
Harold Woodman: Congratulations to the Helena Teen Council. Also, congratulations to Helena Depot for winning the Helena Spirit Award.
Leslie Bartlett: Congratulations for the Community Center winning the best of the best and to Lilly.
Mike Jones: Thanks to everyone for coming.
Leigh Hulsey: Basketball registration is going on now; Tennis Clinics are still available.
Cris Nelson: Invited everyone to Frankie’s Tuesday at 8am for the monthly Helena Business Association meeting, and advised Mayor Hall would be speaking.
11. Adjourn
There being no further business Leslie Bartlett made a motion to adjourn meeting with a second by Mike Jones at 6:41 P.M.
Amanda C. Traywick Cris Nelson
City Clerk Council President